Test your knowledge
Let's find out how much prior knowledge you have about this topic. Write C if the concept is correct and NC if it is not correct.
1. Distributed leadership is characterized as a form of a collective leadership, in which teachers develop expertise by working collaboratively.
2. Distributed Leadership means multiple sources of guidance and direction.
3. Distributed leadership equates with maximizing the human capacity within the organization.
4. If reforms are to improve learning for all students principal must find and implements meaningful curriculum and effective instructional program.
5. Effective principals do not just string together a series of individual actions, but systematically distributes leadership by building it into the fabric of school life.
6. It is helpful to know the factors affecting the individuality of teachers.
7. The "Extrinsic rewards" are often the only element in a job.
8. The " Intrinsic rewards" are not controlled by the principals.
9. Telling the teachers, " If you behave this way,do this job, you can satisfy your needs directly because the very act of carrying out the job will be self - fulfilling or will up your self-esteem" is an example of an intrinsic reward.
10. Telling the teachers, "If you behave this way and do this job, I will provide you with something that will enable you to satisfy your needs" is an example of an Extrinsic reward.
11. Communication is often formal in classical leadership.
12. Leadership is identified by the quality of people's interaction rather than their position.
13. Principals have the power to illuminate the lives of their teachers or to cover them in darkness.
14. Teachers under shared Leadership need to develop ownership, learning and sharing.
15. Promoting a healthy working environment is one way of demonstrating effective leadership in school. This can be done using the four stages, namely forming, norming, storming and performing.
source: Project q-Learn Learning package of DepEd.Principal Reviewer
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
A. Research Protocol
1. All research to be conducted must be related to the nature of the work, would improve teaching and learning, access and school governance; and matters arising from SIP analysis and Learning Action Cells sessions that require further investigation.
2. Research proposals must be submitted in the receiving section.
3. The Division Research Committee (DRC) will convence to review the research proposals submitted every friday. The Subject Area Coordinator will be in-charge of editing the content of the research and the research coordinator shall be in-charge of the outline/format.
4. After the thorough review of the submitted proposal by the DRC, it will be endorsed to the CID/SGOD Chief concerned for recommending approval and approval of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
5. Research Project must be implemented after the approval of Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
6. The conduct of the Research study will be monitored by the Division Research Committee and/or Education Program Supervisor. Researchers are advised to maintain Research Journal where research progresses are indicated and monitors will affix their signatures in tracking the research implementation development.
7. The Research paper completion report should be submitted after the conduct of research to the Division Research Committee for validation through the receiving section.
8. The approved completed research paper/completion report with approved research proposal should be submitted to the Planning and Research Office for recording and filling purposes. These will form part of the DepEd Camarines Sur's Library of Research Works.
9. Folders should be ring bound and color coded. Re: RED-School Governance related research, ORANGE-Filipino, Yellow-English, GREEN-Science, DARK BLUE-Math, YELLOW GREEN -Araling Panlipunan, VIOLET- MAPEH, PINK- TLE LIGHT BLUE -Values Education.
10. Action Research to be conducted shall undergo the process of verification, validation and approval.
11. Researchers who choose to request for research fund, shall refer to DepEd order No. 43, s 2015.
12. For purposes of ranking and promotion, the research paper to earn points should be one with the approval of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
B. Research Outline
1. The following outline shall be observed as contained in DepEd Order No. 24, s 2010 and Regional Memorandum No. 75, s.2011.
II - Researcher/s
Contact Number
III - Background of the Study
IV - Statement of the Problem
V - Significance of the study/Expected output ( to teachers, researchers, learners, schools, Division Office, others researchers)
VI - Scope of the Study
VII- Research Design
a. Methodology
b. Sampling Design
c. Description of Instruments/Data Gathering Forms
VIII- Work and Financial Plan
Activities Time Frame Person Involved Resource Req.source of Fund Means of verification
I - Title
II - Researcher
Contact Number
III- Abstract
IV - Significance of the Study
V- Research Design and Methodology
VI - Result and Discussion
VII - Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
VIII- Originality/Value
1. The following format shall be observed
a. line spacing
1. All research to be conducted must be related to the nature of the work, would improve teaching and learning, access and school governance; and matters arising from SIP analysis and Learning Action Cells sessions that require further investigation.
2. Research proposals must be submitted in the receiving section.
3. The Division Research Committee (DRC) will convence to review the research proposals submitted every friday. The Subject Area Coordinator will be in-charge of editing the content of the research and the research coordinator shall be in-charge of the outline/format.
