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Saturday, March 8, 2014

The illustration below is the female reproductive system.

1.      In which part does an embryo or unborn fetus develop?
A.      I           C. III
B.      II          D. IV

2.      If an ovary produces egg cells, what produces the sperm cells?
A.      Testes
B.      Scrotum
C.      Epididymis
D.     Vas deferens

3.      Which part and its function in the female reproductive system is similar to that of vas deferens in the male reproductive system?
A.      Ovaries, that releases eggs.
B.      Fallopian tube, that serve as pathways of egg cells.
C.      Uterus , where implantation of the new embryo takes place.
D.     Vagina, that provides an opening through which the sperms can enter the female’s body.

4.      Which reproductive organ produces the sperm cell?
A.      Testis
B.      Uterus
C.      Ovary
D.     Epididymis

5.      Which reproductive organ produces the hormone that develops the secondary sex characteristics in human females?
A.      Uterus
B.      Testis
C.      Prostate glands
D.     Ovary

6.      Animal have adaptations that help them to survive. One example is their own coloring of frogs’ skin. What purpose does this adaptation serve?
A.      For getting food
B.      For attracting a mate
C.      For protection from heat
D.     For protection from predators

7.      How do grasshoppers protect themselves from their enemies?
A.      They have color blends with the surrounding.
B.      They have sharp teeth to bite their enemies.
C.      They have strong hind legs to drive away their enemies.
D.     They have ears that easily detect movement of their enemies.

8.      Which of the following animal characteristics is NOT mimicry?
A.      Frogs can change their colors.
B.      Turtles hide inside their hard shells.
C.      Walking stick blends with twigs and under bush.
D.     Sphinx moth resembles its wooden resting place.

9.       What do snakes and mudfish do when they hibernate?
A.      They sleep for a long time.
B.      They develop hard body coverings.
C.      They change their protective coverings.
D.     They migrate or transfer to other places.

10.  How do ants, monkeys, and elephants protect themselves from enemies?
A.      They change to a color that blends with the surroundings
B.      They produce loud cries to scare away their enemies
C.      They develop strong legs for running.
D.     They group themselves

11.  Why can a cactus plant survive in a desert?
A.      It has a large stem that stores water.
B.      It has hairy-like structures in the stem.
C.      It has roots that store water under the ground.
D.     It has no leaves and does not bear any flower.
12.  Rice, corn, sugar cane, and cogon grass have one common characteristics. Which is it?
A.      They are all shrub plants.
B.      They reproduce sexually.
C.      They have similar venation.
D.     They are fruit bearing plants.

13.  How do ants and termites protect themselves from enemies?
A.      They live in colonies.
B.      They hide underground.
C.      They change their color.
D.     They have poisonous fangs.


Which statement about the plants shown above is NOT true?
A.      All have chlorophyll
B.      All have vascular tissues
C.      All have reproductive structures
D.     All manufacture their own foods.

15.  Which of the following plants bears seeds?
A.      Fern
B.      Moss
C.      Algae
D.     Pine tree

16.  The illustration below is the human urinary system.

Which part do liquid waste pass through from its formation to its elimination from the body?
A.         I, II, III, and IV
B.         I, II, III, and V
C.         I, III, IV, and V
D.        II, III, IV and V

17.              What is the function of the kidney?
A.      It stores urine.
B.      It carries urine out of the body.
C.      It removes waste from the blood.
D.     It gives signal to the brain to expel the urine from the body.

18.  What happens if the urethra is removed from the excretory system?
A.      Amount of salt, minerals and vitamins in the blood will be regulated.
B.      Urine will continue flowing.
C.      Urine will not be formed.
D.     Blood cannot be filtered.

19.  Which of the following are true about the kidneys?

I.        Take nutrient from food and convert them to energy
II.      Remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine
III.    Keep stable balance of salt and other substance in the blood
IV.    Alert a person when it is time to urinate

A.         I and II
B.         II and III
C.         III and IV
D.        II and Iv

20.              Which of the following vertebrates are mammals?
A.      Bat, cow, and goat
B.      Eagle, turkey, and owl
C.      Turtle, crocodile, and snake
D.     Frog, toad, and salamander

21.              Which group of vertebrates can be classified as reptiles?
A.      Turtle, oyster, ostrich, and milkfish
B.      Iguana, alligators, shrimps, and whale
C.      Alligator dove, snake, and salamander
D.     Lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles
22.  Which of the following lists are all reptiles?
A.      Dolphin, goat, monkey, pig
B.      Salamander, frog, toad
C.      Turtle, crocodile, snake
D.     Tilapia, mudfish

23.  Which group of animals consists of a reptile, a fish, and an amphibian, respectively?
A.      Turtle, whale, bat
B.      Crocodile, shark, frog
C.      Snake, dolphin, alligator
D.     Scorpion, starfish, shrimps

