
Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer in each of the following

1.      Child-Friendly School inclusive, gender-sensitive and non-discriminating when it:
a.         Has a curriculum that address the child’s learning needs as well as those of the community and society
b.         Employ teaching methods that are suited to the child’s age, abilities and ways of learning
c.          Gives boys and girls equal learning opportunities, threats children equally, regardless of gender, social status, cultural origin on religious belief
d.         Encourages children to think and decide for themselves, ask questions and express their opinions.

2.      The following are the characteristics of an effective child-friendly school EXCEPT one:
a.         Has the best interest of the child in mind in all learning activities
b.         Has a curriculum that addresses the child’s learning needs as well as those of the   community and society
c.          Does not turn away any child from enrolling and attending classes for whatever           reason
d.         Encourages children to think and decide for themselves ask questions and express their opinions.

3.      A Child-friendly school should aspire for the following goals, EXCEPT one:
a.         Encourages children’s participation in school and community
b.         Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success
c.          Enhance children’s health and well-being
d.         Encouraged sustained high enrolment and completion rate

4.      Per RA 9184 “Competitive Bidding” and public Bidding” shall have the same meaning. This method of procurement is open to any interested party and consists of the following series of activities, EXCEPT one:
a.         Pre-bid conference
b.         Eligibility screening of prospective bidder
c.          Receipt and opening of bids, and closure and evaluation of bids
d.         Post-qualification and award of contract

5.      Aside from BAC (Bids and Awards Committee) the head of the procuring entity shall create a Technical Working Group (TWG) from a pool/technical, financial and/or legal expert to assists in the procurement process, particularly in the eligibility screening and in the
a.         Evaluation of bids and pre-qualification
b.         Evaluation of bids and post-qualification
c.          Resolving motions for reconsideration
d.         Resolving motions and awarding of contract

6.      In the implementing BRIGADA ESKWELA, the School Principal and the PTA should organized the work groups through the following approaches EXCEPT one:
a.         Document the effort of networking
b.         Appoint work teams and team leaders
c.          Agree on specific tasks per team per day
d.         Organize the logistics as to who will be responsible for the directions

7.      Who is an authorized person to accept/received donations, gifts, bequest and grants in accordance with existing laws and policy of the DepED for the purpose of upgrading teachers/learning facilitators’ competencies?
a.         School principal
b.         School PTA president
c.          School PTA Treasurer
d.         School BAC chairman

8.      The DepEd Program that aims to develop its members to become active partners in nation building and to achieve competitiveness and productivity through the different skills in agri-fishery, home economics, Industrial arts and entrepreneurship, is:
a.         SSG                  c. STEP
b.         YECS                d. YES-O

9.      Boy Scouting is a continuing program for every boy from pre-school into young manhood. It consists of the following activities KID Scouting, KAB Scouting, Boy Scouting and :
a.         Senior Scouting and Patrol System
b.         Rover Scouting
c.          Senior and Rover Scouting
d.         Rover Scouting and Commissioner Training

10.  The following are DepEd nationally-initiated projects of the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) except one:
a.         Accreditation and Equivalency Program (ALS’A & E)
b.         Comprehensive Barangay Development Program (COBDEP)
c.          BaliksaPaaralan
d.          Out-of-School Adults (BP-OSA)

11.  Basic Literacy Program thru Literacy Service Contracting Scheme (BLP-LCCS) In appraising the performance of teachers, which of the following is given the highest percentage (70%)?
a.         Professional and personal characteristics
b.         Instructional competence
c.          Punctuality and school community participation
d.         Learner’s achievement

12.  Learners should be allowed to evaluate their own work. This statement is:
a.         True, because it allows them to change their answers
b.         True, because this prompts them to think about their learning
c.          False, it allows them to change their answer
d.         False, because it retards development of their thinking skills

13.  Which is a traditional technique of learning assessment?
a.         Paper-pencil achievement test
b.         Performance test
c.          Use the portfolio
d.         Rubrics

14.  Authentic learning assessment asks student to apply their skills and knowledge in      meaningful ways such as the following EXCEPT one:
a.            Reporting the results of an experiments
b.            Writing a letter that is meant to be sent
c.             Evaluating their learning on a writing a poem
d.            Collecting any picture cut-outs for a scrapbook                    

