
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Curriculum Development


Curriculum Development


1.      Teacher Anne decides skills she wants pupils to learn from the lesson and designs ways to assess how well student have learned and how effectively the activity has been carried out. Teacher Anne uses a set of description of level of performance on each of several aspects of the activity. This is known as ___________

a.      Performance checklist

b.      Criterion checklist

c.       Rubrics

d.      Questionnaire


Rationalization: C – performance checklist is a list of tasks to be accomplished for credit, criterion checklist is a list of criteria students must meet in their works and products, questionnaire is a set of question to be accomplished or to be answered, while rubrics is a set of description of levels performance.


2.      Experts like Tyler, stressed that developing a curriculum must follow the steps in a sequential order. This model is called ____________

a.      Sequential model

b.      Linear model

c.       Eclectic model

d.      Wheeler model


Rationalization: B – the linear model assumes that curriculum decision making follows a   straight line, hence, linear.


3.      A curriculum theorist who believes that curriculum is a complex set of activities and decisions and they interact a lot.

a.      Tyler

b.      Taba

c.       Wheeler

d.      Kerr


Rationalization: D – Tyler is known for linear, Taba is known for grassroots approach, Wheeler believes that a curriculum decision making start from any point and can come back to any of the points, like a cycle. Kerr believes that changes in content may necessities changes in experiences, and subsequently, may bring about changes in evaluation, etc.

4.      Which of the following is not considered in selecting the aims of curriculum?

a.      Analysis of culture

b.      Consistency of the curriculum with learning theory

c.       Validity of knowledge claim

d.      The present status of the learner


Rationalization: C – There are five factors mentioned in selecting aims and objectives of curriculum, choices A, B and D are included in the said five factors, while choice C is a factor to be considered in selecting learning experiences.


5.      Learning experiences are vital components of curriculum. Which of the following factors must be considered in determining learning experiences?

a.      Observability

b.      Compatibility

c.       Trialability

d.      Suitability


Rationalization: C – Choices A, B, and C are factors to be considered in determining the relative advantage of Technology Integrating Plan (TIP), while choice D is a factor to be considered in selecting learning experiences.


6.      Although, experiences provided in learning may be varied, they should all lead to the attainment of the same goal where subsequent experiences should build earlier ones. This is known as ___________

a.      Consistency learning

b.      Compatibility learning

c.       Cumulative learning

d.      Constructive learning


Rationalization: C – based on the definition of accumulation, subsequent experiences should build on earlier or previous experiences, no matter how different learning experiences are important learning experiences are, they all lead to the attainment of one and the same goal.


7.      A single learning may bring out many outcomes. Such learning experiences are important because of their multifaceted benefits. This called ___________

a.      Multiple learning

b.      Divisive learning

c.       Constructive learning

d.      Constructive learning


Rationalization: A – A single learning experience may bring about multiple outcomes, but such learning experiences are of great value because of their multiple benefits.


8.      In selecting contents of curriculum, one must consider the question whether the question the content selected will lead to the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed by the society. This factor called __________

a.      Validity

b.      Reliability

c.       Utility

d.      Learnability


Rationalization: C – utility refers to the usefulness of the acquired skills and knowledge in response to the needs of the society.


9.      The EDPITAF revealed that the community and home variables have greater impact on learning than school factors EDPITAF means __________

a.      Educational Development Planning Implementing Task Force

b.      Educational Development Project Implementing Task Force

c.       Educational Division Planning Implementing Task Force

d.      Educational Division Project Implementing Task Force


Rationalization : B – see definition of EDPITAF


10.  The NSEC demonstrates ample evidence of the inclusion of behaviourist psychological principles through the use of behavioural objectives, drills, and homework that reinforce learning.  NSEC means ___________

a.      National Secondary Education Curriculum

b.      National Secondary & Elementary Curriculum

c.       New Secondary Education Curriculum

d.      New  Secondary & Elementary  Curriculum


Rationalization: C – see definition of NSEC


11.  It is an approach to curriculum that views curriculum as a means and instruction as an end.

a.      Scientific Approach

b.      Humanistic Approach

c.       Behavioral Rational Approach

d.      System-Managerial Approach


Rationalization: C – this approach is called means-end approach. Curricula developed through this approach become the actual blueprints which prescribed the roles of key figu

12.  A curriculum approach influenced by the philosophy of John Dewey, emphasizing the importance of theories and principles in curriculum planning.

a.      Humanistic Approach

b.      Intellectual-academic Approach

c.       Scientific-Technical Approach

d.      Eclectic approach


Rationalization : B – Intellectual academic approach claims that  scholarly discussion and analysis require a good deal of theoretical background information about ideas, events and people. It attempts to analyze and synthesize the theories and philosophies which underpin the curriculum, including issues and trends.


