
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Updated Reviewer for Licensure Exam for Teacher (LET) Child and Adolescent Development






1.      According to Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development, a child during the sensorimotor period does not see things in abstract forms. Therefore, in teaching mathematics to young children, the _____________

a.      Use of pictures may not be necessary

b.      Use of concrete objects is not needed

c.       Concrete state should precede the abstract style

d.      Abstract stage must come before the concrete direction


2.      According to Sigmund Freud, there is a stage wherein young boys experience a strong rivalry with father for their mother’s affection. This period is known as

a.      Oedipus complex

b.      Elektra complex

c.       Achilles syndrome

d.      Cassadra syndrome


3.      According to Kohlberg the correct order of Moral Development is

a.      Pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional

b.      Conditional, unconditional, and post-conditional

c.       Self- interested, social and personal

d.      Pre-moral, conventional, and post ethical


4.      The child’s concept of right and wrong is based on external criteria laid down by adults during the stage of pre-conventional morality. This is based on the ideas of

a.      Piaget

b.      Erickson

c.       Kohlberg

d.      Freud


5.      According to Piaget’s stages cognitive development between ages 12 and 15 children reach formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?

a.      Can solve abstract problems and think deductively

b.      Reasoning is neither inductive or inductive

c.       Love of nature, proper behaviour during explorations

d.      Intelligence is intuitive in nature


6.      When a teacher present morally ambiguous situation to his students and asks them what to do, the teacher’s technique is based on the theory of ________

a.      Bandura

b.      Piaget

c.       Kolhberg

d.      Bruner


7.      The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to?

a.      Help the learner connect what he knows with the new information learned

b.      Dictate what to learn upon learner

c.       Fill in minds of the learner with information

d.      Make the learning task easy for the learner



8.      The heroism of Dr. Jose Rizal exemplies Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Which is Rizal characteristic?

a.      He gives important to what people will think or say

b.      He is motivated to act by the benefits he gets later

c.       He believes laws that are wrong can be changed

d.      He possess moral responsibilities to make societal changes regardless of consequences to one-self


9.      Irish, a second year high school is popular not only in her classroom but also in the entire campus. She is always invited to different parties. Students are drawn to her because of her seemingly friendly attitude. According to Gardner this intelligence is known as __________

a.      Popularity

b.      Congenial

c.       Interpersonal

d.      Intrapersonal


10.  Joan is a resilient child with superior intelligence. She grew up in a very poor environment. With this condition, the probable outcome would be

a.      No change in IQ because the environment deprivation has nothing to do with intelligence

b.      Slight change in IQ although she can overcome frustration and obstacle

c.       Mental retardation since she is culturally deprived

d.      Great change in IQ because she is culturally deprived


11.  Thea a 1 and half year old girl, baby talks and commonly mispronounce words. This is regarded as cute by her parents and relatives. They are not aware that this attitude towards Thea’s mispronunciation might create a speech hazard on the part of Thea. If parents hear their children mispronounce words, they must:

a.      Correct their mistake

b.      Ask the child to rephrase the statement

c.       Ignore the statement until the child says it correctly on his own

d.      Respond on the content of the statement and ignore the error


12.  If we want children to treat each other with courtesy and dignity, then we must do the same to them. If we yell at children, they will soon be shouting at each other. These behaviour are likely to be demonstrated by children because

a.      They are imitative

b.      They learn best by observing a model

c.       They are helpless and entirely dependent on adults

d.      They are afraid of their teachers if they fail to follow


13.  This is a phenomenon in Psychology wherein students perform better than other students simply because they were expected to do so

a.      Rosenthal or Pygmalion

b.      John Henry effect

c.       Hawthome effect

d.      Ripple effect


14.  Teacher Harold scolded a pupil named KIKO for not listening attentively. As a result, the whole class did not paid attention to teacher Harold. What explains the phenomenon?

