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Sunday, September 18, 2022



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District



I.                    Project Summary Information

A.      Project Title: Project REACh: Reading Engagement Activities for Children

B.      Proponents: Mary Grace U. Ramos

                        Glenda B. Parafina

                        Sunny Boy B. Lozano

                        Noel R. Dauran  

C.      Project Location: Baya Elementary School

D.     Cooperating Agency: DepED, Ragay, Camarines Sur

E.      Funding Agency: Parents Teachers Association (PTA)

F.       Project Duration: School Year 2022-2023

II.                 Rationale of the Project:

        Oral Reading is one of the five major components of research – based reading program (National Reading Panel).  Reading Fluently refers to the ability to read text with automaticity, accurately, and good prosody. When the learners read fluently, they can spends less energy on decoding and pronunciation strategies and focus more on the overall goal of reading – constructing meaning from text. It has often been found that learners who struggle with comprehension, also struggle with fluency (Rasinski, 2015)

         Oral language lays the foundation for the reading and writing skills children will develop as they enter the progress through school. They will use oral language in all aspects of their education, as they connect with their peers and teachers, and throughout their lives as they grow into adulthood. Having a solid foundation in oral language will help children become successful readers a strong communicator as well as build their confidence and overall sense of well-being (Reeder,2017)

III.               Objectives:

Project REACh specifically aims to attain the following;

A.   Achieved zero non-reader among Grade 4 to Grade 6 learners of Baya Elementary School for S/Y 2022 – 2023  

B.   Improved listening, speaking, reading, writing skills and vocabulary skills from the baseline to 90.

IV.               Description of the Project:

               Considering of the challenges that we have at Baya Elementary School, we commit to attain our objectives through partnership and collaboration. This one (1) year activity shall focus mainly on the improvement of Reading Literacy among learners through PROPOSED INNOVATION, INTERVENTION, AND STRATEGY. Teachers are expected to lead in all the planned undertakings. The proponents shall spearhead coordination with partner program within the school like project CATCH UP LN. Various methods and activities will be implemented for the realization of the project.

V.                 Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

            The following were the proposed Innovation, Intervention, and strategies under Project REACh:

1.      Script Selection – Before the week begins, choose a script, or prepare one based on a text. Make copies for the group, three or more for each member.

2.      Reader’s Theatre – This will be done every Monday. Discuss the purpose and procedures for Readers’ play with the class/group. Assign learners parts by having them volunteer. Practice needs to be done aloud and silently. On Tuesday, Wednesday, have learners practice their parts in class, on their own, in their groups, and at home. This activity can also be done during center time or as part of remedial period.

3.      Paired (or partner) reading – the learners read with a peer partner. Each partner takes a turn reading to the other. A more fluent reader can be paired with less fluent to model fluent reading. The more fluent reader can provide feedback and encouragement to the less reader.

4.      Choral Reading – In choral or unison reading, learners read along as a group with a teacher.

5.      Culminating Activity – Friday is performance day. Learners can read /perform their scripts for an audience of classmate, parents or even the principal. Remember, this is not a performance based on memorization. They are reading the script they have practiced over the week.

6.      Word Wall – is a collection of words which are displayed in large visible letters on a wall which designed to be an interactive tool for learners and contain an array of words that can be used during reading.

VI.               Scope of the Project:

                This project shall be implemented in all grade 4 to Grade 6 learners for School year 2022-2023

VII.            Beneficiaries/Recipients:

                 The entire school population of Grade 4 to Grade 6 learners for school year 2022-2023, specifically:

VIII.          Monitoring and Evaluation:

                  To ensure the success of this project monitoring and evaluation scheme shall be in place throughout the duration of the program. The school head together with the Monitoring and Evaluation Team shall oversee this.

                            Prepared by:

Master Teacher 2


                                                         ALMA C. AGUIRRE
                                                      Principal 1











Sample Project Proposal

Republic of the Philippines 
Department of Education 
Region V 
Division of Camarines Sur 
Ragay District 


 I. Project Summary Information 

A. Project Title: Project SHINE: (Sanitation and Hygiene INnovation in Education) 
B. Proponent: Noel R. Dauran 
C. Project Location: Baya Elementary School \
D. Cooperating Agency: DepED, Ragay, Camarines Sur 
E. Funding Agency: Parents Teachers Association (PTA) 
F. Project Duration: School Year 2021-2022 

II. Rationale of the Project: 
             WASH in schools is a first step towards ensuring a healthy physical learning environment. Schools with quality WASH programs can lessen the spread of viruses. WASH in school focuses on the standard for the promotion of a clean and safe school environment and correct hygiene and sanitation practices among learners. As a response to the COVID 19 situation and strengthen the observance of the pandemic preparedness and response measures, Baya Elementary School is urged to incorporate protective measures into the school routines and is currently developing checklist to brief the teachers, parents, learners and gauge the readiness for the face to face classes. 