13.  A curriculum design that focuses on the combination of two or more subjects within and across disciplines.

a.      Humanistic approach

b.      Intellectual academic approach

c.       Scientific-technical approach

d.      Eclectic approach


Rationalization: B – The combination of two or more subjects means integration of the subjects. Hence, this design is called integration design.


14.  A curriculum design influenced by the philosophy of Paolo Freire.

a.      Integration Design

b.      De-schooling design

c.       Core-curriculum design

d.      Child-centered design


Rationalization: B – Paolo Freire in his book “ Pedogogy of the Oppressed” stressed that there is a need to overthrow the “Banking System of Education” That dominates educational systems. This is called De-schooling.


15.  An implementation of curriculum model that focuses on overcoming resistance to change among stakeholders of the curriculum

a.      LOC model

b.      OD model

c.       ORC model

d.      RCA model


Rationalization: C – the definition of ORC is evidently mentioned in the question. ORC stands for Overcoming Resistance to Change.



16.   Teacher Gabby want to find out what are the general purposes and goals of education in the Philippines, which of the following do you recommend teacher Gabby to read?

a.       Faculty code

b.      Penal code

c.       Constitution of the Philippines

d.      Rules of evidences

Rationalization: C – Article XIV of the 1987 constitution provides the goals, nature and purpose of the education in the Philippines.

17.It refers to the process of improving the teaching learning situation.

a.       Curriculum design

b.      Curriculum approach

c.       Curriculum evaluation

d.      Curriculum development

Rationalization: D – the continious  process for the possibilities of improving the teaching learning situation is called curriculum development as a whole, though, the process involves curriculum design, approach and evaluation.

18.   Teacher Mario told his faculty to consider the needs of the learners in developing a curriculum, which of the following must not be considered?

a.       Cognitive development

b.      Linguistic development

c.       Pedagogical development

d.      Psycho-social development

              Rationalization: C – Cognitive, linguistic, and Psycho-social development are all crucial aspects to be considered in dealing with the needs of the learners. While pedagogical development concerns teachers.

19.In the following the linear model of curriculum, which of the following sequences is correct?

a.       Selection of aims, organization of contents, selection of contents, selection of aims

b.      Evaluation of learning outcomes, organization of contents, selection of contents, selection of aims

c.       Selection of aims, selection of contents, organization of content, evaluation of learning outcomes

d.      Selection of contents, selection of aims, organization of contents, evaluation of learning outcomes

              Rationalization: C – See Diagram of Linear Model, where selection of content must come immediately after selection of aims. There is a need to select contents first before organizing them, and finally an evaluation of the learning outcomes must be done.


20.   Teacher Josephine wants to develop a curriculum based on the Tyler Model of curriculum design, which of the following must teacher Josephine consider?

a.       The nature and structure of knowledge

b.      The needs of the society

c.       The needs of the learner

d.      All of the above

              Rationalization: D – the nature and structure of knowledge, the needs of the society and the needs of the learners are integral factors to be considered in developing a holistic curriculum. This is exemplified in Tyler’s model.

21.   Teacher chris asked his students to take Math 1 as a pre-requisite for Math 2 and Math 2 as a pre-requisite for Math 3 and so forth. What principle does a teacher Chris adhere?

a.       Hierarchy of needs

b.      Hierarchy of progression

c.       Hierarchy of values

d.      Hierarchy of learners

              Rationalization: B – Hierarchy of progression is based on the principle that lower knowledge or skills are pre-conditions for a higher knowledge or skills in order to progress in the learning process.

22.   Teacher Danny told his students in history that he uses both English and Filipino as medium of instruction, which policy does teacher Danny adhere?

a.       Academic Freedom Policy

b.      Bilingual Policy

c.       Nationalistic Policy

d.      His own Policy

              Rationalization: B – the use of both English and Filipino is allowed in the teaching of history and other social science. This is covered by Bilingual Policy

23.   Which of the following is a characteristic of a teacher belonging to the Progressive school of thought?

a.       The teacher is a stimulator

b.      The teacher is a disciplinarian

c.       The teacher is “bookish”

d.      The teacher is not an “activist”

              Rationalization: A – As a stimulator, the teacher directs the learning process. Choices B, C              and D are characteristics of Essentialist teacher.


