
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Updated Reviewer for Licensure Exam for Teacher (LET) Child Adolescent Development



1.   Dr. Health, the school physician conducted physical examination in Ms.Fuerte’s  class. What concept best describe the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Health among the learners in terms of height and weight?

a.      Development

b.      Growth

c.       Learning

d.      Maturation 

2. Which situation best illustrate the concept of growth?

a.      A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months

b.      A high school student gets a score of 85 in a mental ability test

c.   An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in different subjects

d.      An elementary grader has learned to play the piano


3.      Which statement below described development?

a.      A high school student’s height increased from 5’2 to 5’4

b.      A high school students change in weight from 110lbs to 125 lbs

c.       A student had learned to operate the computer

d.      A student’s enlargement of hips


4.      What concept can best described Francisco’s ability to walk without support at age of 12 months because of the internal ripening that occurred in his muscles, bones, and nervous system development?

a.      Development

b.      Growth

c.       Learning

d.      Maturation 

5.      Teacher Arman is now 69 years old has been observing changes in him such as the aging process. Which term refers to the development change in the individual?

a.      Development

b.      Growth

c.       Learning

d.      Maturation

6.       Manuel, a five year old boy can hold his pen and write his name with his right hand.which term describes Manuel action/behaviour?

a.      Development

b.      Growth

c.       Learning

d.      Maturation 

7.      Which of the following theory can help Ms. Samson determine the readiness of her learners by administering a readiness test?

a.      Conditioning theories

b.      Cognitive development Theories

c.       Behavioral Theory

d.      Ethological Theory 

8.      Who presented that notion that certain behaviour like thumb sucking is normal behaviour?

a.      Sigmund Freud

b.      Erick Erickson

c.       John Bowlby

d.      UrieBronfrenbenner 

9.      A newborn infant move his whole body at one time, instead of moving a part of it. Which of the following principles is illustrated by this behaviour?

a.      Development proceeds from specific to general

b.      Development proceeds from general to specific

c.       Development follows an orderly pattern

d.      Development follows a general pattern 

10.   Train up a child in the way he should be; when he grows up.” He will not depart from it” Which principle supports this?

a.      Development is determined by the heredity

b.      Development is determined by the environment

c.       Early development is more critical than the late development

d.      Early development is less critical than the late development 

11.  Which stage of the psychosexual theory do young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother’s attention and affection?

a.      Oral                           c. Phallic

b.      Anal                           d. Latency

12.  Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behaviour?

a.      Oral                       c. Phallic

b.      Anal                       d. Latency 

13.  Which of the following is likely to develop if infants are shown genuine affection?

a.      Trust                      c. Initiative

b.      Autonomy              d. Industry 

14. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answer to the questions. “Who am I?” which of the following is Christian likely to develop?

a.      Initiative

b.      Identity and Role confusion

c.       Intimacy

d.      Autonomy 

15.  Mr. Cruz uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains this?

a.      Sensorimotor

b.      Preoperational

c.       Concrete operation

d.      Formal operation

16.  Annie is 9 months old, as she was playing with ball, it accidentally rolled under sofa, so she continued to look for it. This kind of development is known as _________

a.      Conservation

b.      Imprinting

c.       Accommodation

d.      Object permanence

17.  A child tells you that they always put their clothes on by themselves in the morning, but cannot take them off by themselves in the evening. The child is most likely in which of the following stages of Piaget’s cognitive development?

a.      Formal operational

b.      Sensorimotor

c.       Concrete operational

d.      Preoperational

18.  Egocentrism refers to the concept that ___________

a.      Objects have permanent attributes that do not change

b.      An infant develops an attachment to the first moving object it sees

c.       Children are unable to distinguish between their own perspective and someone else’s perspective

d.      Objects and events continue to exist even when they cannot be directly seen 

19.  A child tells you that the sky is green. You ask him how he knows that, and he says because that’s what he think, and isn’t bothered that his reasoning isn’t logical. This child is most likely in which stage of cognitive development?

a.      Formal operation

b.      Sensorimotor

c.       Concrete operational

d.      Preoperational 

20.  According to development psychologists, attachment refers to ____________

a.      The concept that objects continue to exist even when it cannot be directly seen.

b.      The tendency of an infant to form an attachment to the first moving object it sees.

c.       The close emotional bond between an infant and caregiver

d.      The formation of new synaptic connections in the frontal cortex.

