
Friday, January 23, 2015

Reviewer for National Achievement Test (NAT) Science VI

1.      If an ovary produces egg cells, what produces the sperm cells?
a.      Testes
b.      Scrotum
c.       Epididymis
d.      Vas deferens

2.      Which part and its function in the female reproductive system is similar to that of vas deferens in the male reproductive system?
a.      Ovaries that releases eggs.
b.      Fallopian tube, that served as pathways of egg cells.
c.      Uterus where implantation of the new embryo takes place.

d.      Vagina that provides an opening through which the sperms can enter the female’s body.

3.      Which reproductive organ produces the sperm cell?
a.      Testis
b.      Uterus
c.       Ovary
d.      Epididymis

4.      Which reproductive organ produces the sperm cell?
a.      Testis
b.      Uterus
c.       Ovary
d.      Epididymis

5.      Which reproductive organ produces the hormone that develops the secondary sex characteristics in human females?
a.      Uterus
b.      Testis
c.       Prostate glands
d.      Ovary

6.      What part of the male reproductive system are involved in the production of semen which nourishes the sperm?
a.      Seminal vesicle and prostate glands
b.      Vas deferens and foreskin
c.       Scrotum and scrotac sac
d.      Urethra and penis

7.      What is the function of Part II above?
a.      It protects the unborn fetus.
b.      It produces the egg cells.
c.       It serves as food for the growing fetus.
d.      It controls the female hormonal balance.

8.      In normal situation, in which part is the egg cell fertilized by the sperm cell?
a.      Part I
b.      Part II
c.       Part III
d.      Part IV

9.      Animal have adaptations that help them to survive. One example is their own coloring of frogs’ skin. What purpose does this adaptation serve?
            a.      For getting food
            b.      For attracting a mate
            c.       For protection from heat
            d.      For protection from predators

10.  How do grasshoppers protect themselves from their enemies?
a.      They have color blends with the surrounding.
b.      They have sharp teeth to bite their enemies.
c.       They have strong hind legs to drive away their enemies.
d.      They have ears that easily detect movement of their enemies.

11.  As part of the respiratory system, what is the function of the alveoli?
a.      It allows air to move from trachea to the lungs.
b.      It brings the carbon dioxide to all parts of the body through its blood vessels.
c.       It allows the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to take place on its thin wall.
d.      It separates the oxygen from carbon dioxide and distribute to other parts of the body.

12.  Wet the air during inhaling process, which statement is true during this process?
a.      Lungs get smaller
b.      Diaphragm moves up
c.       Chest region expands
d.      Chest region becomes smaller

13.  How does oxygen enter our body?
a.      Through the hole of the ears
b.      Through the pores of skin
c.       Through the esophagus
d.      Through the nose

14.  What happens during breathing?
a.      The chest rises, the diaphragm curves upward, air rushes out. The chest moves downward, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes in.
b.      The chest rises, the diaphragm curves upward, air rushes in. the chest moves downward, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes out.
c.       The chest rises, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes out, the chest moves downward, the diaphragm curves upward, air rushes in.
d.      The chest rises, the diaphragm flattens, air rushes in. the chest moves downward, diaphragm curves upward, air rushes out.

15.  Which of the arrows describes the path of inhaled air?
a.      Nose – trachea – bronchi –
b.      Nose – trachea – air sacs – diaphragm
c.       Nose – pharynx – trachea – bronchi – air sacs (lungs)
d.      Nose – pharynx – trachea – bronchi – air sacs (lungs)

16.  Box 1 refers to the part which prevents the food from entering the respiratory system, which is it?
a.      Lungs
b.      Alveoli
c.       Bronchi
d.      Epiglottis

17.  As air reaches box 2, which of the following functions is done by that part?
a.      Air passes back to the lungs.
b.      Air is distributed to all the body cells.
c.       Air is filtered, cleaned and moistened.
d.      Blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

18.  Which of the following are true about the kidneys?
I.        Take nutrients from food and convert them to energy
II.      Remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine
III.    Keep stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood
IV.    Alert a person when it is time to urinate

a.      I and II
b.      II and III
c.       III and IV
d.      II and IV

19.  Which two statements describe how the diaphragm works?
I.        When the diaphragm relaxes, air is expelled from the lungs.
II.      When the diaphragm relaxes, air is pulled into the lungs.
III.    When the diaphragm is pulled flat, air is pulled into the lungs
IV.    When the diaphragm is pulled flat, air is expelled out of the lungs.

a.      I and III
b.      II and III
c.       I and IV
d.      II and IV

20.  Which statement describes how air enters our body?
a.      As the mouth opens, air enters the body.
b.      As the diaphragm relaxes, air enters the body through the nose.
c.       As the mouth opens, the diaphragm contracts to allow air to enter the body.
d.      As the diaphragm contracts, air enters the body through the nose and mouth.