24.   Teacher Jordan assigned lessons to his students and told the students to recite during graded recitation period. Which school of thought does teacher Jordan belongs?

a.       Progressive school

b.      Essentialist school

c.       None of the above

d.      All of the above

Rationalization: B – the essentialist school or traditional school is characterized by memory work, mastery of facts and recite recitations.

25.   Teacher Rowena emphasized the role of the 3 R’s in her curriculum, what periodic curriculum does teacher Rowena adhere?

a.       American curriculum

b.      Pre-Spanish curriculum

c.       Spanish curriculum

d.      Japanese curriculum

Rationalization: C – the education in the Spanish era was basically a medium for propagating Christianity in the island, hence, the inclusion of religion was vital in order to attain this goal.

26.   The primary goal of the Spanish Era was the spread of Christianity, while the pre-hispanic Era aims ________

a.       Spread of Democracy

b.      Spread of New  asia order

c.       Integration of Individual into the tribe

d.      All of the above

Rationalization: C – The spread of democracy was the concerned of  American era, while the Japanese era concerned on the spread of New Asian order. The Pre- Hispanic was characterized by the existence of tribes, thus, it was the primary goal of education to integrate the individual into the tribe.

27.   It was considered as the “black out” in the Philippine education, and impeded educational progress on the Filipinos.

a.       Spanish Devised Curriculum

b.      Philippine Republic Curriculum

c.       Japanese Devised Curriculum

d.      American Devised Curriculum

Rationalization: C – the Japanese devised a curriculum for the Filipinos to suit their vested interest, this is indicated by the abolition of the English as a medium of instruction and subsequently cencored and revised all textbook, this lead to a crisis in the educational progress of the Filipinos.


28.   What curriculum was considered as the period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum?

a.       Liberation Period Curriculum

b.      Philippine Republic Curriculum

c.       Commonwealth Curriculum

d.      American curriculum

Rationalization: C – The educational leaders from 1935 – 1946, or commonwealth period, expanded the curriculum by introducing course in farming, domestic science, etc…

29.   Books which are contributions to Philippine history, books on character education and other library materials were given priority by virtue of which memorandum?

a.       Memorandum No. 66 of 1966

b.      Memorandum No. 19 of 1966

c.       Memorandum No. 30 of 1966

d.      Memorandum No. 96 of 1966

Rationalization:  C -  the memorandum number 30, series of 1966 sets the order of priority in the purchase of books for use in the schools, which include books which are contributions to Philippine history and other books on Character Education

30.   It is an approach in curriculum where there are no pre determined objectives to guide the teaching learning process.

a.       Humanistic approach

b.      Non-Technical approach

c.       Reconceptualist approach

d.      Eclectic approach

Rationalization: B – The non- technical approach is characterized by being flexible and less structured. This is because of its assumption that not all ends of education can be known and pre-determined in all cases.

31.   It is an approach in curriculum that considers the school as an institution of social reform.

a.       Progressivist  approach

b.      Aesthetic approach

c.       Scientific approach

d.      Reconstructionist approach

Rationalization: D – The reconstructionists  criticize the progressivists  for putting too much emphasis on the individual learner to the neglect of the needs of the society.

32.   A curriculum design that focused on the great books.

a.       Integrated design

b.      Core curriculum

c.       Child-centered curriculum

d.      Subject-centered curriculum

Rationalization: B - The focus of core curriculum is a common body of curriculum content and learning experience that should be encountered by all students. This is made possible by means of the GREAT BOOKS, as influenced by perennialists.

33.   Which of the following is not included in the principles of effective curriculum design?

a.       Strategic integration

b.      Mediated Scaffolding

c.       Level of resistance

d.      Conspicuous strategies

              Rationalization: C- Level of Resistance is one of the factors affecting the choice of implementation model. Choices A, B and D are some of the principles for effective curriculum design

34.   It refers to the systematic process of determining whether the curriculum as designed and implemented had produced or is producing the intended and desired results.

a.       Curriculum planning

b.      Curriculum design

c.       Curriculum development

d.      Curriculum evaluation

              Rationalization: C – Curriculum evaluation is the means of determining whether the program is meeting its goals, that is whether the measures or outcomes for a given set of instructional inputs match the intended outcomes.

35.   It is considered as the decision making body for elementary education.

a.      SEDP

b.      NESC

c.       NSEC

d.      PRODED

              Rationalization: D – Program for Decentralized Educational Development (PRODED) was initially a four year program (1982 – 1986) designed to strengthen policies, management and instructional programs for elementary education.