15.  Which is not characteristics of authentic learning assessment?
a.            Students are required to develop responses, not select the appropriate response from a list
b.            Students are required to synthesize the information they have encountered and to evaluate their learning as well
c.             Students work on projects and are allowed to create a context for their learning and for appropriate evaluation
d.            Students are evaluated through a written multiple-choice type of test

16.  RA 6655 RE: Free secondary Education Act of 1989 during the administration of     President Corazon C. Aquino provides among others:
a.            Nationalization of all barangays high schools
b.            Provision of salaries of teachers through the national government
c.             Provision of maintenance, operating and other expenses (MOOE)
d.            All of the above

17.     The 50% of MOOE budget shall give priority to:
a.      Transportation allowance
b.      Instructional materials
c.       Feeding program
d.      Other expenses

18.        As a general rule, the different school buildings should be laid out according to functional groupings. The distances between buildings should be such that EXCEPT:
a.         Ventilation is not obstructed
b.         Natural illumination is not impeded
c.          Sounds in one building do not carry into the next building
d.         Minimize flow of air currents or breeze

19.        The main building facing the front gate should be at least how many meters from the gate?
a.         10 meters
b.         15 meters
c.          20 meters
d.         None

20.        The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is _____________ meters to minimize intrusive sounds
a.            5
b.            8
c.             10
d.            15

21.        The flagpole should occupy a prominent place in front of the main building in the assembly area. As a general rule, the top of the pole of flagpole should:
a.            Be higher than the main building
b.            Be lower than the main building
c.             Be higher than the highest tree
d.            Be lower than the tree

22.        The signboard of a school building should be of appropriate length and width to accommodate the name and location of the school. The lettering in simple, black or roman style and big enough to be easily read in a distance of:
                        a.            m to 20 m
                        b.            20 m to 25 m
                         c.            5 m
                        d.            5 m to 10 m

23.        Which DOES NOT belong for a minimum school site size for secondary in an urban area?
                        a.            500 students or less than 0.5ha
                        b.            501 to 1,000 students-1.0ha
                         c.            1,001 to 2,000-2.0ha
                        d.            2,001 to 3,000 students-5ha

24.        The following are characteristics of an effective crisis manager EXCEPT one:
a.            He must be forward looking and must have broad view of the situation
b.            He must be flexible and willing to deport from established rule if needed
c.             He has the ability to keep cool under pressure
d.            He must wait and give more time to conflicting parties to report a dialogue

25.  The top priority in the allocation of classroom/school furniture following the color coding system is:
a.      Red/black
b.      Red/gold
c.       Black/gold
d.      Black/blue

26.  Will a cetain teacher be disqualified to be promoted due to pendency of his/her administrative case?
a.      Yes
b.      No
c.       Maybe
d.      None of the choices

27.  Which of the following is not quality of personal integrity?
a.      Humility
b.      Perseverance
c.       Adaptability
d.      All of the above

28.  Effective school management is observed or measured in many way. Some of the indications of good management in schools are stated below EXCEPT:
a.      Instructional supplies are ordered and arrive on time
b.      Teachers come to school on time; rarely been absent receive effective supervision
c.       School facilities are in good repair with the help of the stakeholders in improving it.
d.      PTA are involved in academic teaching

29.  An English teacher asked to substitute for a chemistry teacher who got sick. When the English teacher took over, she could not teach as effectively as the chemistry teacher. What unsuccessful curriculum implementation is shown in the situation?
a.      Technical
b.      Political
c.       Cultural
d.      Social

30.  Professional development for teacher should_____________
a.      Include most current methods, message and media
b.      Be fun and enjoyyable
c.       Be completed in a short period of time.
d.      Be developed by the bureau of Education

31.  What is shown when the principal issues a memorandumtoward a teacher who always absent without notice to the principal’s office?
a.      Expert power
b.      Referent power
c.       Legitimate power
d.      Coercive power

32.  What should be the primary consideration in arranging the physical learning environment?
a.      Cleanliness
b.      Orderliness
c.       Safety
d.      Sanitation

33.  Teacher applicant A registered 66.75% points in the RQA where can he find his/her name?
a.      Registry A
b.      Registry B
c.       Registry C
d.      Registry D

34.  What instructional leadership behaviour is describe if school head articulate a vision of instructional goals and the means of integrity instructional planning and goals attainment?
a.      Effective communicator
b.      Resource provider
c.       Instructional resource
d.      School governing council

35.  Mother Tongue is taught as a separate learning areas in as stipulated in DepEd order No. 31, s. 2013.
a.      Kindergarten and grade 1
b.      Grade I and 2
c.       Grade 2 and 3
d.      Grade 3 and 4

36.  This is based in the leader’s “cutting edge” in some fields?
a.      Expet power
b.      Legitimate power
c.       Referent power
d.      Coercive power

37.  It is an accreditation process that works into the operations of he public and provide elementary and secondary schools in the Philippines?
a.      PASBE
b.      ACCESs
c.       BESRA
d.      SBM

38.  It occurs when employees fail to exhibit concern and regards for others or worse yet disrespect each other on the job?
a.      Incivility
b.      Courtesy
c.       Bashfulness
d.      Coyness

39.  Hypothetically, the speaker of the house died, how many days should the Philippines flag is on half-mast?
a.      10 days
b.      7 days
c.       15 days
d.      5 days

40.  Which leadership style condiser the development or maturity level of the subordinates as the most important factor in selecting the appropriate approach?
a.      Situational leadership
b.      Autocratic leadership
c.       Democratic leadership
d.      Free-rein leadership

41.  Which of the following is NOT a core principle in school improvement process?
a.      It is dogmatic
b.      It is systematic
c.       It is participatory
d.      It based on hard data

42.  Nepotism as an administrative offense is penalized with a _______ for the first offense.
a.      Reprimand
b.      Suspension
c.       Dismissal
d.      None of the choices 

43.  What is expected of you as a school head in terms of parental involvement and building communities are concerned?
a.      Establish linkages with the community
b.      Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter
c.       Perform one’s roles with excellence and maintain the dignity of the teaching profession
d.      Improve teaching performance based on feedback

44.  Disclosing oneself to others is an attempt to reduce a person’s _____________area.
a.      Open
b.      Blind 
c.       Hidden 
d.      Potential

45.  Which of the following is not a key reform thrust of BESRA?
I.           Schools
II.         Teachers
III.       Social support to learning
IV.       Complementary interventions
V.         DepEd’s institutional culture
a.      I and II
b.      I, II, III, IV and V
c.       III, IV, and V
d.      None

46.  What is the last step in the SIP Planning cycle?
a.      Collecting, organizing and analyzing school data
b.      Determining of the school’s goals and objectives
c.       Communicating the plan
d.      Implementation strat-up

47.  Brigada Eskwela is held where parents assist the school in this endeavor. If you were the principal, what would you prefer to be given to the school?
a.      Contribution of cash by the local government
b.      Contribution of cash by the teachers
c.       Contribution of cash by the parents
d.      Contribution of parent through donation of materials

48.  In school, the teacher formed cliques and started to fight each other over petty issues. How a leader would respond?
a.      Leader’s work toward harmony
b.      They will find a way for the two groups to come to an agreement through a meeting or dialogues.
c.       Leaders acknowledge diversity and see the ideas of each clique
d.      A and b

49.  In transformational leadership, this models high values as an example and includes  communication of inspiring vision.
a.      Intellectual simulation
b.      Idealized influence
c.       Individualized consideration
d.      Inspirational motivation

50.  It is a document focused in learning composed of Professional development plan of school head, professional development plan of teachers and student development activities.
a.      National Competency Based Teaching Standard
b.      Progress Monitoring Program
c.       Human Resource Development
d.      Learning Management Program

Answer Key     1. c                   11. c                21. a                31. d                41. a
                        2. a                  12. c                22. a                32. c                42. c
                        3. d                  13. c                23. c                33. b                43. a
                        4. a                  14. b                24. b                34. a                44. d
                        5. d                  15. d                25. d                35. b                45. d
                        6. c                  16. a                26. NO             36. a                46. d
                        7. c                  17. c                 27. b                37. a                47. d
                        8. b                  18. c                28. d                38. b                48. b
                        9. b                  19. b                29. a                39. b                49. a
                        10. c                20. c                30. a                40. c                50. d

            Qualifying Exam for Principal
1.      Recommended practice suggests that which of the following should be involved in the decision making process concerning curriculum?
I.     Curriculum expert
II.   Boards of education
III. Professional staff
IV. Parents and students

a.      I and II only
b.      II and III only
c.       I, II, and III only
d.      I, II, III, and IV 

2.      Which of the following is the most crucial question to consider in using community resources in the classroom?
a.      Can the resources be used by several groups at the same time?
b.      Have such resources been overused?
c.       Do the resources meet the needs of the program?
d.      Would the use of these resources be controversial?

3.      The role of a school psychologist would ordinarily NOT include which of the following?
a.      Assisting teachers and administrators to develop understanding of the needs and behaviour of students.
b.      Determining by observation and assessment the procedures that best help students to learn
c.       Assisting faculty in developing procedures for referring students to the school psychologies
d.      Assisting teachers by giving demonstration lessons to troublesome groups of students

4.      The leader can be most confident that a groups is functioning when
a.      Most participants are enjoying the task
b.      Interpersonal and organizational conflict do not occur
c.       The reward system is more than adequate
d.      The participants are interacting with each other on an open basis.

5.      Of the following, the best argument for the inclusion of student in special education programs in activities with general education students is the probability that the special education students will
a.      Have less need for specialized services in the school they attend
b.      Learn more in the cognitive and psychomotor domain
c.       Become more competitive with their peers.
d.      Receive more individualized attention for the special nature of their disabling condition.

6.      The teaching techniques or methods that are generally considered to have more direct impact on effective feelings are
a.      Discussion and dialogue
b.      Recitation and independent study
c.       Role playing and simulation
d.      Questioning and observation
e.      Lecturing and demonstration

7.      A group of teachers cooperatively plan the best learning situation for a particular student, discuss the plan with the student, and have the student sign the written plan. Which of the following best describes this process?
a.      Individualizing unit teaching
b.      The contract method
c.       Unit teaching with group instruction
d.      Programmed instruction
e.      Team teaching, individualized instruction with the contract method

8.      The primary role of the supervisory or cooperating teacher in the education of the student teacher is most appropriately described as
a.      Setting a good example for the student teacher to follow
b.      Helping the student teacher develop effective ways of teaching
c.       Determining the educational philosophy to be implement by the student teacher
d.      Providing the student teacher with information in classroom management techniques.
e.      Facilitating the proper placement of the student teacher in his or her initial position.

9.      Which of the following is a common pitfall in the shaped decision-making process
a.      Group members often a variety of alternatives for consideration
b.      Group think develops
c.       Investment in the decision making process is increased
d.      Decisions are reached too rapidly
e.      Staff morale is decreased

10.  A high school principal plans to conduct a study to examine the effect of math teachers’ pedagogical styles in the achievement of students in the schools’ advanced mathematics program. Which of the following is the initial step in this process?
a.      Consult research relating to teachers’ pedagogical styles and student development
b.      Collect data about the performance of students in the advanced mathematics program
c.       Determine a format and timeline for reporting the results of the study to faculty members
d.      Formulate a question, hypothesis or objective
e.      Contact teachers to participate in the study

11.  If standardized test data are used in the principals’ study, which of the following should the principal consider to assess the tests’ ability to measure students’ performance across repeated test administrations?
a.      Reliability
b.      Validity
c.       Generalizability
d.      Orthogonality
e.      Reproducibility

12.  Teacher Anne decides skills she wants pupils to learn from the lesson and designs ways to assess how well student have learned and how effectively the activity has been carried out. Teacher Anne uses a set of description of level of performance on each of several aspects of the activity. This is known as ___________
a.      Performance checklist
b.      Criterion checklist
c.       Rubrics
d.      Questionnaire

13.  Which of the following is not considered in selecting the aims of curriculum?
a.      Analysis of culture
b.      Consistency of the curriculum with learning theory
c.       Validity of knowledge claim
d.      The present status of the learner

14.  Learning experiences are vital components of curriculum. Which of the following factors must be considered in determining learning experiences?
a.      Observability
b.      Compatibility
c.       Trialability
d.      Suitability

15.  Although, experiences provided in learning may be varied, they should all lead to the attainment of the same goal where subsequent experiences should build earlier ones. This is known as ___________
a.      Consistency learning
b.      Compatibility learning
c.       Cumulative learning
d.      Constructive learning

16.  A single learning may bring out many outcomes. Such learning experiences are important because of their multifaceted benefits. This called ___________
a.      Multiple learning
b.      Divisive learning
c.       Constructive learning
d.      Constructive learning