21.  Which statement describes how our diaphragm works during exhalation?
a.      It relaxes to increase space in the body, thus expelling air from the body.
b.      It relaxes to decrease space in the body, thus expelling air from the body
c.       It contracts to increase space in the body, thus expelling air from the body.
d.      It contracts to decrease space in the body, thus expelling air from the body.

22.  What happens if the urethra is removed from the excretory system?
a.      Amount of salts, minerals and vitamins in the blood will be regulated.
b.      Urine will continue flowing.
c.       Urine will not be formed.
d.      Blood cannot be filtered.

23.  Our kidney has thousands of filtering structures that remove waste from the blood. Which are these structures?
a.      Cortex
b.      Medulla
c.       Nephrons
d.      Glomerulus

24.  What is the function of the kidney?
a.      It stores urine
b.      It carries urine out of the body
c.       It removes waste from the blood.
d.      It gives signal to the brain to expel the urine from the body.

25.  Which of the following is the control center of our body?
a.      Heart
b.      Spinal cord
c.       Nerve cells
d.      Brain

26.  What are the major parts of our circulatory system aside from the heart?
a.      Lungs, liver, arteries, veins
b.      Brain, kidneys, arteries, veins
c.       Blood, arteries, veins, capillaries
d.      Kidneys, arteries, veins, capillaries

For items 27 and 28, refer to the functions of some of the body systems.

I.        Eliminates solid and liquid waste from the body.
II.      Receives, conducts, integrates, and interprets impulses.
III.    Transport blood, waste and nutrients to all parts of the body.
IV.    Converts chemical energy in nutrients into body heat.
V.      Takes oxygen from the air and releases carbon dioxide from the body.
a.      I
b.      V
c.       III
d.      IV

27.      Which is the function of the nervous system?
a.      IV
b.      II
c.       V
d.      III

28.      Which part of the brain controls the muscular coordination of the body?
a.      Cerebrum
b.      Brain stem
c.       Cerebellum
d.      Hypothalamus

28.      Which part of the brain controls mental processes like thinking, memorizing, and decision             making?
a.      Cerebrum
b.      Cerebellum
c.       Brain stem
d.      Hypothalamus

29.      Which part of our brain controls speech, memory and intelligence?
a.      Cerebrum
b.      Brain stem
c.       Cerebellum
d.      Medulla oblongata

30.      Which of the following is a function of the cerebellum in our brain?
a.      Acts as the center of emotion and voluntary movements
b.      Controls thinking, memorizing and decision making
c.       Coordinates involuntary and muscular actions
d.      Maintains autonomic functions  

31.      Which part of the brain controls reflex actions such as sneezing and eye blinking?
a.      Cerebrum
b.      Cerebellum
c.       Temporal lobe
d.      Medulla oblongata

32.      What is the function of the nervous system?
a.      It controls all body activities.
b.      It removes liquid waste materials.
c.       It transports blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.
d.      It carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from the body.

33.      In what way does the nervous system function as a two way communication system in the             Body?
a.      The brain receives messages through sensory nerves, and sends out message through motor nerves.
b.      It has brain that consists of two hemisphere: the left and the right hemisphere.
c.       The spinal cord contains bodies of nerve cells where messages to the brain pass through.
d.      It has two vital organs: the brain and the spinal cord.

34.      In what way does the nervous system function as a two way communication system in the             Body?
a.      The brain receives messages through sensory nerves, and sends out message through motor nerves.
b.      It has brain that consists of two hemisphere: the left and the right hemisphere.
c.       The spinal cord contains bodies of nerve cells where messages to the brain pass through.
d.      It has two vital organs: the brain and the spinal cord.

35.      Which arrow diagram shows the correct path of the blood around the body?
a.      Veins – lungs – heart – arteries – capillaries
b.      Veins – heart – capillaries – lungs – arteries – heart – artery
c.       Veins – arteries – heart – lungs – artery
d.      Veins – heart – pulmonary artery – lungs – heart – artery – capillaries

36.      What is the function of the capillaries?
a.      They carry blood away from the heart
b.      They transfort blood from the lungs back to the heart.
c.       They carry the blood containing oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
d.      They transport the blood containing carbon dioxide from the heart to the lungs.

37.      Which of the following parts in our body has the correct function matched with it?
a.      Arteries = deliver blood to the heart from the veins.
b.      Capillaries = serve as the largest tubes linking arterioles together.
c.       Veins = carry blood from different parts of the body to the heart
d.      Septum = separates the right ventricle from the right atrium.

