The K to 12 education reform will upgrade the country’s education system and align it to the
requirements of the 21st century. This will require a K to 12 teacher to develop the essential
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values of the students to enable them to cope with these
It is imperative for K to 12 teachers to know the characteristics or attributes critical to 21st
century education so that they may be able to integrate them in their teaching.
The following are the attributes of the K to 12 Teacher:
• Multi-literate- As the 21st century expands our learning, literacy or “the ability
to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute printed and
written materials” (UNESCO, 2005) must also expand to include media and digital
literacy. A multiliterate teacher knows how to use various technologies in teaching.
Multispecialist- K to 12 education gears for the holistic development of learners. In
developing the whole child, various learnings and experiences must be integrated.
For this, teachers must be multispecialist, that is, they must be knowledgeable not
only in the subject area they are teaching but in other areas as well so that they can
help the learner build up what they gain in classrooms and outside the school and
make sense of what was learned.
• Multiskilled- K to 12 ushers in various ways of learning. For teachers to cope with
the demand for widening learning opportunities, they must be skillful not just in
teaching but also in facilitating, organizing groups and activities.
• Self-directed- Teachers who are responsible in various aspects of school life must
know how to initiate action and bring to fruition the learning goals of the students
and the educational goals of the country.
• Lifelong learner-For K to 12 teachers, learning never ends. Teachers must be
constantly updated on the latest information related to their subject and the trends
in pedagogy. Moreover, they should also be sharing and applying what they are
learning with their students and colleagues.
• Flexible- K to 12 education is student-centered. Thus, teachers must be able to adapt
to various learning styles and needs of the learners. Teachers must also be flexible
enough to ensure that learning takes place all the time using alternative modes.
• Creative problem solver-Providing quality education is not without hurdles.
Problems will be there inside the classroom and within the school. Teachers must
be there to offer innovative ideas and creative solutions to problems.
• Critical thinker-The development of higher order thinking skills is an important
goal of K to 12 Education. Teachers need to be critical thinkers so that they could
stir students to think about what they have learned, ask questions, reason out, probe,
and establish their own knowledge and belief.
• Has passion for excellent teaching- Having the passion to teach effectively ensures
that students learn under the care and guidance of a teacher. An ordinary teacher
merely talks and gives instruction to students, but a K to 12 teacher has a passion
that motivates students to learn and succeed in life.
• High Emotional Quotient (EQ)- To be a successful K to 12 teacher, one must not
only have the head but also the heart to teach. Teaching is an emotionally taxing
and influential job as it involves interaction with human beings. This demands that
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