a.      Placebo effect

b.      Halo effect

c.       Ripple effect

d.      John Henry effect


15.  Ripple effect can also be seen in misdemeanour. The teacher should therefore ______

a.      Reinforce positive behaviour

b.      Immediately respond to misbehaviour

c.       Be consistent in classroom management

d.      Count 1 to 10 before she gets angry


16.  Among the following educators, who proposed the placement of children in a “prepared environment”?

a.      Thorndike

b.      Montessori

c.       Kilpatrick

d.      Froebel


17.  Who among the following advocated that we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life?

a.      Jamescoleman

b.      Lawrence Kohlberg

c.       Erik Erikson

d.      Sigmund freud


18.  Life stages are important according to Erickson because

a.      Each involves a crisis or dilemma

b.      Each signals a new stage of cognitive development

c.       Each is an expression of biological programming

d.      Their failure to appear is evidenced of psychopathology


19.  Jenny is encouraged by her parents to asks questions, and allows her to choose activities she will finds enjoyable and worthwhile. If this continue, Erickson believes that Jenny will achieve

a.      Industry

b.      Identity

c.       Generativity

d.      Initiative


20.  Why are life stages important?

a.      They represent the outcome of major biological changes

b.      They present a set of developmental task to be mastered

c.       They provide insight into the values and aspirations of particular cultures.

d.      Their beginning and end are perfectly correlated with the chronological age.


21.  When a person fails to develop a consistent identity, this usually results to

a.      Isolation

b.      Inferiority

c.       Role confusion

d.      Stagnation


22.  ________ refers to quantitative changes in an individual’s as he progresses in chronological age.

a.      Development

b.      Growth

c.       Cephalocaudal

d.      Proximo

23.  Kean a 3 years old have a problem of occasional bedwetting. We can advise his parents to

a.      Limit the amount of water he drinks in the evening

b.      Punish him for wet nights

c.       Wake him up during the night to use the toilet

d.      Consider medication or psychology


24.  According to Kubler – Ross, when faced with death, the most common order of emotional reaction is

a.      Anger, depression, bargaining, denial, acceptance

b.      Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

c.       Anger, depression, denial, bargaining, acceptance

d.      Depression, anger, denial, bargaining, acceptance


25.  What is the best thing to do when somebody you know is dying?

a.      Avoid disturbing that person by not mentioning death

b.      Allow that person to talk about death with you

c.       Tell that person about the stages of dying

d.      Keep your visit short and infrequent in order to avoid tiring that person


26.  Which among the following clearly describes grief?

a.      The period of emotional adjustment that follows the death of a loved one.

b.      The intense emotional state that follows the death of the a lover, friends or relative

c.       The period during which a person seems dazed or numb and shows little emotions.

d.      Demoralization and discouragement 


27.  Which of the following represent the sequential order of pre-natal development?

a.      Embryonic period-fetal period-germinal period

b.      Germinal period-fetal period-embryonic period

c.       Germinal period-embryonic period-fetal period

d.      Fetal period-embryonic period-Germinal period


28.  Following Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, Ms. Victoria provides her student varied activities that enable them to classify objects according to more than one variable, rank order items in logical series and understand that amount of mass or liquid do not change because their shape does. These developments can be expected to be performed by

a.      Pre-schoolers

b.      College students

c.       High school students

d.      Elementary school children


29.  Among adolescent, the feet,hands, and nose reach maximum development while the lower parts of the face and the shoulders develop more slowly. On the other hand, creative imagination develops rapidly in childhood and reaches its peak in adolescence. Therefore,

a.      Different areas develop at the same rate

b.      Different areas develop at the different rates

c.       Development is faster during the adolescent period than in early childhood

d.      The development of the different parts of the bod comes one after the other.