24.  Which special characteristics of the egret (tagak) a wetland bird, are used to hunt for food?
I.     Long, thin legs with webbed feet
II.   Light, thin body with large wings
III. Long, pointed, and sharp beak
IV. White, glossy, and waterproof feathers

A.      I and II
B.      I and III
C.      I and IV
D.     II and IV

25.  Which special characteristics allow the frog to escape from its enemies?
I.     Long, elastic, and sticky tongue
II.   Short forearms and long hind legs
III. Loud voice
IV. Slimy skin

A.      I and II
B.      I and III
C.      I and IV
D.     II and IV

26.  To which group does the dolphin belong?
A.      Amphibians
B.      Mammals
C.      Reptiles
D.     Fish

27.              What characteristics of ampalaya plants protect them from their enemies?
A.      They emit foul odor.
B.      They have bitter taste.
C.      They usually climb upward.
D.     They grow thorns on their stems.

28.              What special structure do bougainvilleas have that made people plant them along their fence?
A.      They have hooks.
B.      They have sticky juice.
C.      They have pleasant smell.
D.     They have sharp thorns.

29.  Gymnosperm plants are cone-bearing. Which plant is an example of Gymnosperm?

30.     What characteristics do mango, papaya, and guava plants have in common?
A.      They produce cone.
B.      They produce spores.
C.      They are flowering plants.
D.     They are non-flowering plants.

31.     Which of the following drawings shows chemical change in a material?

32.     Rowena hang the wet clothes outside the house. After eight hours, the clothes driep up. What changes took place with the drying of the clothes?
A.      Chemical change
B.      Physical change
C.      Physical and chemical change
D.     None of the above

27. which of the following situations shows chemical change?
A.   the melting wax.
B.   the boiling water.
c.   the cut pieces of cloth
D.   the burning wick of a candle

28. which of the following activities results in a physical change?
       A.    molding clay
       B.    baking bread
       C.     Digesting food
       D.     Roasting chicken

29. which of the following is a result of a chemical change?
       A. frozen water
       B. Broken glass
       C. chopped wood
       D. Tarnished silverware

30.Which process in the cycle turns water to water vapour with the aid of sunlight?
A.         Evaporation
B.         Precipitation
C.         Condensation
D.        Cloud formation

31.  Which of the following changes happens during precipitation process?
A.      Formation of water vapour from bodies of water.
B.      Formation of water vapour from clouds.
C.      Formation of clouds from water vapour.
D.     Formation of rain from clouds

32.  During which process is oxygen given off by plants?
A.      Transpiration
B.      Photosynthesis
C.      Respiration
D.     Evaporation

33.  Which is the most distinct characteristics of Jupiter?
A.      It has a large spot.
B.      It has a colourful ring.
C.      It is the largest planet.
D.     It is the smallest planet.

34.        I. Eliminates solid and liquid wastes from the body.
II. Receives, conducts, integrates, and interprets impulses.
III. Transport blood, water, and nutrients to all parts of the body.
IV. Converts chemical energy in nutrients into body heat.
V. Takes oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide from the body.

Which is the function of the circulatory system?
A.      I     B. V     C. III     D. IV

35.     Which is the function of the nervous system?
A.      IV  B. II       C. V      D. III

36.     What is the function of the nervous system?
A.      It controls all body activities
B.      It removes liquid waste materials.
C.      It transport blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.
D.     It carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from the body.

37.     Which arrow diagram shows the correct path of the flow of blood around the body?
A.      Veins – lungs – heart – arteries – capillaries
B.      Veins – heart – capillaries – lungs – arteries – capillaries
C.      Veins – arteries – heart – capillaries – heart – lungs – artery
D.     Veins – heart – pulmonary – artery – lungs – heart – artery – capillaries

38.  What is the function of the capillaries?
A.      They carry blood away from the heart
B.      They transport blood from the lungs back to the heart
C.      They carry oxygen and nutrient to the cells
D.     They transport the blood containing carbon dioxide from the heart to the lungs.

39.  Which part of the circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body?
A.      Lungs
B.      Heart
C.      Stomach
D.     Diaphragm

40.  Which statement below best describes the interdependence of plants and animals through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle?
A.      Animals need oxygen from the plant for respiration while plants need carbon dioxide given off by animals for photosynthesis.
B.      Animals need carbon dioxide from the plants for respiration while plants need oxygen given off by animals for photosynthesis.
C.      Animals can make food through the oxygen taken from the plants make use of carbon dioxide given off by animals for transpiration.
D.     Animals need plants for growth while plants need animals for protection.

41.  What happens during breathing?
A.      The chest rises, the diaphragm curves upward, air rushed out. The chest moves downward, the diaphragm flattens, air rushed in.
B.      The chest rises, the diaphragm, air rushed in. the chest move downward, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes out.
C.      The chest rises, the diaphragm flattens, flattens, air rushes out, the diaphragm curves upward, air rushes in.
D.     The chest rises, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes in. the chest moves downward, diaphragm curves upward, air rushes out.

42.  Which of the arrows describes the path of inhaled air?
A.      Nose – trachea – Bronchi
B.      Nose – Trachea – Air sacs – diaphragm
C.      Nose – Pharynx – Trachea – Bronchi – Air Sacs
D.     Nose – Pharynx – Trachea – Bronchi –Air Sacs – Diaphragm
43.  Which illustration shows the major parts of the nervous system?

44.  Which statement about the plants in the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle is TRUE?
A.      Plants give off carbon dioxide used by animals.
B.      Plants give off oxygen used by animals in breathing.
C.      Plants need oxygen to make starch during photosynthesis.
D.     Plants need carbon dioxide from the sun to manufacture food.

45.  If the population in a small community increases, which will likely happen?
A.      Space for shelter will be limited.
B.      Disposal of wastes will be improved.
C.      Supply of food will be more than enough.

46.  Which likely to happen in a small community with limited land area as more and more families move to settle there?
A.      Families will enjoy spacious and big houses.
B.      Surrounding areas will be cleaner and greener
C.      Agricultural land will be converted to residential lots.
D.     Demand for food will be lesser.

47.  Why is kaingin system a bad practice?
A.      It pollutes rivers and seas.
B.      It pollutes mountains and forests.
C.      It deprives hunters of many wild animals
D.     It clears the land of trees which prevents flood.

48.  Many farm and forestland are converted into housing areas. If more lands are used for residential purposes, how would this affect the environment?
A.      Reduced habitat of wild plants and animals
B.      Improved health and sanitation
C.      Decreased garbage problems
D.     More production of food
49.  When salt is coated on the fresh fish, what is its effect on the fish?
A.      Salt prevents the growth of bacteria.
B.      Salt allows microorganism to grow.
C.      Salt draws water from the fish.
D.     Salt spoils the fish

50.  Many farmers use commercial fertilizers to increase their crop production. If this practice continues for a longer period, what could be its effect?
A.      The soil will be more fertile.
B.      The groundwater will be polluted.
C.      Plants will be immune from diseases.
D.     Useful soil microorganism will grow abundantly.

51.  What causes a rubber ball that rolls on a smooth floor to slow down and then stop?
A.      The force that made the ball roll is not large enough to make it continue rolling.
B.      The friction between the ball and the floor prevents the ball to continue rolling
C.      The force that started the ball rolling does not act on the ball anymore.
D.     The wax and dirt on the floor stick on the ball.

52.  Two unknown stars are observed from a distance. One is blue and the other is red. What does the blue color tell us?
A.      The blue star is smaller than the red star.
B.      The blue star is cooler than the red star.
C.      The blue star is bigger than the red star.
D.     The blue star is hotter than the red star.

53.  Which part of the brain controls reflex actions such as sneezing and eye blinking?
A.      Cerebrum
B.      Cerebellum
C.      Temporal lobe
D.     Medulla Oblongata

54.  Which part of the brain controls the muscular coordination of the body?
A.      Cerebrum
B.      Brain stem
C.      Cerebellum
D.     Hypothalamus

55.  Which part of the brain controls mental processes like thinking, memorizing, and decision making?
A.      Cerebrum
B.      Cerebellum
C.      Brain stem
D.     Hypothalamus

56.  In what ways does the nervous system functions as a two-way communication system in the body?
A.      The brain receives messages through sensory nerves, and sends out messages through motor nerves.
B.      It has brain that consists of two hemisphere: the left and the right hemisphere.
C.      The spinal cord contains bodies of nerve cells where messages to the brain pass through
D.     It has two vital organs: the brain and the spinal cord.

57.  Which part is not involved in the systemic circulation of blood?
A.      Lungs
B.      Heart
C.      Aorta
D.     Veins

58.  In which blood vessels does the blood transfer food substance and oxygen to the cells, and remove carbon dioxide and other wastes?
A.      In the veins
B.      In the arteries
C.      In the venules
D.     In the capillaries

59.  Which part of the human circulatory system brings blood to all parts of the body?
A.      Veins
B.      Venules
C.      Arteries
D.     Superior vena cava

60.  While sitting on a wooden chair, you push a heavy table, and your chair moves backward. Which statement explain this?
A.      Objects in motion tend to remain in motion.
B.      Objects at rest tend to remain at rest
C.      For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
D.     Balanced forces acting on an object do not make the object move.

61.  What factor causes the motion of the car to slow down as it is moving up the slope of a mountain?
A.      The gravity of the Earth that pulls the car down the slope.
B.      The force of the car that decreases as it goes up the slope.
C.      The weight of the car that increases as it moves up a mountain.
D.     The frictional force between the road and the wheels of the car that decreases as it moves up a mountain.

62.  What factor causes the Philippines to have tropical climate where humidity and temperature are high?
A.      Its location from the equator
B.      Its surroundings big oceans
C.      Its mountainous region
D.     Its great land mass

63.  Which factor causes different climate conditions on the different countries of the world as polar temperate, and tropical?
A.      The height of the place from the sea level
B.      The distance of the place from the equator.
C.      The distance of the region on the sea.
D.     The amount of the heat the place receives from the sun.

64.  The following statements explain the Big Bang Theory EXCEPT:
A.      All matter in the galaxies were once packed into one big ball.
B.      The stars moved so far that they could not be seen anymore
C.      The universe expanded and would soon expand over again
D.     The stars came from the materials that exploded and thrown outward and moved farther away from each other.

65.  What would happen to the universe in the future according to the Big Bang Theory?
A.      New galaxies will form.
B.      The universe will come to an end.
C.      Galaxies will continue moving away from each other.
D.     Galaxies will move toward each other then form a single galaxy.

66.  Salt gives taste to our food. But eating too much salty food could cause
A.      Obesity
B.      Diabetes
C.      Blood clothing
D.     Kidney stone

67.  Which of the following additives enhances the flavour of cooked food but may cause headache and nausea in people sensitive to it?
A.      Sodium benzoate
B.      Vetsin or MSG
C.      Citric acid
D.     Salt

68.  An additive that is mixed with flour in making pandesal was found to cause cancer. What is this additive?
A.      Sodium nitrate
B.      Bromated
C.      Vetsin
D.     Sugar

69.  What energy do children get from eating mangoes and bananas?
A.      Light energy
B.      Thermal energy
C.      Chemical energy
D.     Mechanical energy

70.  What form of energy is produced by a guitar string that is plucked?
A.      Sound
B.      Thermal
C.      Electrical
D.     Mechanical

71.  What form of energy is produced when an electric fan is in use?
A.      Radiant
B.      Electrical
C.      Chemical
D.     Mechanical

72.  What force keeps our feet from sliding when we are running or walking?
A.      Gravitational force
B.      Centripetal force
C.      Friction
D.     Inertia

73.  What force causes a ball that is rolling on the floor to slow down and stop?
A.      Inertia
B.      Gravity
C.      Friction
D.     Weight

74.  A large fruit falls from a tree. What makes it move faster and faster as it approaches the ground?
A.      Inertia
B.      Force of gravity
C.      Force of the wind
D.     Distance from the ground

75.  Annie goes mountain climbing. What is she likely to observe as she approaches the top of the mountain?
A.      The temperature becomes warmer.
B.      The temperature becomes cooler
C.      The wind becomes stronger
D.     The wind becomes weaker.

76.  In the areas reached by the slanting rays of the sun, what climate is experienced?
A.      Temperature
B.      Warm
C.      Dry
D.     Cold

77.  Which part of the Earth would have a very warm climate?
A.      At the equator
B.      At the North pole
C.      At the South Pole
D.     Between the equator and the North or South Pole

78.  Which are gaseous planets?
A.      Venus and Earth
B.      Mercury and Mars
C.      Jupiter and Saturn
D.     Uranus and Neptune

79.  According to the Big bang Theory. What would happen to the universe in the future?
A.      New galaxies will form
B.      The universe will come to an end
C.      Galaxies will continue moving away from each other
D.     Galaxies will move toward each other then form a single galaxy .

80.  Which of the following plants is different from the rest?
A.      Banana
B.      Coconut
C.      Mango
D.     Pine

81.  Which is an example of chemical change?
A.      Drying of fish
B.      Melting of ice
C.      Cutting of paper
D.     Decaying of tooth

82.  Which of the following is NOT a chemical change?
A.      Washed clothes drying up
B.      Vitamins c tablet turning brown
C.      Green Mango turning yellow
D.     Milk turning sour

83.     Which is the most distinct characteristics of planet Jupiter?
A.      It has a large spot
B.      It has colourful ring
C.      It is the largest planet
D.     It is the smallest planet

84.     Which are distinct characteristics of Earth?
I.     Almost round
II.   Goes around the sun
III. Atmosphere support life
IV. Presence of water

A.      I and II
B.      I and III
C.      II and IV
D.     III and IV

85.     For communicating visual signals to the brain, which of the following nerves responsible?
A.      Optic
B.      Auditory
C.      Olfactory
D.     Gustatory

86.     Which form of energy comes from hot springs and volcanoes?
A.      Light
B.      Sound
C.      Thermal
D.     Mechanical