36.   The RAND implementation model is based on the following assumptions except _________

a.     The characteristics of the proposed change

b.    Clarification lines of authority

c.     The competencies of the teaching and non-teaching staff

d.    The support of the local community

              Rationalization: B – clarification of lines of authority is a general factor involved in the successful implementation of the different implementation model. While the other choices are specific factors to be considered in the RAND model.

37.   Which of the following chronological arrangement of the different surveys on Philippine education is in correct sequence?

a.       Monroe, Swanson SOUTELE, PCSPE

b.      Monroe, Swanson, EDCOM, PCSPE


d.      EDCOM, PRODED, Swanson, HSMA

              Rationalization:  C – The evaluation studies in the Philippines is summarized as:

                1925 – Monroe Survey

                1959 – Swanson Survey

                1969 – Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE)

                1976 – Survey of Outcomes of Elementary Education (soutele)

                1982 – Household and School Matching Survey

                1991 – Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM)

                1991 – National Evaluation and Impact Study of PRODED


38.   It is a curriculum that is unique to each student

a.       Electronic curriculum

b.      Concomitant curriculum

c.       Null curriculum

d.      Internal curriculum

Rationalization: D – Internal curriculum deals with the processes, contents, and knowledge combined with experiences and realities of a particular learner in order to create new knowledge.

39.   A curriculum that gives the students message that elements of curriculum are not important in their educational experiences?

a.       Hidden Curriculum

b.      Overt curriculum

c.       Null curriculum

d.      Prescribed curriculum


Rationalization: C – the word null comes from the latin word  nullo which literally means, none or not. Thus, null curriculum means do not teach or there is nothing to teach.

40.   A curriculum where learning is implied or derived from the very nature and structure of the school.

a.       Overt curriculum

b.      Phantom curriculum

c.       Hidden curriculum

d.      Internal curriculum

Rationalization: C – this is a kind of curriculum opposite to overt curriculum, while overt curriculum directly manifest or explicitly state the purpose, aims and goals of the curriculum, the hidden curriculum implicitly reveals its purposes, aims and goals, rather it has to be derived from the nature of the school, the behaviour and attitude of teachers and administrators, among others.

41.   Teacher Berlin wants to find out what are the general purpose and goals of education in the Philippines, which of the following do you recommend Teacher Berlin to read?

a.       Civil code of the Philippines

b.      Penal code of the Philippines

c.       Constitution of the Philippines

d.      Rules of Court

Rationalization: C – See Article XIV of the 1987 constitution, it provides the goals, nature and purposes of the education in the Philippines.

42.   Teacher Medalyn reiterates to her pupils the aims of the elementary and secondary education, which aim do you think teacher Medalyn reiterates?

a.       Provide knowledge and develop skills and values essential to personal development

b.      Provide learning experience which increase the child’s awareness of society

c.       Promote work experience which develop the child’s orientation to the world

d.      All of the above

Rationalization: D – All of the above mentioned A, B, and C are some of the primary considerations of Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)

43.   Teacher Shella and teacher Ferdie are members of the Curriculum development  committee in their school, they are looking for a curriculum model to base on, which do you think are helpful for them to consider?

I.        Body of theory about teaching and learning

II.      Needsand characteristics of a particular group of learners

III.    Outline approaches, methods and procedures for implementation


a.       I and II

b.      II and III

c.       I and III

d.      I, II and III

Rationalization: D – In the process of curriculum development, I, II and III are necessary factors to be considered

44.   Teacher Aries wants to develop a curriculum based on the Tyler Model of Curriculum design, which of the following must Teacher Roger consider?

i.         The nature and structure of knowledge

ii.       The needs of the society

iii.      The needs of the learner


a.       I and III

b.      III and II

c.       I only

d.      I, II and III

Rationalization:  D – In Tyler’s curriculum model, the needs of both learner and the society as well as the nature and structure of the knowledge

45.   Teacher Mariano selects a subject matter to be included in the curriculum, what criteria must he consider?

a.       Relevance

b.      Importance

c.       Priority

d.      All of the above

Rationalization: D – In selecting a subject to be included in the curriculum, relevance, importance as well as priority must be considered, otherwise, such subject shall be deemed “useless”

46.   Which of the following is not considered as an approach to subject matter?

a. Textual approach

b.Graphical approach

c. Experimental approach

d.Experiential approach

Rationalization: B – Graphics are helpful in delivering instruction, but it is not an approach in itself.