30.  Which of the stages of development is normally characterized by much growth, rapid, changes, mood swings, and negatively?

a.      Infancy

b.      Toddlerhood

c.       Early childhood

d.      Middle childhood


31.  Noel is a 7 month old infant. He is already developing his motor skills. Which of the following specific motor skills can a 7 months old infant already show?

a.      Walk with support

b.      Eat with spoon

c.       Stands while holding a furniture

d.      Sit alone using the hand for support


32.  Pre-natal development begins from conception to birth when  a sperm unites with an ovum to form a single cell called ______________

a.      Chromosomes

b.      Embryo

c.       Mitosis

d.      Zygote


33.  When a girl matures early she is more likely

a.      To engage in earlier sexual relation

b.      To be socially ostracized in middle and high school

c.       To withdraw and become socially isolated

d.      To become tall and thin


34.  How can parents foster initiative and independence in children?

a.      Restricting a child’s freedom to play, to use imagination, and to choose activities

b.      Identify versus role confusion

c.       Encouragement from parents when a child plans and carries out a task

d.      Mastering psychomotor skills


35.  Stored knowledge like vocabulary

a.      Reach their peak a few years after high school or college

b.      Are examples of fossilized intelligence

c.       Are examples of fluid intelligence

d.      Are examples of crystallized intelligence


36.  Which stage of the development shows that children need frequent rest period because of their burst of activity?

a.      Infancy

b.      Early childhood

c.       Middle childhood

d.      Late childhood


37.  A “crisis of urgency” and the “attainment of stability” according to Gould are characteristics of

a.      Late adolescence

b.      Young adulthood

c.       Middle adulthood

d.      The disengagement period 


38.  Transition age from childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and sex maturity occur resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking, and acting.

a.      Early childhood

b.      Adolescence

c.       Puberty

d.      Latency stage


39.  In what kind of development do children display when they frequently quarrel but tend to be short duration and easily forgotten?

a.      Social

b.      Moral

c.       Physical

d.      Emotional


40.  Which stage of development is characterized by rapid physical changes?

a.      Infancy

b.      Early childhood

c.       Middle childhood

d.       Late childhood


41.  During this time, cells begin to differentiate into the various body system. This defines the

a.      Embryonic stage

b.      Germinal stage

c.       Fetal stage

d.      Stages of development


42.  The stage in which the individual is complete with face arm, legs, fingers, toes and some calcification of his bones, is known as the ______________

a.      Embryonic stage

b.      Germinal stage

c.       Fetal stage

d.      Stages of development


43.  Ivan a 5 years old boy lacks the ability to control his bowel. He could be suffering from?

a.      Enuresis

b.      Analism

c.       Encopresis

d.      Anorexia nervosa


44.  If we want children to treat other with courtesy and dignity, then we must do the same to them. if we yell at children, they will soon be shouting at each other. These behaviors are likely to be demonstrated by children because ____________

a.      They are imitative

b.      They learn best by observing a model

c.       They are helpless and entirely dependent on adults

d.      They are afraid of their teachers if they fail to follow


45.  For most adolescence peers play an even more important role in life than they did during childhood. Thus 15 year old Ben gets his hair cut like the other boys of his age, but different from his father. Which of the following justifies Ben’s behaviour?

a.      It is normal for an adolescent to do things that would displease his parents

b.      The adolescent poses a big problem to the family and thus needs more attention and understanding

c.       The adolescent joins the band-wagon even if it is against his will so that he will be accepted by his peers.

d.      The adolescent strengthens his own sense of identity by being a member ofa group that defines difference from his parents.

46.  Among her pupils, Mrs.Arganda,a preschool teacher observes that some of them have unhealthy attitudes about themselves,no matter how much she tries to help them, their attitudes do not seemto be eliminated completely even during the later years. Which of the following principles of development best explains the situation?

a.      Development is predictable

b.      Development is continuous

c.       Every area of development has potential hazards

d.      There are social expectation for every development


47.  Mrs. De Rama called the parents to a meeting regarding the common behavioural problems among children. Which of the following should she emphasized.

a.      Behavioural problems are caused by environmental factors

b.      It is perfectly normal to encounter disciplinary problems in school

c.       Remedial measures are more effective than preventive measures

d.      Patterns of problems behaviour arise because of the adjustment problems that the child experiences


48.  In terms of their emotional behaviour babies respond to strange and unusual objects with a general fear. Later, their fears become more specific and are more characterized by different types of behaviour. Which of the following principles is illustrated by this situation?

a.      Development follows a general pattern

b.      Development follows an orderly fashion

c.       Development proceeds from specific to general responses

d.      Development proceeds from general to specific responses


49.  It is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.

a.      Zone of proximal development

b.      Crystallized intelligence

c.       Zone of Cephalacaudal Development

d.      Zone of Multiple Intelligence


50.  Which of the following principles sets the rational for the institutionalization of early childhood education?

a.      There are expectations in the different developmental patterns

b.      Early development is crucial than later development

c.       Development is the product of maturation and learning

d.      Every area of development has potential hazards


51.  Mrs Roces refers to Havighurst’s list of development tasks for children in different a so that she may

a.      Plan varied and interesting activities for children

b.      Group her children according to their interest

c.       Group children according to their abilities

d.      Plan activities appropriate to a particular group of children


52.  How would you handle a student who clings to immature behaviour?

a.      Put him back to a lower grade

b.      Seek the assistance of the school psychologists

c.       Help him meet his needs in a manner appropriate to his age

d.      Advise his parents to let him stop until he becomes more mature

53.  Mr. and Mrs.Dela Cruz gives their children the freedom to run, go biking, skate and slide. What is the couple allowing their children to develop?

a.      Autonomy

b.      Inferiority

c.       Initiative

d.      Guilt


54.  Despite the consistent efforts of Mrs. Santos to explain to the pre- school child that they cannot afford to buy a certain toy, her daughter insists in buying the toy. In what cognitive stage of development is Mrs. Santo’s daughter in?

a.      Sensorimotor stage

b.      Pre-operational stage

c.       Concrete operations stage

d.      Formal operation stage


55.  Mother asked the child “which is heavier, one kilo of gold or one kilo of cotton?” the child readily answered “mommy one kilo of gold is heavier’ from this conversation, we can deduce that the child is under ___________stages of cognitive development.

a.      Sensorimotor

b.      Pre-operational

c.       Concrete operational

d.      Formal operational 


56.  You are playing with a neighbour’s son, Ariel. He is taking a stick and waving it through the air,, making airplane noises. You then take the stick and push it along the ground making car noises. Ariel angrily tales back the stick and says, “ no, it’s a plane” Ariel appears to be in Piaget’s

a.      Pre-operational stage

b.      Concrete operational stage

c.       Period of formal Development

d.      Sensorimotor


57.  Every morning, Mrs. Rodriguez would scold her son for not fixing his beddings claiming that her son was old enough to do so. But when Mrs. Rodriguez son asked permission to attend a party, she claimed that he was still too young to do so. What could be the effect of the situation to Mrs. Rodriguez’s son?

a.      Guilt

b.      Initiative

c.       Role confusion

d.      Self-esteem


58.  Father who demands their 3 to 5 children to spend their time in serious academic study, forget  that early childhood is the

a.      Pre-school age

b.      Questioning age

c.       Initiative age

d.      Toy age


59.  Mr. Martinez is so proud of his son because he can dress himself already. In what stage of development is Mr. Martinez’s son in/


B.      Early childhood

C.      Middle childhood

D.     Adolescence

60.  When asked what he thought about the birthday present he got, George said “I was very happy I got a present, but a little sad that I did not get just what I wanted. What DOES THIS SITUATION EXHIBIT?

a.      Emotional maturity

b.      Emotional self-regulation

c.       Emotional understanding

d.      Self-conscious emotions


61.  Ten year old Marion devoted more attention to the words she knew least well when studying for a spelling test. What does this tell us about Marion’s cognitive development?

a.      Marion makes use of rehearsal to remember words

b.      Marion uses elaboration to learn new words

c.       Marion’s attention has become more selective at this age

d.      Marion can learn an average of 20 words a day


62.  In this moral level according to Kohlberg, individuals continue to regard conformity to social rules as necessary but not for reasons of self-interest.

a.      Autonomous morality

b.      Conventional level

c.       Heteronomous morality

d.      Pre-conventional level


63.  At this stage of moral development, individual regards laws and rules as flexible instruments for furthering human purposes.

