
Friday, February 26, 2016


            This situation happens with such unfailing regularly that, although obviously you cannot be prepared for the specific occasion, you can give some thought to preparation in a general way.


1.      State a view point
2.      Support it
3.      Summarize and conclude

State a view point

            What could your view point be? Well, there are countless depending upon the particular circumstances and conditions surrounding the meeting.

Suggested points:

ü  Did you enjoy the warm welcome?
ü  The meal?
ü  The drinks?
ü  The entertainment?
ü  The new meeting place?
ü  The general planning?
ü  The presence of new member? Of old members?
ü  The efficacy of the master of ceremonies? Of the presiding officer?
ü  The fellowship

These are just suggestions, each of which can be broken down into a number of subheadings.

Support it

            Under this heading, offer some evidence to support the opinion you have just stated.

You may do this in a serious vein, if you wish, or in a humorous one, it you prefer.

Summarize and conclude:

Suggested conclusions:

·         Briefly review the point you have made
·         Close with a suitable question
·         Tell an appropriate story or anecdote


            OCCASION: Rotary Club Meeting

            SPEAKER: A Member

            Mr. President and gentlemen:

                        Viewpoint. This has been a most interesting meeting – until now.

                        I’m no speaker, nor can I produce any evidence that I ever claimed to be.

However, after participating in the Jaycees Effective Speaking Seminar sponsored by the local; Jaycees that gave me a very keen appreciation of those who do speak well, I’d  like to confine my brief remarks upon the speaking ability of our guests speaker as well as the members of our club.

Support. I really believe that tonight has been an outstanding night in the history of our organization.
We have listened to an instructive and inspiring address from our guests speaker and we have conducted the agenda of our meeting with efficiency and dispatch.

I noticed that some our new members were on their feet and that they took an active part in all proceedings. I should like to congratulate those younger members upon their initiative.

Conclusion. To me, