
Saturday, February 4, 2023


 RUBRIC is a measuring instruments used in rating performance-based tasks. It is the key to corrections for assessment task designed to measure the attainment of learning  competencies that require demonstration of skills or creation of products of learning. It offers a set of guidelines or descriptions in scoring different levels of performance or qualities of products of learning. It can be used in scoring both the process and the products of learning. 

  • Types of Rubrics 

1. Holistic Rubric it describes the overall quality of a performance or product. In this Rubric, there is only rating given to the entire work or performance. 


  • It allows fast assessment 
  • It provides one score to describe the overall performance or quality of work.
  • It can indicate the general strengths and weaknesses of the work performance. 
  •  It does not clearly describe the degree of the criterion satisfied or not by the performance or product. 
  • It does not permit differential weighting of the qualities of a product or a performance.
2. Analytic Rubric it describes the quality of a performance or product in terms of the identified dimensions and/or criteria for which are rated independently to give a better picture of the quality of work or performance. 


  •  It clearly describes the degree of the criterion satisfied or not by the performance or product.
  • It permits differential weighting of the qualities of a product of a performance.
  • It helps raters pinpoint specific areas of strengths and weaknesses. 

  • It is more time consuming to use.
  • It is more difficult to construct.

Importance Elements of a Rubric
          Whether the format is holistic or analytic, the following should be made available in a Rubric. 
  • Competency to be tested - this should be a behavioral that requires either a demonstration or creation of product of learning.      
  • Performance task - the task should be authentic, feasible, and has multiple foci
  • Evaluative Criteria and their indicators - these should be made clear using observable traits.
  • Performance Levels - these levels could vary in number from 3 or more
  • Qualitative and Quantitative descriptions of each performance level- these descriptions should be observable to be measurable



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