38.      Which vessels serve as the passageway for the exchange of dissolved foods between the blood and the cells of the body?
a.      veins
b.      Arteries
c.       Venules
d.      Capillaries

39.      Which part of the circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body?
a.      Lungs
b.      Heart
c.       Stomach
d.      Diaphragm

40.      In which blood vessels does the blood transfer food substances and oxygen to the cells, and remove carbon dioxide and other wastes?
a.      In the veins
b.      In the arteries
c.       In the venules
d.      In the capillaries

41.      Which part of the human circulatory system brings blood to all parts of the body?
a.      Veins
b.      Venules
c.       Arteries
            d.      Superior vena cava

42.      Which part is not involved in the systemic circulation of blood?
            a.      Lungs
b.      Heart
c.       Aorta
d.      Veins

43.  Which of the following animal
characteristics is NOT mimicry?
a.      Frogs can change their colors.
b.      Turtles hide inside their hard shells.
c.       Walking stick blends with twigs and under bush.
d.      Sphinx moth resembles its wooden resting place.

44.   What do snakes and mudfish do when they hibernate?
a.      They sleep for a long time.
b.      They develop hard body coverings.
c.       They change their protective coverings.
d.      They migrate or transfer to other places.

45.  How do ants, monkeys, and elephants protect themselves from enemies?
a.      They change to a color that blends with the surroundings
b.      They produce loud cries to scare away their enemies
c.       They develop strong legs for running.
d.      They group themselves

46.  Why can a cactus plant survive in a desert?
a.      It has a large stem that stores water.
b.      It has hairy-like structures in the stem.
c.       It has roots that store water under the ground.
d.      It has no leaves and does not bear any flower.

47.  Rice, corn, sugar cane, and cogon grass have one common characteristics. Which is it?
a.      They are all shrub plants.
b.      They reproduce sexually.
c.       They have similar venation.
d.      They are fruit bearing plants.

48.  How do ants and termites protect themselves from enemies?
a.      They live in colonies.
b.      They hide underground.
c.       They change their color.
d.      They have poisonous fangs.

49.  How do desert animals like squirrels behave to keep them from too much heat of sun?
a.      They sleep underground for a long time.
b.      They develop lighter body coverings.
c.       They change their protective coverings.
d.      They transfer to other places.

50.  How does butterfly catch its prey?
a.      By using its long hind legs
b.      By trapping the prey with its web
c.       By injecting poisons from its jaws.
d.      By sticking its saliva into the prey.

For items 51  and 52 refer to this chart.
Characteristics of Vertebrates
Distinct characteristics
Scales, gills, fins
Moist skin, gill, lungs
Leap mostly
Dry scaly skin, lungs
Feathers, wings
Fly mostly
Hairs, mammary gland
Walk mostly, few fly and swim

51.  Vertebrates are classified into five (5) subgroups as shown in the chart. To which group do bats and doves belong?
a.      They belong to group 4
b.      They belong to Group 5
c.       Bats, belong to Group 4 while doves belong to group 5
d.      Bats belong to Group 5 while doves belong to group 4

52.  Using the same chart, to which group does the animal belong?
a.      Group 1
b.      Group 2
c.       Group 3
d.      Group 4

53.  Which statement about the plants shown above is NOT true?
a.      All have chlorophyll
b.      All have vascular tissues
c.       All have reproductive structures
d.      All manufacture their own foods.

54.  Which of the following plants bears seeds?
a.      Fern
b.      Moss
c.       Algae
d.      Pine tree

55. What characteristics of Rose plants protect them from animals?
a.      Having hooks on their leaves
b.      Having thorns on their stem
c.       Having flowers with foul odors
d.      Having tendrils for climbing

55. How does a cactus plant survive in a hot environment?
a.      It stores food in its huge roots.
b.      It stores water in its large stem.
c.       It has a waxy covering on its stem
d.      It has a needle like hairs on its stem

56.  Which statement below best describes the interdependence of plants and animals through the oxygen – carbon dioxide cycle?
a.      Animals need oxygen from the plants for respiration while plants need carbon dioxide given off by animals for photosynthesis.
b.      Animals need carbon dioxide from the plants for respiration while plants need oxygen given off by animals for photosynthesis.
c.       Animals can make food through the oxygen taken from plants while plants make use of carbon dioxide given off by animals for transpiration
d.      Animals need plants for growth while plants need animals for protection.