17.  In selecting contents of curriculum, one must consider the question whether the question the content selected will lead to the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed by the society. This factor called __________
a.      Validity
b.      Reliability
c.       Utility
d.      Learnability

18.  The EDPITAF revealed that the community and home variables have greater impact on learning than school factors EDPITAF means __________
a.      Educational Development Planning Implementing Task Force
b.      Educational Development Project Implementing Task Force
c.       Educational Division Planning Implementing Task Force
d.      Educational Division Project Implementing Task Force

19.  The NSEC demonstrates ample evidence of the inclusion of behaviourist psychological principles through the use of behavioural objectives, drills, and homework that reinforce learning.  NSEC means ___________
a.      National Secondary Education Curriculum
b.      National Secondary & Elementary Curriculum
c.       New Secondary Education Curriculum

20.  A curriculum design that focuses on the combination of two or more subjects within and across disciplines.
a.      Humanistic approach
b.      Intellectual academic approach
c.       Scientific-technical approach
d.      Eclectic approach

21.  What Republic Act clearly defines teachers’ integrity?
a.      R. A 7836
b.      R. A 6713
c.       R.A 9155
d.      R. A 7610

22.  In putting up a cordon on a school building perceived to be hazardous -, what is the minimum distance from the building line?
a.      1 meter
b.      2 meter
c.       3 meter
d.      4 meter

23.  Who is tasked to develop a summary of the teachers’ accomplishment and their implications to the schools’ priority improvement areas as indicated in the AIP?
a.      School IT coordinator
b.      School records coordinator
c.       School NCBTS coordinator
d.      Assistant Principal

24.  A good corporate governance requires the possession and application of the seven C’s of leadership. This C anchored on the values of integrity, honesty, honor, courage and ______
a.      Character
b.      Competence
c.       Compassion
d.      Commitment

25.  It is otherwise known as the Adopt – a – school Program Act.
a.      R. A 8526
b.      R. A. 1060
c.       R. A. 2835
d.      R. A. 10260

26.  When a school head submits required reports to the division office on prescribed schedules what does he/she exercise?
a.      Leadership
b.      Management
c.       Neither of these
d.      Both of these

27.  Which step does not belong in an effective decision making process?
a.      Define the problem
b.      Demand compliance without sufficient explanation
c.       List options
d.      Develop possible solutions

28.  What is the Department of Education vested with for ensuring access to promoting equity and improving the quality of basic education?
a.      Morality, accountability and equity
b.      Integrity, accountability and professionalism
c.       Authority, transparency and equity
d.      Equality, authority and responsibility

29.  Which of the following best define promotion?
a.      It is advancement to higher rank
b.      It is a movement denoting career advancement
c.       It is a n advancement of an employee from one position to another with increase in duties and responsibilities and increase in salary
d.      It is a movement from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities

30.  Which of these domains highly promotes both positive self-development?
a.      Cognitive and metacognitive domain
b.      Affective domain
c.       Personal and social domain
d.      Individual different domain

31.  One of the challenge that a school leader dealing with change in the organization. In effecting change in the school, what should a school head take into consideration?
a.      Change for the sake of change
b.      Change that would suit the demands of the school head
c.       Change that would increase autonomy of school staff
d.      Change that would increase organizational effectiveness

32.  What law is otherwise known as the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines?
a.      R. A 8491
b.      R. A 8525
c.       R. A 10157
d.      R. A 4660

33.  It is a conduct that is dishonest, depraved, based or vile and contrary to good morals
a.      Dishonesty
b.      Assaulting person in authority
c.       Moral turpitude
d.      Gross misconduct

34.  School operation fund will have how many percent from the net income derived from the operation of the canteen?
a.      10%
b.      15%
c.       25%
d.      35%

35.  Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. If by the end of the school year, the students are still at the beginning level, they shall be required to:
a.      Take the subject in the succeeding school year
b.      Respect the subject in the current school year
c.       Take summer classes
d.      Enroll the same subject before he/she graduated

36.  In choosing the best option from among alternatives, the least helpful generation to ask is ________
a.      Will this strategy produce positive results?
b.      What negative consequence will the option bring about?
c.       Will my superior approve and support my chosen resolution
d.      Do I have the necessary resources in implementing the decision?