21.  Which of the following is the most critical element in the attachment process?

a.      Food                                  c. Movement

b.      Contact comfort                d. Indulgence 

22.  Gerald would always wear the prescribed uniform not because he likes to but because he is expected to do so. What moral orientation is he in?

a.      Good boy/nice girl orientation

b.      Law and Order orientation

c.       Punishment-obedience orientation

d.      Social contract orientation

23.  Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday living builds healthy attitudes toward one self, and achieves personal independence. These are among the attributes of an individual in what particular stage?

a.      Infancy and Early Childhood

b.      Middle childhood

c.       Adolescence

d.      Early adulthood

24.  Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows extremely high levels of activity or hyperactivity are considered problematic. How a teacher helps a child who is hyperactive?

a.      Make him the leader of the class

b.      Transfer him to another class

c.       Give him a challenging  activitiesthat are appropriate to his ability level and interest.

d.      Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.

25.  Marivic gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her mother. Which of the following is she showing according to Freud?

a.      Complex

b.      Phallic

c.       Electra complex

d.      Oedipus complex

26.  In Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statement would illustrate Edward who is 11 years old?

a.      Able to see relationship and to reason in the abstract

b.      Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts.

c.       Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities.

d.      Experiment with methods to reach goals.

27.  Violeta goes with her mother in school. She enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which of the following ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?

a.      Microsystem

b.      Mesosystem

c.       Exosystem

d.      Macrosystem

28.  Anna believes that authority is respected. She is now in what particular level in the moral development theory of Lawrence Kohlberg?

a.      Social contract

b.      Law and order orientation

c.       Interpersonal concordance

d.      Universal ethics orientation

29.  What level has a 4 year old learner like Mary Anne reached when she acquired new skills such as putting the same shapes and the same colors together?

a.      Development                    c. Zone of Proximal Development               

b.      Maturation                        d. Learning

30.  Which of the following principles can be the basis of the growing realization of the significance of the early childhood education?

a.      The young children are capable of doing many things at an early stage.

b.      The child should be seen and should learn.

c.       The first five years of life are the formative years of the child.

d.      Early childhood experience can be interesting and challenging.

31.  Which of the following learner’s characteristics will affect most of the learners learning in the academic areas?

a.      His affective characteristics

b.      His cognitive characteristics

c.       His psychomotor characteristics

d.      His socio-emotional characteristics 

32.  Joy is low achieving, shy and withdrawn, is rejected by most of his peers. Her teacher wants to help Joy increase her self-esteem and social acceptance. What can Joy’s teacher suggest to her parents?

a.      Transfer her to a different school

b.      Help her daughter improve her motor skills

c.       Help her daughter learn to accept more responsibility for her academic failures

d.      Help their daughter improve skills in relating to peers.

33.  Parents who are restrictive and punitive are displaying

a.      Indulgent parenting

b.      Authoritative parenting

c.       Neglectful parenting

d.      Authoritarian parenting

34.  Parents who are uninvolved in their child’s life are displaying

a.      Indulgent parenting

b.      Authoritative parenting

c.       Neglectful parenting

d.      Authoritarian parenting

35.  A child with authoritarian parents is likely to display all of the following except

a.      Failure to initiative activity

b.      Poor communication skills

c.       Self-reliance

d.      Social incomplete

36.  Which perspective refers to the concept that children are born into the world corrupted with an inclination toward evil?