a.      Instrumental relativist orientation

b.      Law and order orientation

c.       Social contract orientation

d.      Universal-ethical principle


64.  Janice woke up one Sunday morning and exclaimed “I can’t possibly go to church! Everyone will notice how ugly I look” what does this situation tell about an adolescents cognitive development?

a.      Imaginary fable

b.      Personal fable

c.       Self-consciousness

d.      Self-focusing


65.  Children who get a large number of positive and negative votes on socio-metric measures of peer acceptance are the _________

a.      Controversial children

b.      Neglected children

c.       Popular children

d.      Rejected children


66.  Which of the following statement refer to students aged eleven years and beyond in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?

a.      Able to solve abstract problems in logical fashion

b.      Able to solve concrete problems in logical fashion

c.       They have only innate reflexes with which to engage the world

d.      They use symbolism to represent and understand various aspect of the environment


67.  Which of the following statements will not support the concept of individual differences?

a.      Use carried activities for a difficult lesson

b.      Consider the uniqueness of each student

c.       Involve all students regardless of what the activity is

d.      Help should be extended to both the gifted and retarded


68.  Which of the following would you consider as a teacher of adolescents?

a.      Activities given should be from general to specific

b.      Always consider friendship as the basic in grouping students

c.       Tasks to be assigned should be those that will make them feel like adults

d.      There is role confusion which implies uncertainly of appropriate behaviour


69.  Which refers to Kohlberg’s moral development theory?

a.      Autonomous morality

b.      Moral dilemmas

c.       Psychological crisis

d.      Concrete operational


70.  Learning to distinguish between right and wrong falls under the _________domain or aspect of development.

a.      Physical or cognitive

b.      Psychological or affective

c.       Cognitive

d.      Physical


71.  No matter how much teacher Aldo tries to teach Guia, 8 years old, the concept of fraction, he just can’t succeed. What could be the reason for this?

a.      Teacher aldo is a male

b.      Guia is not yet physically mature

c.       Guia may not be fully ready yet for such a task

d.      Teacher aldo may not have considered the principle that individual’s stage of development has certain hazards



72.  What is the advantage of knowing the developmental tasks for the stage of development that the students are in?

a.      The students can learn better

b.      The teacher can work well with the students’ parent

c.       The teacher will be able to determine whether or not the tasks she plans for the students are appropriate

d.      The students will be able to make adjustment with their learning styles and study habits


73.  The age level which tends to be the most teachable is that of _____________

a.      Infancy

b.      Childhood

c.       Adolescence

d.      Adulthood


74.  Bea completes a task only when the teacher sits with her and continually tells her what she’s doing is correct. During most her free time, she sits at her task and stares into space. If she’s asked what she’d like to do, she just smiles and shakes her head. How would you describe her behaviour, considering some aspects of Erickson’s theory?

a.      Proud-aggressive

b.      Indifferent-shy

c.       Passive-dependent

d.      Passive-antagonistic


75.  Most Filipino parents have the tendency to be overprotective about their children, if this tendency goes way beyond the reasonable level, the children could _____________

a.      Become dependent

b.      Have a feeling of incompetence

c.       Have a sense of shame and doubt

d.      Become more active than passive


76.  When a child manifests autism, self – destructive behaviour, and echolalia, the child might be showing the symptoms of

a.      Childhood autism

b.      Anorexia nervosa

c.       AADHD


77.  Which is NOT true about autism?

a.      Violent temper tantrums and repetitive actions

b.      Sensory blocking and echolalia

c.       Language and learning deficiencies

d.      Encopresis and overeating


78.  Keana shows strong interest in writing personal journal and diaries. She does not feel left out even if she is mostly by herself in the school. She is mostly likely intelligent in the area of ________

a.      Spatial

b.      Verbal

c.       Intrapersonal

d.      Interpersonal


79.  Clare has the ability to know where she is in relative and fixed locations. She also possess the ability to accomplish tasks requiring three – dimensional visualization and placement of hands on other parts of the body. Which multiple intelligence is dominant in her?

