
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Action Research Proposal



Improving the Quality of the
District Generated National Achievement Test Reviewer
For Grade VI Science

I – Proponent:

                     Mr. NOEL R. DAURAN
                        Master Teacher - II
                        Baya Elementary School
                        Ragay, Camarines Sur

II – Background of the study:

                        The pursuit of quality education for global competitiveness is the continuing objective of the Department of Education, then and now. Various program and projects have been formulated and implemented in order to maximize teacher pupil contact, all division and District Supervisors, including school heads, are enjoined to refrain from calling conferences and holding school extra – curricular activities especially during school days.
                        It is in this context that, the District Office of Ragay through the initiative of Mrs. Divina J. Padayao, the District Guidance and Testing Coordinator for conceived of a Seminar-write-shop wherein the selected participants were able to generate a compilation of District Generated National Achievement Test (NAT) Reviewer which were conceived, designed and carefully written based on the present Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies in accordance with the basic Education Curriculum.
                        It is noteworthy that the participants under the initiatives of the School Coordinator for Elementary Science, were able to accomplish and achieve the goals and objectives of the particular writeshop, hence the District of Ragay presently have a compilation of Reviewer for National Achievement Test for Grade VI, which were recommended for utilization starting School year 2013 – 2014, and, until at present the same material are still being utilized by the Grade VI Science teachers.
                        Based on the recommendation, Ragay District had utilized said materials in the classroom instruction for Grade VI Elemebntary Science starting June of School year 2013 – 2014 and until at present. However due to recent updates and changes in the curriculum their preparation for the grade 7 curriculum, the proponent herein presents an action research that involves revisions and or updates in the said reviewer with the aim of improving its quality, which in turn will measure its relevance as to the improvement of the performance level of the pupils taking Elementary Science VI. Particularly in the National Achievement Test.
                        Ultimately this action research will present how this innovative material as validated by the end – users become relevant and significant relative to the mastery of skills on the part of the pupils as derived using the class Performance Level.

III – Statement of the Problem:

                        This research aims to answer the main problem:
                        What are the effects of the District – Generated National Achievement Test (NAT) Reviewer in Elementary Science VI in terms of Teachers Efficiency in conducting Classroom Instruction in Science?
                        And likewise this action research will find out the answer to the following sub problems:
1.      What is the quality of the District – Generated National Achievement Test (NAT) Reviewer in Elementary Science Grade VI in terms of proper Direction/Guide in your classroom Instruction, Classroom and Time management, as perceived by the respondent?

2.      What are the strong points and weak point of the reviewer that can be considered to have attributed or hindered their efficiency in conducting Elementary Science VI instructions?

3.      What action can be undertaken in order to improve the quality of the District – Generated National Achievement Test (NAT) Reviewer?

4.      What other recommendations will they offer for the improvement of the Reviewer?

IV – Significance of the Research

                        The research will be very important since this will not only validate whether the District – generated Reviewer are still appropriate to be used but this will determine its strengths and weaknesses, after which based on the initial findings, the proponent will undertake activities that will be geared towards the improvement of the reviewer and finally this research will come up with data that will identify significant effects and or difference between the original reviewer and the Improved reviewer.
            Likewise, the findings of this study may prove useful to the following, to wit:

            Pupils. Having a clearer views and firsthand experience on the teachers’ performance, this will enable the pupils to know the importance of mastering the basic skills of their competencies so they will make an effort harder. This may lead to better enthusiasm and develop good study habit.

            Teachers. This study may heighten their awareness in identifying the learning tasks that are well developed as well as the least. This may further be a motivating factor to adapt measures and new strategies for the improvement of instructions in Elementary Science subject.

            School administrators and Supervisors. Results of this investigation may encourage administrators and supervisors to help their teachers upgrade their teaching performance in elementary through closer supervision and faculty development and training program.

            Department of Education Camarines Sur specifically in Ragay District. With the use of the results of the study, any educational upliftment will benefit the Municipality of Ragay.

            Researcher Himself. This may serve him as an inspiration in teaching his pupils above and beyond his capacity.

            Future Researcher. The information and insights that will be gained from this study may serve as guide for other researchers in framing their research proposal and at the same time encourage them to conduct lateral studies within their area of preferences.