47.   Teacher Danilo asked his students to take English I as a pre-requesite for English 2 and English 2 as a pre-requisite for English 3 and so on. What principle or criteria did teacher Danilo use?

a.       Hierarchy of needs

b.      Hierarchy of progression

c.       Hierarchy of values

d.      Hierarchy of learners

Rationalization: B – Pre-requisite knowledge or skills are needed in tracing the progress of the learners.

48.   Teacher Barbie told his faculty to consider the needs of the learners in developing a curriculum, which of the following must not be considered?

a.       Cognitive development

b.      Linguistic development

c.       Pedagogical development

d.      Psycho-social development

Rationalization: C – the learners develop their cognitive, linguistic and psycho-social skills, pedagogy is the art of teaching, hence, learners do not develop such


49.   Teacher Ana told the members of the curriculum development committee to be very sensitive in addressing the needs of the society to be integrated in the revised curriculum, which of the following must be ignored?

a.       Vocational skills

b.      Literacy skills

c.       Interpersonal skills

d.      Biological skills

Rationalization: D – Biological needs have nothing to do with curriculum development, instead, the curriculum must address the skills of the learners 

50.   Teacher Sophia told her students in Rizal course that she uses both English and Filipino as a medium of instruction, which policy does Teacher Sophia adhere?

a.       Academic freedom policy

b.      Nationalistic policy

c.       Bilingual policy

d.      His own policy

Rationalization: C – Definition of Bi-lingual


51.   Teacher George defined curriculum as a group of subjects arranged in a certain sequence peculiar to the subjects  field itself for the purpose of instruction, what dimension of the curriculum does Teacher George deal with?

a.       Modern dimension

b.      Social dimension

c.       Philosophical dimension

d.      Traditional dimension

Rationalization: C- The philosophy of education determines the sequence of subjects included in the curriculum

52.   Teacher Kenneth is a follower of the modern dimension of curriculum, which of the following does Teacher Kenneth does not adhere?

a.       Curriculum consists of all experiences for learning which are planned and organized by the school

b.      Unique needs and interest have been placed second to the common needs of the learners

c.       It is composed of the actual experiences and activities of learners inside and outside the classroom

d.      It is flexible

Rationalization: B – A, C and D are characteristics of the modern curriculum, while the unique interest of the learners being secondary to common interest is a characteristics of traditional curriculum

53.   Teacher Carl is in the process of arranging learning opportunities for a particular population of learners, what stage of curriculum development he is working with?

a.       Curriculum implementation

b.      Curriculum pilot-testing

c.       Curriculum planning

d.      Curriculum evaluation

Rationalization: C – Arranging learning opportunities is part of curriculum planning.

54.   According to teacher Lyn, all learners must be the same. What school of thought does Teacher Lyn belong?

a.       Progressive school

b.      Behaviourists school

c.       Essentialist school

d.      Existentialist school

Rationalization: C – the essentialist regard learners as the same, it disregards individual differences.


55.   Which of the following is not a characteristic of essentialist school?

a.       Book-centered

b.      No interest in social action

c.       Curriculum is flexible

d.      Standard measurement of outcomes

Rationalization:  C – The essentialist’s curriculum is rigid, unlike the modern curriculum that is flexible.

56.   Teacher Rey emphasized the role of the 3 R’s (reading, writing and religion) in his curriculum. What curriculum does Teacher Rey adhere?

a.       American curriculum

b.      Pre-Spanish curriculum

c.       Spanish curriculum

d.      Japanese curriculum

Rationalization: B – See periods or history of curriculum development in the Philippines.

57.   The primary curriculum prescribed for the Filipinos consisted of three grades which provides body and mental training is _____________

a.       American curriculum

b.      Spanish curriculum

c.       Pre-spanish curriculum

d.      Japanese curriculum

Rationalization: A – one of the contributions of the American Curriculum is the emphasis on Mental and Physical development of the learners.

58.   It was considered as the period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum

a.       Liberation period curriculum

b.      Philippine Republic curriculum

c.       Commonwealth curriculum

d.      American curriculum

Rationalization: C – see historical development of Philippine Curriculum

59.   It is the decision making body for elementary education.

a.       SEDP

b.      NESC

c.       NSEC

d.      PRODED

Rationalization: D- see definition of PRODED


60.   The EDCOM was created by legislator to conduct a comprehensive study on Philippine education. This became an important enabler for curriculum reform. When was EDCOM created?

a.       1990

b.      1991

c.       1992

d.      1993 

Rationalization: C – see history and definition of EDCOM



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