a.      Linguistic

b.      Spatial

c.       Naturalistic

d.      Logical


80.  The development of understanding during early childhood are as follows, except

a.      Ability to reason and to see relationship

b.      Sensory experiences

c.       Ability to explore their environment

d.      Ability to ask questions


81.  Which principle of development is manifested in the saying “as a tree is bent, so shall it grow,” that is, “a person’s action reflect the training he received as a child?”

a.      The early formative years are more crucial than later development

b.      Development is determined by the environment or how one is nurtured

c.       Development is determined by heredity or ones inherent nature

d.      It is never too late to teach child new ways


82.  It is the measurement of personality which is the result by dividing the mental age by the chronological age

a.      Emotional quotient (E.Q)

b.      Intelligence Quotient (I. Q)

c.       Multiple intelligence

d.      Forecasted behaviour quotient 

83.  Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory encourages the teachers to

a.      Think in a multidisciplinary way

b.      Focus on the IQ of students

c.       Consider various intelligence when creating lesson

d.      Present the lesson methodically 


84.  A type of learning that focuses on the assimilation of attitudes, values and emotional reaction is called

a.      Cognitive

b.      Affective

c.       Psychomotor

d.      Holistic


85.  Teacher Dianne bridges the student’s present skill and the desired level with a technique advised by Vygotsky as

a.      Challenging

b.      Scaffolding

c.       Inspiring

d.      Motivating


86.  Which pattern of development would surprise you most?

a.      A child stands holding furniture before he or she crawls

b.      A child walks if led before he or she stands alone

c.       A child sits alone before she or he stands holdings furniture

d.      A child sits when supported before he or she holds his or her chest up


87.  According to Erickson, identity and role confusion occurs during

a.      Elementary

b.      High school years

c.       College years

d.      Pre- school years


88.  According to Jerome Burner, Learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation and ____________

a.      Evaluation

b.      Question

c.       Metacognition

d.      Education


89.  Who among the following developed the Social Learning Theory?

a.      Bandura

b.      Kohlberg

c.       Bruner

d.      Skinner


90.  When a teacher present a morally ambiguous situation to his students and ask them what to do, the teacher’s technique is based on the theory of

a.      Bandura

b.      Piaget

c.       Kohlberg

d.      Bruner


91.  According to Maslow, the highest of the need in the Hierachy of Needs theory is

a.      Psychological need

b.      Self actualization

c.       Belongingness

d.      Safety



92.  Based on Freud Theory, which operates when a person is in the height of anger?

a.      Ego

b.      Superego

c.       Id and ego

d.      Id (operates on the pleasure principle and is responsible for a person’s animalistic rage.


93.  Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by

a.      Connecting facts and concepts

b.      Fostering conducive learning environment

c.       Using reinforcement

d.      Using manipulative devices


94.  “women should not study since they will me marrying soon” If a father tells his daughter this, can we consider his premise morally right?

a.      Depends on the family’s social status

b.      Yes, women are mean for the home

c.       No, women can perform just like men

d.      No, there is gender equality in education


95.  In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, teacher Mel should provide ______

a.      Activities for hypothesis formulation

b.      Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order

c.       Activities for evaluation process

d.      Stimulating environment with ample objects to play it


96.  A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counsellor traced the child’s history, the counsellor was able to find out that the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s reading disability?

a.      Emotional factor

b.      Poor teaching

c.       Neurological factors

d.      Immaturity


97.  A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in a short span of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again based on Thorndike’s Theory on punishment and learning, this shows that ______

a.      Punishment strengthens a response

b.      Punishment removes response

c.       Punishment doesn’t remove a response

d.      Punishment weakens a response


98.  Laughing at a two year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is _______________

a.      Considering the view of others

b.      Distinguishing sex differences

c.       Socializing

d.      Distinguishing right from wrong


99.  According to Sigmund Freud, the main proponent of psychoanalytic theory, the superego is mainly concerned with ____

a.      The resolution of conflict within the self

b.      The finding of greater satisfaction

c.       The idea of wrong and right

d.      The development of healthy psyche

100.    Modelling is a teaching activity rooted on __________

a.      Bandura

b.      Skinner

c.       Thorndike

d.      Bruner








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