Sunday, February 9, 2014

LET Reviewer for General Educatiom



         * English
         * Filipino
         * Mathematics
         * Literature


         * Technology and livelihood Education (TLE) 500 Questions
            1. Foods

1. A simple form of sugar which can be found in fruits, honey, corn syrup and sweet corn, also known as           dextrose or grape sugar is
     a. fructose
     b. galactose
     c. glucose
     d. sucrose

2. it is a man made vitamins which are synthesized in the laboratory, mostly used for therapeutic purposes is       called
     a. avitaminosis
     b. synthetic vitamins
     c. hypervitaminosis
     d. artificial vitamins

3. proper hand washing involves rubbing hands together:
     a. for at least 15 seconds
     b. for at least 20 seconds
     c. until they appear clean
     d. until nails are clean

4. The set of instruction for preparing a dish using various ingredients is the
     a. food guide
     b. cooking guide
     c. dietary guide
     d. recipe

5. One way to prepare low cost but nutritious meals in these hard time is to
     a. reduced quantity of food prepared.
     b. reduced quality of food prepared
     c. use substitute
     d. recycle leftover

6. Sanitation in food preparation is important for a number of reasons EXCEPT:
     a. minimize the presence of nutrients is ensured.
     b. avoid disease carrying organism
     c. conserve nutrients
     d. avoid food infection and poisoning.

7. considering the nutrition problem in this country today, because of poverty, dishes would you recommend     is
     a. steamed eggplant and bagoong
     b. pinakbet, eggplant, okra, saluyot leaves
     c. sauteed monggo with dried dilis and ampalaya
     d. fresh lumpia

8. This refer to the monthly income required to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a family with six members
     a. food intake
     b. food threshold
     c. food consumption
     d. food budget

9. The longest period during which food may be safely kept from the danger zone because of the hazard of        bacteria growth is
     a. 2 hrs
     b. 6 hrs
     c. 5 hrs
     d. 4 hrs

10. The following are preparing meals that are aesthetically pleasing except one
      a. use as many condiments and spices to enhance the flavor of the recipe
      b. use proper techniques in preparation
      c. use proper techniques in cooking
      d. use cut-out fruits and vegetables for decorating

            2. Cosmetology

1. To play up good features and tone down the bad one, apply
     a. ordinary or day make-up
     b. evening make-up
     c. photographic make-up
     d. theatrical make-up

2. A solvent containing acetone or other solvent is used to thin out the nail polish when it is thickened. it is         called
     a. nail polisher
     b. nail drier
     c. nail whitener
     d. nail strengthener

3. Good grooming is important to possess by everyone because
     a. it enhances the personality.
     b. It helps one to look at life in a positive light.
     c. It is used as an effective tool in establishing good relationship
     d. all of the above

4. The position of eyebrow where it increases the width where the face is involve is called
     a. high positioning
     b. low positioning
     c. far apart
     d. close apart

5. The portion of hair structure extending above the skin surface is called
     a. hair root
     b. hair shaft
     c. follicle
     d. strands

            3. Basic Electricity

1. The number of cycle completed by an electric current in one second
     a. frequency
     b. cycle
     c. period
     d. orbit

2. It is an electrical device or appliances that consume electrical energy
     a. path
     b. source
     c. load
     d. control

3. The electron theory states that all matters are composed of tiny particles called
     a. energy
     b. current
     c. atom
     d. ampere

4. It a type of electricity in motion. this is very useful, it can be transmitted from place to place through a             connection and attachment.
     a.  static electricity
     b. dynamic electricity
     c. battery
     d. dynamic and static electricity

5. Unit in voltage can be express in
     a. volts
     b. current
     c. amperes
     d. volts and amperes

            4. Basic Electronics

1. A branch of Physics that refers to the flow of electron through nonmetal conductors.
     a. mechanics
     b. Physics
     c. Electricity
     d. Electronics

2. Broken wires, corroded or loosened terminals is a circuit trouble in appliances.
     a. short circuit
     b. broken parts
     c. broken wiring
     d. bad internal connections

3. Electronic tool that is used to strip off wire insulator  from its conductors.
     a. wire stripper
     b. socket wrench
     c. small tweezers
     d. long nose pliers

4. These are nonmetal conductors
     a. conductors
     b. insulators
     c. inductors
     d. semiconductors

5. Which type of circuit board has parallel strips of copper track?
     a. printed circuit board
     b. breadboard
     c. strip board
     d. none of the above

            5. Plumbing

1. Plumbing code is very important in house plumbing installation. It include the proper installation of the             venting system of the sewer gases to facilitate the flow and ______
     a. draining of water waste
     b. water disposal
     c. solid waste disposal system
     d. water and waste disposal system