4. After the thorough review of the submitted proposal by the DRC, it will be endorsed to the CID/SGOD Chief concerned for recommending approval and approval of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
5. Research Project must be implemented after the approval of Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
6. The conduct of the Research study will be monitored by the Division Research Committee and/or Education Program Supervisor. Researchers are advised to maintain Research Journal where research progresses are indicated and monitors will affix their signatures in tracking the research implementation development.
7. The Research paper completion report should be submitted after the conduct of research to the Division Research Committee for validation through the receiving section.
8. The approved completed research paper/completion report with approved research proposal should be submitted to the Planning and Research Office for recording and filling purposes. These will form part of the DepEd Camarines Sur's Library of Research Works.
9. Folders should be ring bound and color coded. Re: RED-School Governance related research, ORANGE-Filipino, Yellow-English, GREEN-Science, DARK BLUE-Math, YELLOW GREEN -Araling Panlipunan, VIOLET- MAPEH, PINK- TLE LIGHT BLUE -Values Education.
10. Action Research to be conducted shall undergo the process of verification, validation and approval.
11. Researchers who choose to request for research fund, shall refer to DepEd order No. 43, s 2015.
12. For purposes of ranking and promotion, the research paper to earn points should be one with the approval of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent concerned.
B. Research Outline
1. The following outline shall be observed as contained in DepEd Order No. 24, s 2010 and Regional Memorandum No. 75, s.2011.
II - Researcher/s
Contact Number
III - Background of the Study
IV - Statement of the Problem
V - Significance of the study/Expected output ( to teachers, researchers, learners, schools, Division Office, others researchers)
VI - Scope of the Study
VII- Research Design
a. Methodology
b. Sampling Design
c. Description of Instruments/Data Gathering Forms
VIII- Work and Financial Plan
Activities Time Frame Person Involved Resource Req.source of Fund Means of verification
I - Title
II - Researcher
Contact Number
III- Abstract
IV - Significance of the Study
V- Research Design and Methodology
VI - Result and Discussion
VII - Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
VIII- Originality/Value
1. The following format shall be observed
a. line spacing
- Research Proposal double space from Background of the study to work and Financial Plan, except for the content of the table.
- Research Completed doubled space from Abstract to Originality/value
b. Font Type - Time New Roman
c. Font Size - 11
d. Margin - default
e. paper size - short (8.5x11)
f. There should be footer indicating the title of the research and the researcher and pagination (e.g page 1 of g.
Division Memorandum No. 05, s. 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Reviewer for Principal on Instructional Leadership
1. Experiential Learning Theory (Dewey and Piaget) - learning is most effectively and likely to lead to behavior change when it begins with experience, especially problematic experience (Osterman &Kottkampp, 2004)
2. Problem - Based Learning ( Bridges, 1992) learning is most effective when the learner is actively involved in the learning process, when it takes place as a collaborative rather than isolated activity and in a context relevant to the learner. this dialectic and cyclical process consists of of four stages: Experience, observation and reflection, abstract Re-conceptualization and experimentation (Kolb, 1984)
1. Identify a problematic situation
2. Reflect on the problem or experience- preferably in a collaborative,cooperative environment.
3. Consider alternative ways of thinking and acting,
4. Test the re-conceptualized behavior and assumptions.
3. Consider alternative ways of thinking and acting,
4. Test the re-conceptualized behavior and assumptions.
- Reflection is an umbrella word that we use to describe the way by which people learn from their experience.
- It is a way of processing experience in order to understand it, to give it meaning, to learn from it, to inform action and behavior.
- It is an automatic human response to an experience.
- It is a process which tells you why.
1. Until I know why, I would not have learnt.
2. The reflection process is one way that a person can learn how to identify his own destination.
3. The reflection process enables a person to figure out his own strategies for getting
to his destination.
4. The reflection process stresses the importance of OWNERSHIP for the change we want to
bring about the change. Our destination and how we are going to get there must be really ours...
"sariling atin"
5. The Reflection process builds on and enhances one's capacity to take ownership for one's life.
It is a "growth tool."
6. The reflection process is a tool which can be used by the individual or groups to enhance
the quality of life.. It help us set our own directions and to our own planning
to achieve our own goals.
7. Reflection draws out our creativity.
Reflection is not solely a retrospective method of making sense of and maximizing the potential for
learning from experience. It is a source of learning in its own right. Through the process of reflection, people learn about;
1. Their capacity for openness.
2. Their capacity for learning from experience.
3. Their capacity for independent learning.
Source: National Educators Academy of the Philippines