a.      Innate goodness view

b.      Tabula rasa view

c.       Origina sin view

d.      Classical view

37.  Ramon and Mia are first time parents. They believe that children are inherently good, so they planned that they will allow their child to grow naturally with little parental monitoring. What is the view consistent to their belief?

a.      Innate goodness view

b.      Tabula rasa view

c.       Origina sin view

d.      Classical view

38.  It refers to the social roles and expectations related to one’s age.

a.      Chronological age

b.      Biological age

c.       Social age

d.      Psychological age

39.  Every time we count the number of years that elapsed since birth, we are counting our _______________

a.   Chronological age

b.   Biological age

c.    Social age

d.   Psychological age

40.  What developmental issue is supported by the theories of Sigmund Freud, Erick Erickson and Jean Piaget?

a.      Nurture                 c. Nature

b.      Continuity             d. Discontinuity 

41.  The period of the zycote of human development refers to

a.      Fertilization to 2 weeks

b.      Weeks 2-8 wks following conception

c.       2 months to 9 months after conception

d.      The last year prior to death

42.  Which of the following occurs during the embryonic period of human development?

a.      Fertilization

b.      Formation of neutral tube

c.       Irregular breathing

d.      Appearance of the grasping reflex

43.  What is the chromosomal aberration that is caused by an extra chromosomes leading to the child’s having mental retardation?

a.      Turners Syndrome

b.      Klinefelters Syndrome

c.       Down Syndrome

d.      Autism 

44.  Teratogen refers to

a.      Any agent that causes a birth defect

b.      A concept or framework that organizes and interprets information

c.       The expression of an individual’s genotype in measurable characteristics

d.      The tendency of an infant to form an attachment to the first moving object it encounters.

45.  Which is the correct sequence for the periods of prenatal development?

a.      Fetus, embryo, zygote

b.      Zygote, fetus, embryo

c.       Zygote, embryo, fetus

d.      Embryo, zygote, fetus 

46.  Children who are born to mothers who are heavy drinkers are likely to show all of the following except

a.      A small head

b.      Increased intelligence

c.       Defective limbs

d.      Heart defects

47.  Exposure to heroine during pregnancy has been linked to all of the following except

a.      Premature birth

b.      Breathing problems

c.       Obesity at birth

d.      death

48.  whichof the following pre-term infants is most likely to have developmental problems?

a.      An infant from a high-income family

b.      A large infant

c.       An infant who is massaged

d.      An infant born in poverty

49.  Which of the following is not an effect of infant massage that has been demonstrated?

a.      Increased weight gain

b.      Increased activity

c.       Decreased alertness

d.      Increased brain alertness

50.  Which of the following is a reflex that helps the baby find the nipple?

a.      Babinski

b.      Moro

c.       Rooting

d.      Sucking

51.  Psychologists have found the highest social competence in children whose parents have which style?

a.      Indulgent parenting

b.      Authoritative parenting

c.       Neglectful parenting

d.      Authoritarian parenting 

52.  Antonina has developed an ability to remember significant events in her life. She is most likely at what stage of development?

a.      Infancy

b.      Early childhood

c.       Late childhood

d.      Puberty

53.  The following are part of Sternberg Theory of Development Except:

a.      Practical intelligence

b.      Spatial intelligence

c.       Analytical intelligence

d.      Creative Intelligence

54.  What is the category that includes skills in writing, drawing, painting and dancing?

a.      Self-help skills

b.      Social-help skills

c.       School skills

d.      Play skills

55.  Tim possesses excellent skills in creating art works and would invent toys from recycled materials, using Sternberg theory, what is this intelligence called?