2. Mr. Leona is working on the water connection of the school, what particular tool he will use to                      tighten/loosen pipe fitting
     a. adjustable wrench
     b. pipe wrench
     c. pliers
     d. basin wrench

3. It is necessary to install this valve so that the incoming water connection that is used to control the flow of
    water  in a piping system
     a. flanged
     b. valve
     c. union joint
     d. universal joint

4. The development of mechanical fittings suitable for joining both imperial and metric sizes of medium and          high density polyethylene pipe. the material is made from a nylon as a basic component of each fitting
     which is known as
     a. central fitting
     b. flanged
     c. stainless fitting
     d. coupling fitting

5. Today's present time, the increasing standardization of plumbing codes in different areas of the country
     tends toward uniformly due to the availability of ____________
     a. manpower
     b. tools and equipment
     c. equipment and materials
     d. engineering standard

            6. Carpentry & Masonry

1. These are several steps in sharpening the saw, EXCEPT one:
     a. setting the teeth
     b. filling and side jointing
     c. whetting
     d. top jointing

2. Woods are basic ra materials used for carpentry and making finished product. Which of the following is
    NOT true in carpentry?
     a. woods are use for housing
     b. woods are use for table
     c. woods are use for fuel
     d. woods are use as tool

3. Ruel is a student who wants to change the color of the table top he is working on. What process should
    he do?
    a. bleaching
    b. staining
    c. coloring
    d. blending

4. The term used for woman's cabinet is
     a. vanity
     b. chiffonier
     c. dresser
     d. buffet

5. mixed concrete should be poured before the initial setting taks place and this within _____
     a. 30 min.
     b. 45 min.
     c. 1 hour
     d. 1:30 hours

            7. Drafting

1. The following are the importance of geometric construction except _______
     a. developing sketches
     b. making lettering
     c. making plans
     d. reading drawing

2. This kind of drawing shows how object actually appeared to the observer?
     a. Isometric
     b. Oblique
     c. Orthographic
     d. Perspective

3. If you need the hardest of the drawing pencil for making your drawing use ______
     a. 6H
     b. 7H
     c. 8H
     d. 9H

4. What can you use  to scrape off incorrectly inked line when eraser is not available?
     a. art gum
     b. razor blade
     c. rubber eraser
     d. sharpener

5. What line used to represent the hidden side of the object drawn
     a. center line
     b. Ditto line
     c. Invisible line
     d. Object line

            8. Entrepreneurship

1. When an entrepreneur find ways to make new products or services, new methods of production, new            markets, and new sources of raw materials. It shows that entrepreneurs are _________
     a. decision - maker
     b. hardworking
     c. innovative
     d. positive thinker

2. If an entrepreneur has the ability to learn he does the following pertinent activities except _______
     a. when the business is still small, he does everything
     b. he send workers for training
     c. He attended related seminars
     d. Acquire basic training in small business

3. Which of the following is a characteristic of sole proprietorship?
     a. stocksholders own the business
     b. The owner enjoys economic freedom
     c. Two or more person share in the management
     d. Ownership of an enterprise is divided into equal parts called share.

4. A source of capital by which fund is generated by way of pledging a designated property as security or
     a. bonds
     b. credit
     c. capital equipment
     d. mortgage

            9. Business Mathematics

1. The financial statement showing the financial position of an enterprise by summarizing its assets, liabilities,        and owner's equity at a point in time.
     a. balance sheet
     b. articulation
     c. financial statement
     d. Income statement

2. It is considered as the actual profit retained by a business and it is actually the difference between the             revenue  earned by the company and the expenses incurred
     a. net profit
     b. revenues
     c. gross profit
     d. capital stock

3. Nora sells in a department store. She receives a salary of P8,000 a month plus a commission of 1% on all      her sales. Last month, her total sales were P 35, 000. How much did she earn for the month?
     a. P 8,350
     b. P 12, 500
     c. P11,350
     d. P13, 500

4. For every transaction, the value of debits is equal to the value of
     a. equity
     b. liability
     c. credit
     d. assets

5. This is equal to the sum of liabilities and owner's equity
     a. assets
     b. operating expenses
     c. revenue
     d. profit

         * English and Literature

         * Social Science

TEACHER'S WORK: Reviewer for Licensure Examination for Teachers

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reading Materials for LET (7 Philosophies of Education)

Seven Philosophies of Education
1.     Essentialism

·        Why Teach – this philosophy contends that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. Teachers teach “not to radically reshape society but rather to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizen.”

·        What to Teach? – Essentialist program are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on academic content for student to learn the basic skill or the fundamental r’s – reading, riting, rithmetic, right conduct – as these are essential to the acquisition of higher or morecomplex skills needed in preparation for adult life. The essentialist curriculum includes the “traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and literature. Essentialist frown upon vocational courses. Or other courses with watered down academic content. The teachers and administrator decide what is most important for the student to learn and place little emphasis on student interests, particularly when they divert time and attention from the academic curriculum.”