III. Objectives: Project SHINE specifically aims to attain the following; 
        A. Reduce morbidity among school children that root from poor hygiene and sanitation practices.            B. Promote positive behavior change and gender equality among children; and 
        C. Affirms children’s right to health and education.
IV. Description of the Project: 
         Considering of the challenges that we have at Baya Elementary School, we commit to attain our objectives through partnership and collaboration. This one (1) year activity shall focus mainly on the improvement of sanitation and hygiene among learners through public information dissemination and practices at home. Teachers are expected to lead in all the planned undertakings. The proponent shall spearhead coordination with partner organization within the school like project BAGSIC, SWMP and other agencies like Department of Natural Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Local Government Unit (LGU) and Barangay council. Various methods and activities will be implemented for the realization of the project. 

V. Scope of the Project: 
         This project shall be implemented in all grade level from kindergarten to Grade six. 

VI. Beneficiaries/Recipients: The entire school population for school year 2021-2022, specifically: 338 learners, 284 parents/home learning partners, 14 teachers, 1 school head and 1 watchman. 

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation: In order to ensure the success of this project monitoring and evaluation scheme shall be in place throughout the duration of the program. The school head together with the Monitoring and Evaluation Team shall oversee this. 

                                 Prepared by: 
          NOEL R. DAURAN 
      School WASH Coordinator 

                                   Approved:                   ALMA C. AGUIRRE 
                                                                                 Principal 1

Friday, July 8, 2022



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District



(Beautification And Greening the School Initiative and Cleanliness) 

Schools do the best that they can to provide the most conducive learning environment for the learners. Providing a safe, child-friendly, and motivating environment is one of the main concerns of the school aside from delivering quality instruction. One can judge the effectiveness of a school through its quality of instructions, excellent delivery of basic educational services and conducive learning environment.

Baya Elementary School (BES) underwent several transformations brought about by changes in leadership, modernization, and natural causes. In 2020, one of the major problems confronting the school is its poor learning environment which affects the achievement level of learners, enrolment, and stakeholders’ support for the school.

It is for this reason that the school initiated a school – based intervention project entitled “Project BAGSIC” (Beautification And Greening the School Initiative and Cleanliness Campaign in order to address the problems’ brought about by the school’s poor learning environment.


The school Planning Team (SPT) headed by Ms. Alma C. Aguirre

This conceptualized intervention project was launched in 2020, that focuses mainly on the beautification and cleanliness of the school grounds in its first year of implementation. The school planning team (SPT) headed by the school principal Ms. Alma C. Aguirre, Project team and other members identified partners for its first year of implementation. Project partnered with the GPTA for the school year 2020 – 2021. After a series of planning meetings, a fundraising drive was conceptualized. The search for Mrs. PTA 2020 was launched and able to raised enough fund to start the project. The GPTA allotted Php. 50,000.00 to purchase plant, soil, garden materials and other equipment for the landscaping of the school ground. Teachers were also provided materials for structuring their classrooms.

 Coronation Rites Mrs. PTA 2020

The first year of Implementation of Project BAGSIC was very tough. Taking into consideration the funds, manpower needed to start the project, and the wide scope of work needed to be done. The main focus was the school grounds that need a lot of improvement. Classroom also need to be restructured to provide conducive learning environment for the learners. Massive landscaping was also a priority to green the school.

               Parents made flowering plot using empty bottles

Project BAGSIC partnered with the YES-O club through their “Pera sa Basura”, as a partner, they were in charge of beautifying the school garden and conducted regular clean up drive around the school grounds. It also heightened environmental awareness and promote cleanliness and advocacy to school as No Littering and Zero Waste School. 

YES- O Officers painted the wall

Another partner was the Supreme Pupil Government (SPG). They spearheaded the “Oplan Dampot” and “Project Luntian ” these initiatives aim to inculcate the value of cleanliness among learners and maintain a green school environment by planting flowering and ornamentals plants around the school premises respectively.