57.    Which statement about the plants in the Oxygen – carbon dioxide cycle is TRUE?
a.      Plants give off carbon dioxide used by animals.
b.      Plants given off oxygen used by animals in breathing.
c.       Plants need oxygen to make starch during photosynthesis.
d.      Plants need carbon dioxide from the sun to manufacture food.

58.   What is the function of the kidney?
a.      It stores urine.
b.      It carries urine out of the body.
c.       It removes waste from the blood.
d.      It gives signal to the brain to expel the urine from the body.

59.      What happens if the urethra is removed from the excretory system?
a.      Amount of salt, minerals and vitamins in the blood will be regulated.
b.      Urine will continue flowing.
c.       Urine will not be formed.
d.      Blood cannot be filtered.

60.  Which of the following are true about the kidneys?

I.        Take nutrient from food and convert them to energy
II.      Remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine
III.    Keep stable balance of salt and other substance in the blood
IV.    Alert a person when it is time to urinate

a.      I and II
b.      II and III
c.       III and IV
d.      II and Iv

61.  Which of the following vertebrates are mammals?
a.   Bat, cow, and goat
b.   Eagle, turkey, and owl
c.    Turtle, crocodile, and snake
d.   Frog, toad, and salamander

62.  Which group of vertebrates can be classified as reptiles?
a.   Turtle, oyster, ostrich, and milkfish
b.   Iguana, alligators, shrimps, and whale
c.    Alligator dove, snake, and salamander
d.   Lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles

63.  How do ants, monkeys, and elephants protect themselves from enemies?
a.      They change to a color that blends with the surroundings.
b.      They produce loud cries to scare away their enemies
c.       They develop strong legs for running
d.      Thy group themselves

64.  Which of the following lists are all reptiles?
a.      Dolphin, goat, monkey, pig
b.      Salamander, frog, toad
c.       Turtle, crocodile, snake
d.      Tilapia, mudfish

65.  Which group of animals consists of a reptile, a fish, and an amphibian, respectively?
a.      Turtle, whale, bat
b.      Crocodile, shark, frog
c.       Snake, dolphin, alligator
d.      Scorpion, starfish, shrimps

66.  Which special characteristics of the egret (tagak) a wetland bird, are used to hunt for food?
I.     Long, thin legs with webbed feet
II.   Light, thin body with large wings
III. Long, pointed, and sharp beak
IV. White, glossy, and waterproof feathers

a.      I and II
            b.      I and III
            c.       I and IV
            d.      II and IV

67.  Which special characteristics allow the frog to escape from its enemies?
I.     Long, elastic, and sticky tongue
II.   Short forearms and long hind legs
III. Loud voice
IV. Slimy skin
a.      I and II
b.      I and III
c.       I and IV
d.      II and IV

68.  Which special characteristics of the egret ( tagak), a wetland bird, are used to hunt for food?
I.        Long, thin legs with webbed feet
II.      Light, thin body with large wings
III.    Long, pointed and sharp beak
IV.    White, glossy, and waterproof feathers

a.      I and II
b.      I and III
c.       I and IV
d.      II and IV

69.  To which group does the dolphin belong?
a.      Amphibians
b.      Mammals
c.       Reptiles
d.      Fish

For item 70, refer to the animals inside the box

Frog        cat                    duck
Shark       penguin          chicken
Bear         salamander

70.  Which animals are mammals, and why?
a.      Frog and salamander, they have moist skin and can live both on land in water.
b.      Duck and penguin, they can live on land and in water.
c.       Bear and cat, they have fur that prevent the loss of body heat.
d.      Chicken and duck, they are covered with feathers.

71.  Which of the following characteristics can help an animal survive in a sandy shore?
a.      Jelly-like body and long tentacles
b.      Thick skin and hard shell
c.       Webbed feet and feathers
d.      Soft scales and gill slits

72.  Which of the following characteristics help an animal survive in an aquatic environment?
I.        Spindle-shaped body, pointed snout
II.      Webbed feet, slimy body
III.    Thick fur, leathery skin
IV.    Wide wings span, light body
a.      I and II
b.      I and III
c.       II and III
d.      II and IV

Characteristics of the animals
Body covering
With wings
Paws with claws
Fingers with claws

73.  To which group of animals do they belong?
a.      Birds
b.      Mammals
c.       Reptiles
d.      Amphibians

74.  What characteristics of ampalaya plants protect them from their enemies?
a.      They emit foul odor.
b.They have bitter taste.
c.       They usually climb upward.
d.They grow thorns on their stems.

75.     Which characteristics describe a non flowering plant like a fern, and make it different from a flowering plant like gumamela?
a.      Having, dark green leaves
b.      Having naked cones
c.       Having edible roots
d.      Having spores

76.      What special structure do bougainvilleas have that made people plant them along their fence?
a.      They have hooks.
b.They have sticky juice.
c.       They have pleasant smell.
d.They have sharp thorns.