a.      Analytical Intelligence

b.      Creative Intelligence

c.       Practical Intelligence

d.      Spatial Intelligence

56.  Which period in the lifespan is called by psychologist as the “gang age”?

a.      Infancy

b.      Early childhood

c.       Middle / late childhood

d.      Adolescence

57.  What is the most accurate definition of the puberty stage?

a.      Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence

b.      Stage when sexual maturation is attained

c.       A time of rapid growth and sexual maturation

d.      Stage when adolescent establish identities separate from their parents

58.  The primary criterion of puberty in women is

a.      X-ray of skeletal muscles

b.      Nocturnal emission

c.       Menarche

d.      Chemical analysis in the urine

59.  Testosterone is associated with all of the following except

a.      Increased in height

b.      Change in voice

c.       Breast development

d.      Changes in male genetals

60.  Which of the following is not a common effect of puberty to attitudes and behaviour?

a.      Heightened emotionality

b.      Loss of self-confidence

c.       Bad grades

d.      Excessive modesty

61.  Individual are most likely to enter which cognitive stage during adolescence?

a.      Preoperational

b.      Formal operational

c.       Sensorimotor

d.      Concrete operational

62.  Adolescent egocentrism is characterized by all of the following except the

a.      Belief that others are as preoccupied with the individual as he or she is

b.      Belief that one is unique

c.       Belief that one is invincible

d.      Belief that one is superior to others 

63.  The following are characteristics of adolescence except

a.      A period of transition

b.      A age of idealism

c.       A time of personal reflection and evaluation

d.      Adolescent as radical, unnerving, and different

64.  Identity status refers to

a.      A person’s position in the development of an identity

b.      The challenge adolescent face in finding out who they are

c.       The bond between an adolescent and caregiver

d.      Expectation about how adolescents should think, feel, and act

65.  According to Marcia’s ideas about identity status, a person who has not yet explored meaningful alternatives and has not made a commitment is in which stage?

a.         Identity foreclosure

b.         Identity moratorium

c.          Identity achievement

d.         Identity diffusion

66.  Ramon is still undecided on what course to take in college so he just let his parents decide for him, in what level of identity does he falls in?

a.         Identity foreclosure

b.         Identity moratorium

c.          Identity achievement

d.         Identity diffusion 

67.  The following are factors that may increase the likelihood of developing eating disorder except ___________

a.         Negative parent-adolescent relationship

b.         Girls who were rejected by their friends

c.          Adolescents who likes to be healthy

d.         Adolescents who are self-conscious

68.  Fifteen year old Marie is preoccupied with her disgusting appearance and seems depressed most of the time. What is the best thing her parents can do to help her get through this difficult time?

a.         Ignore her preoccupation because their attention would only reinforce it

b.         Encourage her to “shape up”and not to give up in self pity

c.          Kid her about her appearance in the hope that she will see how silly she is acting

d.         Offer practical advice, such as cloth suggesting, to improve her body image

69.  What can be the best comparison of the behaviour of a 17 year old girl to that of a 13 year-old brother?

a.         She is most likely critical to herself

b.         She tends to be egocentric

c.          She had less confidence in her abilities

d.         She is more capable of reasoning hypotheticall

70.  What is the main source of emotional support for most young people who are establishing independence from their parents?

a.         Older adolescents of the opposite sex

b.         Older sibling

c.          Teachers

d.         Peer groups

Answer Key


1.      B

2.      A

3.      C

4.      D

5.      B

6.      A

7.      B

8.      A

9.      B

10.  C

11.  C

12.  D

13.  A

14.  B

15.  B

16.  D

17.  D

18.  C

19.  D

20.  C

21.  B

22.  B

23.  C

24.  C

25.  C

26.  B

27.  B

28.  B

29.  D

30.  C

31.  B

32.  D

33.  D

34.  C

35.  C

36.  C

37.  A

38.  C

39.  A

40.  D

41.  A

42.  B

43.  C

44.  A

45.  C

46.  B

47.  C

48.  D

49.  C

50.  C

51.  B

52.  B

53.  B

54.  C

55.  D

56.  C

57.  C

58.  C

59.  C

60.  C

61.  B

62.  D

63.  C

64.  A

65.  D

66.  A

67.  C

68.  D

69. D

70. D

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