                       Different varieties of flowers planted in school premises

Another challenge was the revival of the school vegetative garden. Project BAGSIC collaborated with the Gulayan sa Paaralan in order to revive the said area. The PTA led the revival of the school garden. They were able to solicit funds from other stakeholders and some local government officials which were used to purchase seedlings for the garden vegetables and harvested were used for the feeding programs of the school.

                        Parents cultivated the soil for planting vegetables

                                 Grade VI Learners Tree Planting Activity


                   Prepared by;  











Principal 1


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division Office of Camarines Sur 


(Sanitation and Hygiene INNovation in Education)
School Year 2021-2022

The advocacy on the promotion of correct hygiene and sanitation and practices among school children and clean environment has been the government priority through the Department of Education to keep the learners safe and healthy, excel academically and develop to be productive citizens in the country.

            DepED Order No. 10 s. 2016 – policy guidelines for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools (WinS) Program stipulated that the Central Office, through the school Health Division of the Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS), shall take the necessary strategies and actions for the overall execution.

MS. Alma C. Aguirre discussed Deped Order No.10 S.2016 to teachers and parents

            WASH in School is a first step toward ensuring a healthy physical learning environment. School with quality WASH program can lessen the spread of Covid 19. Ensure every child or parent goes to a school with WASH water, sanitation and Hygiene education. Wash in Schools focusses on the standards for the promotion practices among learners and their parent.

Mr. Noel R. Dauran explained the three (3) star approach WASH in Schools

            Baya Elementary School (BES) always embarks on activities and programs that aims to reinforce a healthy and enabling environment for our learners. We strive to continuously provide a safe, healthful and thriving setting for school children as it is important to ensure their total well-being that is vital for their educational success, poor water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions in school make children prone to illness and diarrhea, intestinal worms and acute respiratory infections. These diseases have serious impact on children’s education and leading them to miss school often affecting their academic performance. In order to make certain that these circumstances are avoided, Baya Elementary School has taken the challenge to help transform live through the WASH in schools (Wins) Program.

            The school Principal, Ms. Alma C. Aguirre, assigned a Technical Working Group (TWG) for Wins which are composed of teachers, parents and the barangay health worker, who will lead our community to assess, plan, implement and evaluate activities that are aimed to improve our school facilities, practices and educational approach. The school conducted a General Orientation for teachers, parents and stakeholders to discuss the goals and implementation of the Wins Program. An initial assessment was done through the use of three Star Approach for WASH in Schools focusing on health education, deworming, hygiene, sanitation and water accessibility.

            These concepts were then translated to actions by the TWG, deficits and concerns self-care were strengthened by making sure that WinS is included in the curriculum, teachers, school staff and GPTA Officers made different projects toward the actualization of the BES’ mission as part of the service for our future leaders.


DIY Washing Facility situated at the school gate

 Improvement on our school facilities include construction of (2) new wash unit with 10 faucets each for group handwashing and toothbrushing activities, provision of  two (2) water dispenser for easier drinking water accessibility, restoration of existing lavatories and toilets, secured toilets for girls and boys, regular maintenance of school drainages and septic tank, installation of handrails to one (1) comfort room for learners with disability, provision of Menstrual Hygiene Management Information Corner in every classroom from Grade 4 to 6, provision of segregated waste bins and trash cans, posting of hygiene and sanitation Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.

Repair of WATSAN 2 Facilities on December 2022 charged against MOOE 2021

Pls. see separate approved proposal & POW

Repair of WATSAN 2 Facilities on December 2022 charged against MOOE 2021

Pls. see separate approved proposal & POW

Newly constructed washing Facilities 

            Baya Elementary School also reinforced it waste management policies such as its “No Burning of Waste” Biodegradable waste from the school canteen are decomposed in our designated compost pits while non-biodegradable waste like food wrappers are cut into pieces are utilized in Eco-pillows, flower base, and curtains. Plastic bottles are utilized in making flowering pots for hanging plants. These policies helped reduce the school’s plastic waste and encouraged children to refuse the use of single use plastics. Teachers and externals stakeholders provide free drinking water inside their classrooms to prevent heat-related ailment and maintain their focus in class. WinS is one of the most basic aspect in ensuring that children are ready for learning. By addressing WASH in schools, we are helping to: prevent hygiene related disease, promote positive behavior and life skill, improve attendance and participation, help them thrive and learn better, promote gender equality and affirm children’s right to health and education.


Products made of recyclable material


                                    Prepared by:


School WINS Coordinator




                                                                     School Principal 1