77.      Which statement about the plant shown above is NOT true?
a.      All have chlorophyll.
b.      All have vascular tissues.
c.       All have reproductive structures.
d.      All manufacture their own foods.

78.  Which of the following plants bears seeds?
            a.      Fern
            b.      Algae
            c.       Moss
            d.      Pine tree

79.    What characteristics do mango, papaya, and guava plants have in common?
a.      They produce cone.
b.      They produce spores.
c.       They are flowering plants.
d.      They are non-flowering plants.

80.   Which of the following plants is different from the rest?
a.      Banana
b.      Coconut
c.       Mango
d.      Pine

81.   Which characteristics describes a shrub, and makes it different from an herb?
a.      Having a woody/hard stem
b.      Having seeds in its fruits
c.       Having many leaves
d.      Presence of flowers

82.   Rowena hang the wet clothes outside the house. After eight hours, the clothes dries up. What changes took place with the drying of the clothes?
a.      Chemical change
b.      Physical change
c.       Physical and chemical change
d.      None of the above

83.   which of the following situations shows chemical change?
a.    the melting wax.
b.   the boiling water.
c.    the cut pieces of cloth
d.    the burning wick of a candle

84.   which of the following activities results in physical change?
a.   molding clay
b.   baking bread
c.    Digesting food
d.   Roasting chicken

85.   which of the following is a result of a chemical change?
a.    frozen water
b.   Broken glass
c.    chopped wood
d.   Tarnished silverware

86.  Which is an example of chemical change?
a.   Drying of fish
b.   Melting of ice
c.    Cutting of paper
d.   Decaying of tooth

87.   which of the following is NOT a chemical change?
a.   Washed clothes drying up
b.   Vitamins c tablet turning brown
c.    Green mango turning yellow
d.   Milk turning sour

88.   which two food products are results of physical change?
I.        Grated coconut
II.      Ground pepper
III.    Fried chicken
IV.    Beef tapa

a.      I and II
b.      I and III
c.       II and III
d.      II and IV

89.    Which of the following is a chemical change?
a.      melting of ice
b.      bursting of tires
c.       ripening of fruits
d.      pressing of clothes

90.     Which process in the cycle turns water to water vapour with the aid of sunlight?
            a.      Evaporation
            b.      Precipitation
            c.       Condensation
            d.      Cloud formation

91.  Which process turns water vapour into liquid in the form of clouds?
a.   Distillation
c.    Transpiration

92.  Which of the following physical changes happens during evaporation?
a.      Change from liquid to gas
b.      Change from liquid to ice
c.       Change from ice to liquid
d.      Change from gas to liquid  

93. Which of the following changes happens during precipitation process?
a.      Formation of water vapour from bodies of water.
b.      Formation of water vapour from clouds.
c.       Formation of clouds from water vapour.
d.      Formation of rain from clouds

94.   During which process is oxygen given off by plants?
a.      Transpiration
b.      Photosynthesis
c.       Respiration
d.      Evaporation

95.   Which is the most distinct characteristics of Jupiter?
a.      It has a large spot.
b.      It has a colourful ring.
c.       It is the largest planet.
d.      It is the smallest planet.

96.       I. Eliminates solid and liquid wastes
from  the body.
II. Receives, conducts, integrates, and interprets impulses.
III. Transport blood, water, and nutrients to all parts of the body.
IV. Converts chemical energy in nutrients into body heat.
V. Takes oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide from the body.

Which is the function of the circulatory system?
       a.      I     b. V     c. III     d. IV

97.     Which is the function of the nervous system?
      a.      IV
      b.       II     
      c.        V     
      d.       III

98       What is the function of the nervous system?
      a.      It controls all body activities
      b.      It removes liquid waste materials
      c.       It transports blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.
      d.      It carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from the body.

99.  Which arrow diagram shows the correct path of the flow of blood around the body?
a.      Veins – lungs – heart – arteries –   capillaries
b.      Veins – heart – capillaries – lungs – arteries – capillaries
c.       Veins – arteries – heart – capillaries – heart – lungs – artery
d.      Veins – heart – pulmonary – artery – lungs – heart – artery – capillaries

100.   What is the function of the capillaries?
            a.      They carry blood away from the heart
b.      They transport blood from the lungs back to the heart
c.       They carry oxygen and nutrient to the cells
d.      They transport the blood containing carbon dioxide from the heart to the lungs. 

1 comment:

  1. where do i get the answers for the questions above? thanks