·        How to Teach – Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. They are expected to be intellectual and moral models of their students. They are seen as “fountain” of information and as ‘Paragon of virtue”, if ever there is such a person, to gain mastery of basic skills, teachers have to observe “core requirements, longer school day, a longer academic year”

2.     Progressivism

·        Why Teach – progressivist teachers teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened  and intelligent citizens of a democratic society. This group of teachers teaches learners so they may live life fully NOW not to prepare them for adult life.

·        What to teach – the progressivists are identified with need – based and relevant curriculum. This is a curriculum that “responds to students” needs and that relates to students’ personal lives and experiences.”

Progressivists accept the impermanence of life and inevitability of change. For the progressivists , everything else changes. Change is the only thing that does not change. Hence, progressivists teachers are more concerned with teaching facts or bits of information that are true today but become obsolete tomorrow, they would rather focus their teaching on the teaching of skills or processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem – solving.  The subjects that are given emphasis in progressivists schools are the “natural and Social sciences. Teachers expose students to many new scientific, technological, and social development, reflecting the progressivists  otion that progress and change are fundamental.

3.     Perennialism

·        Why Teach – We are all rational animals. Schools should, therefore, develop the students’ rational and moral powers. According to Aristotle, if we neglect the students’ reasoning skills, we deprive them of the ability to use their higher faculties to control their passions and appetites.

·        What to Teach – the Perennialist curriculum is a universal one on the view that all human beings possess the same essential nature. It is heavy on the humanities, on general education. It is not a specialist curriculum but rather a general one. There is less emphasis on vocational and technical education. Philosopher Mortimer Adler claims that the “Great Books of ancient and medieval as well as modern times are a repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of culture which must initiate each generation”. What the Perennialist teachers teach are lifted from the Great Books.

·        How to Teach – the Perennialist classroom are “centered around Teacher”. The teachers do not allow the students’ interest or experiences to substantially dictate what they teach. They apply whatever creative techniques and other tried and true methods which are believed to be most conducive to disciplining the students’ minds. Students engaged in Socratic dialogues, or mutual inquiry sessions to develop an understanding of history’s most timeless concepts.”

4.     Existentialism

·        Why Teach – the main concern of the existentialists is “to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions” Since existence precedes essence “ the existentialist teacher’s role is to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they take in life and by creating an environment in which they freely choose their own preferred way. Since feeling is not divorced from reason in decision making, the existentialist demands the education of the whole person, not just the mind.”

·        What to Teach – “In an existentialist curriculum, students are given a wide variety of options from which to choose.” Students are afforded great latitude in their choice of subject matter. The humanities, however are given tremendous emphasis to “provide students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own creativity and self-expression. For example, rather than emphasizing historical events, existentialist focus upon the actions of historical individuals, each of whom provide possible models for the students’ own behaviour.

·        How to Teach – existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is self-paced, self-directed. It includes a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly. To help students known themselves and their place in society, teachers employ values clarification strategy. In the use of such strategy, teachers remain non-judgmental and take care not to impose their values on their students since values are persona.

5.     Behaviorism

·        Why Teach – Behaviorist school are concerned with the modification and shaping of students’ behaviour by providing for a favourable environment, since they believe that they are a product of their environment. They are after students’ who exhibit desirable behaviour in society.

·        What to Teach – Because behaviourists look at “people and other animals… as complex combinations of matter that act only in response to internally or externally generated physical stimuli”, behaviourist teachers teach students to respond favourably to various stimuli in the environment.

·        How to Teach – behaviourists teachers “ought to arrange environmental conditions so that students can make the responses to stimuli. Physical variables like light, temperature, arrangement of furniture, size and quantity of visual aids have to be controlled to get the desired responses from the learners. Teachers ought to make the stimuli clear and interesting to capture and hold the learners’ attention. They ought to provide appropriate incentives to reinforce positive responses and weaken or eliminate negatives ones.” (Trespeces, 1995)

6.     Linguistic Philosophy

·        Why Teach – to develop the communication skills of the learner because the ability to articulate, to voice out the meaning and values of things that one obtains from his/her experiences of life and the world is the very essence of man. It is through his/her ability to express himself/herself clearly, to get his/her ideas across, to make known to others the values that he/she has imbibed, the beauty that he/she has seen, the ugliness that he rejects and the truth that he/she has discovered. Teachers in the learner the skill to send messages clearly and receive messages correctly.