37.  Which of the following features are more attributed to a manager than a leader?
I.                    Establish direction
II.                  Excite people with a vision
III.                Emphasize systems, structures and action
IV.                Allocates tasks and staff to carry them out

a.      I and II
b.      III and IV
c.       I and IV
d.      II only

38.  Procurement refers to the acquisition of the following except for one:
a.      Goods, supplies, materials and related services
b.      Consulting services
c.       The contracting for civil works by an agency
d.      Covers the lease of government property as collateral  

39.  Which of the following activities ensure the presence of prominent stakeholders in Brigada Eskwela?
I.                    Presentation of accomplishment
II.                  Awarding of certificates of recognition to partners/donors
III.                Symbolic turn-over and acceptance of outputs/donations from stakeholders
IV.                Forging of pledge of commitment by partners and by schools

a.      I and II
b.      III and IV
c.       I, II and III
d.      I, II, III and IV

40.  Which of the following is TRUE in giving of vacation service credits to teachers?
a.      It shall not exceed 15 work days in one year.
b.      It shall not exceed 20 work days in one year.
c.       It shall not exceed 25 work days in one year.
d.      It shall not exceed 30 work days in one year.

41.  In the grievance procedures under the appeal to the higher supervisor, how many days will decision shall be rendered?
a.      3 days
b.      5 days
c.       10 days
d.      15 days

42.  Which of the following indicators of personal integrity is not included?
a.      Practice what one preaches
b.      Firm in his/her decisions
c.       Subjective in evaluating co-workers
d.      Practices are based on policies

43.  Which of the following statement the IPPD is NOT based upon?
a.      The mandated functions and competency standards for profession.
b.      Results of training needs assessment.
c.       Priority developments goals of the school, division and region.
d.      The philosophy, vision and mission of the school. 

44.  It is known as the face to face learning with the facilitator and the learner.
a.      Home schooling
b.      Blended learning
c.       School based Guided learning
d.      Peer-tutorial learning

Answer Key:
1.      D                      11. B                21. A                31. A                41.b    
2.      C                      12. C                22. D                32. A                42. C  
3.      D                      13. C                23. C                33. C                43. D  
4.      D                      14. C                24. A                34. C                44. B
5.      C                      15. C                25. D                35. C                45.  
6.      C                      16. A                26. B                36. D  
7.      E                      17. C                27. B                37. B  
8.      B                      18. B                28. B                38.  D
9.      B                      19. C                29. C                39.  D
10.  D                      20. B                30. A                40.  A

2018 Mock Test Qualifying Exam for School Heads

1.      The Filipino youth and adult alike __________of the harmful effects of prohibited drugs.
a.      inform
b.      informed
c.       has been informed
d.      have been informing

2.      The price of gasoline has been _________tremendously in the recent year.
a.      Fluctuated
b.      Fluctuate
c.       Fluctuates
d.      Fluctuating

3.      A variety of vegetables _______in the gulayan sa paaralan area and ________in the feeding program.
a.      Were planted – served
b.      Were sowed – served
c.       Are – will
d.      Were planted – sold

4.      If I were ____________ you, I _____________advise the team leader to employ collaborative planning.
a.      Was – well
b.      Were – would
c.       Am – were
d.      Were – well

5.      Ten _________ of cloth _________all I need for the school uniforms of my four children
a.      Meters – were
b.      Meters – are
c.       Meters – was
d.      Meters – is

6.      Mother is very busy doing household chores, but she ___________rests for a while.
a.      Seemingly
b.      Carefully
c.       Apparently
d.      Frequently

7.      Mrs. Consuelo doesn’t want to spoil her only daughter, Rica, so she __________ teaches her many things to work on.
a.      Seemingly
b.      Misleading
c.       Carefully
d.      Apparently

8.      Scientists ___________ to explore ways of preventing further damage to the environment.
a.      Continue
b.      Continued
c.       Continuing
d.      Continuous

9.      Plastic bags in garbage dumps take a long time to decompose. ___________, when they do, they become dangerous substances.
a.      Strangely
b.      Surprisingly
c.       Sadly
d.      Happily

10.  Evelyn is sickly because she ______ eats vegetables ______drinks milk every day.
a.      Either – or
b.      Seldom – and
c.       Often – thus
d.      Neither – nor
11.  Can you cull the president’s major ideas from his various speeches to date?
a.      Complete
b.      Select
c.       Distribute
d.      Supply