V – Scope and Delimitation of the study

                        This study will be conducted at Ragay District, Division of Camarines Sur covering this school year 2014 – 2015. The respondent will be at least 29 out of 33 or 81% of teachers teaching Elementary Science VI at Ragay District. They will answer a written questionnaire which will be prepared by the researcher. The Questions will focus on how they were able to conduct their review classes using the District – Generated National Achievement Test Reviewer and what are the salient points in the said materials that they perceive had helped them in terms of efficiently carrying out the competencies of the lessons. The management of their time with the use of the materials will be given importance. These questions will ultimately lead to the main problem that needs to be answered in this research. And finally based on the data gathered, the findings and recommendations, the proponent will come with activities that will lead to the improvement of the reviewer.

VI – Research Design:
                        To realize this study, the researcher will use the descriptive method to determine the effectiveness of the reviewer in terms of the teaching efficiency of the Grade VI Science teacher in conducting instructions.

There will be 19 Grade VI Elementary Science Teachers of Ragay District currently teaching the subject who will answer the questionnaires design for the purpose and also Three (3) External Expert in Elementary Science will be requested to serve as respondents/validators.

Data Gathering Instrument:
            In gathering the data needed in the study, the researcher will use the written questionnaire as an instrument. ( A copy of which is hereby attached)
            The instrument is basically divided into five parts namely:
Part I. Extend of Implementation
            This portion will determine whether the teachers are aware of the availability of the District – Generated National Achievement Test (NAT) Reviewer and also it will determine if they are utilizing it or not. The answer to the questions in this part will be the springboard for succeeding questions that shall be answered by those who have utilized the materials. Likewise this part will also find out the reasons and/or hindrances for those who have not used the materials, the findings of which will generate recommendations for whatever necessary action in the future.

Part II. Effects/Impact of the Lesson Plans in Teachers Qualitative Efficiency
            The questions presented in the second part of the instrument will discover the significance and the extent of effectiveness of the reviewer to the teachers in terms of improving their efficiency as teachers handling Grade VI science. The expected responses are in qualitative aspect, thereby, quantitative values or weights are given to each criterion in order to find out the degree of impact quantitatively.

Part III. Effects/Impacts in the Teachers Quantitative Efficiency
            This part will determine the teacher efficiency which is measured through the Performance level of the pupils. This will find out the impact as to the End Results our Learning Outcomes for Science VI instruction based on the results of pupil’s performance level after the teacher utilized the reviewer in comparison with the Pre – Test results and Target PL of the class.

Part IV. S-W Indicators 
            This part will discover and find out the Strengths and Weaknesses of the reviewer as determined by the teachers who are the end-users of the reviewer. This will provide the researcher with an outlook as to how the teachers perceive and evaluate the materials which shall be useful in generating conclusions and recommendations.

Part V. Recommendations
            This part will provide the teacher-respondents with the opportunity to make any recommendations and/or suggestions that will help improve not only the reviewer but will also be the bases for conclusions and recommendations for further actions relative to the District  – Generated National Achievement Test Reviewer and any related projects similar to this.

Dear Fellow Teachers,

I am currently conducting an action research entitled: “Improving the Quality of the District Generated National Achievement Test Reviewer for Grade VI Science.”

In this connection, a questionnaire was conducted to gather information for my study. Your participation in the study by way of answering the questionnaire is very vital. Without it, the study will not be as complete at it should be. Kindly fill up the questionnaire honestly and sincerely.

Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you will give will be treated with confidentiality.

Thank you so much in advance for your anticipated assistance.

Very truly yours,


Name (optional):_________________________________________________________
Date:__________________________ Sex:_________________ Age: _______________
Name of School: _________________________________________________________
Location of School(please check)

            _____ Northern
            _____ Southern
            _____ Lowland
            _____ Rail side
            _____ Central

Direction: pls. check the most suitable answer

Part I. Extend of Implementation
1.      Do you have copies of the District – Generated National Achievement Test Reviewer for Grade VI?

2.      Were you able to utilize the said reviewer in your class instruction for Grade VI science? (pls. indicate the grading period you used the reviewer if applicable)

3.      Do you think it has a general effect or impact on the development of your efficiency as a Grade VI science teacher?

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