·        What to Teach – Learners should be taught to communicate clearly – how to send clear – concise messages and how to receive and correctly understand messages sent. Communication takes place in three (3) ways – verbal nonverbal, and paraverbal. Verbal component refers to the content of our message, the choice and arrangement of our words. This can be oral or written. Nonverbal component refers to the message we send through our body languages while paraverbal component refers to how we say what we say – the tone, pacing and volume of our voices.
There is need to teach learners to use language that is correct, precise, grammatical, coherent, accurate so that they are able to communicate clearly and precisely their thoughts and feelings. There is need to help students expand their vocabularies to enhance their communication skills. There is need to teach the learners how to communicate clearly through non-verbal means and consistently though para-verbal means.

·        How to Teach – the most effective way to teach language and communication is the experiential way. Make them experience sending and receiving messages through verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal manner. Teacher should make the classroom a place for the interplay of minds and hearts. The teacher facilities dialogue among learners and between him/her and his/her students because in the exchange of words there is also an exchange of ideas.

7.     Constructivism

·        Why Teach – to develop intrinsically motivated and independent learners adequately equipped with learning skills for them to be able to construct knowledge and make meaning of them.

·        What to Teach – the learners are taught how to learn. They are taught learning processes and skill such as searching, critiquing and evaluating information, relating these pieces  of information, reflecting on the same, making meaning out of them, drawing insights, posing questions, researching and constructing new knowledge out of these bits of information learned.

·        How to Teach – in the constructivist classroom, the teacher provides students with data or experiences that allow them to hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, pose questions, research, investigate, imagine, and invent. The constructivist classroom is interactive. It promotes dialogical exchange of ideas among learners and between teachers and learners. The teacher’s role is to facilitate this process.

 1.      The department of the Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills. What is the         philosophical basis of this?
a.      Essentialism
b.      Pragmatism
c.       Existentialism
d.      Perennialism

2.      Mr.Olivar views his students as unique, free-choosing and responsible individuals. All classroom activities revolve around the said premise. What theory underlies this?
a.      Realism
b.      Progressivism
c.       Essentialism
d.      Existentialism

3.      Religious ritual in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural religiosity of the Filipinos. Which philosophy has greatly contributed to this tradition?
a.      Islam
b.      Budhism
c.       Hinduism
d.      Confucianism

4.      In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, the day-to-day lessons were
a.      Taught in the students’ native dialect
b.      Taught interestingly through the play way method
c.       Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
d.      Practiced at home under the guidance of their respective parents

5.      Which program of the government seems to be aligned to the Christian humanitarian principle for respect for the human personality?
a.      The study of the Philippine Constitution
b.      The massive housing program to house the poor Filipinos
c.       The promotion of the basic human rights of the Filipinos
d.      The functional literacy program for the out-of-school youth and adults

6.      The military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary levels can be traced as a strong influence of the
a.      Greeks
b.      Romans
c.       Orientals
d.      Chinese

7.      The educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the teaching of the catholic church which is to foster faith in God is bedrocked in the philosophy called
a.      Realism
b.      Pragmatism
c.       Idealism
d.      Existentialism

8.      Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of good and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. Which philosophy supports this?
a.      Idealism
b.      Progressivism
c.       Existentialism
d.      Social reconstructionism

9.      Giving the highest budgetary allocation, the Philippine government recognizes the possible contribution of its future citizens to the national development gosals of the Philippine society.This goal of education for social transformation was stressed by the early
a.      Greek education
b.      Roman education
c.       Athenian education
d.      Followers of Christ

10.  The progressivists emphasized the individuality of the child, the reconstructionists were more concerned with
a.      Subjectivity
b.      Experiential learning
c.       Social change
d.      Social problem

11.  One of the following questions does not conform to the Christian doctrine of education for humanitarianism. Which one is it?
a.      Love thy neighbour as thyself
b.      Do unto as you would like others do unto you
c.       Whatever good things we do our poor helpless brother, we do it for God
d.      Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from the mouth of God.

12.  Scouting and Citizens Army Training (CAT) give training in character-building citizenship training etc. Which leads to the creation of a new social order and a new society eventually. What philosophy support this?
a.      Perennialism
b.      Progressivism
c.       Existentialism
d.      Social reconstructionism

13.  Mr. Peralta demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their needs and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. This activity is a manifestation of the philosophy of
a.      Pragmatism
b.      Progressivism
c.       Essentialism
d.      Reconstructionism

14.  Mrs. Peralta, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values development and discipline. What could be  her educational philosophy?
a.      Realism
b.      Pragmatism
c.       Idealism
d.      Progressivism

15.  The class of VI Molave was asked to recite a poem out of memory which described this method?
a.      Jesus Christ parable method
b.      Early Christian’s catechetical method
c.       Scholastic’s method of logical analysis
d.      Socratic method of question and answer

TEACHER'S WORK: Reviewer for Licensure Examination for Teachers