12.  The presidency is besieged by many problems.
a.      Confronted
b.      Supported
c.       Presented
d.      Conform

13.  Many of the city street were inundated after the storm.
a.       destroyed
b.      Flooded
c.       Repaired
d.      Impassable

14.  My best friend got a raw deal when the company terminated him without notice.
a.      Unfair treatment
b.      Inform before hand
c.       Wise decision
d.      Offering reward

We _____(19)______ of Filipinos who _____(20)______ love their country and whose ______(21)_____ and values enable them to realize their full potential and contribute ______(22)________ to building the nation
As a ________(23)_______ public institution the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its _______(24)_________.

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to ____(25)______, equitable, culture – based, and complete basic education where: students learn in a child – friendly, _______(26)________ , safe and ______(27)_________ environment. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly __________(28)__________ every learner. Administrator and staff as _______(29)_______ of the institutions, ensure an enabling and _______(30)________ environment for effective learning to happen. Family community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing ______(31)___________.

Maka – Dios

___(33)____       :  Public Schools District Supervisors
FROM                   :  The Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
RE                           :   Submission of Typhoon Damage Reports and Others Dat

35.  A child ­­– friendly is inclusive, gender-sensitive, and non-discriminating when it

a.      Gives boys and girls equal learning opportunities

b.      Encourages children to think and decides for themselves

c.       Make sure that children master the basic skills

d.      Encourages children to work together to solve problems

36.  A child – friendly school is effective with children when it

I.        Encourages children to participate in school and community activities

II.      Encourages children to work alone to solve problems

III.    Makes sure teachers are qualified to teach

IV.    Encourages children to learn by memorizing and imitating

a.      II and III

b.      I and II

c.       III and IV

d.      I and III

37.  Cooperative Learning approach makes use of a classroom organization where students work in groups or team to help each other learn. Students assist each other in the learning process by acting a partner with the teacher and with each other to learn the lesson for the day. What are the two important components of cooperative learning?

I.        Cooperative incentive structure where two or more individuals are interdependent for a      reward

II.      Cooperative task structure where two or more individuals are allowed encouraged or          required to work together on a certain tasks.

III.    Cooperative partner learning where the brighter and more cooperative members of the        class tutor other classmates

IV.    Cooperative partner learning where a student chooses a partner from among his/her            classmates to enable them to learn

a.      I and II

b.      II and III

c.       I and III

d.      I and II

38.  The manner of doing activities in the simplest, quickest and most orderly fashion for the purpose of saving time and effort is referred to as routine. What are the basic principles governing activities?

I.        Discipline of students inside the classroom

II.      Provision for sufficient practice and definite directions

III.    Setting of a purpose or motive for the activity

IV.    Creation of meaning in the materials to be utilized

a.      I and II

b.      II and III

c.       III and IV

d.      I and IV

39.  The objectives in the psychomotor domain are generally associated with motor and muscular development. Which among the choices are classified under psychomotor skills?

I.        Dancing

II.      Singing

III.    Identifying

IV.    Describing

a.      I and II

b.      I and III

c.       II and III

d.      III and IV

Parents Involvement and Community Partnership

School Management and Daily Operations



Personal Integrity and Interpersonal Sensitivity


Professional Development and Human Resource Management




2.  Module on Leadership

3.  Principal Handbook

4.  Questions and Answer on Basic Education

5.  Republic Act 9155

6.  School Improvement Plan

7.  A Manual on School Governing Council

8.  Education for All (EFA)2015

9.  Result Based Performance Management System Manual

10. National Competency – Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS)

11. Teacher Strengths & Needs Assessment (TSNA)

12.  Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD)

13. Experiential Learning Course Handbook

14. Philippine Civil Service Law

15. Memos etc……

For those who are interested for the whole documents (reviewer with answer key) just email me at or text me at cellphone no. 09453023651  

We have also New Edition of Reviewer for Qualifying Exam for School Heads (2018) with lectures and  followed by a Practice Test.


  1. Hi sir, pashare po ng reviewer.salamat po and God bless.

  2. Greetings in fhe name of our Greatest Teacher Jesus Christ! I am interested to take the principals test this year.Please share your reviewers.Thanks much po in advancr
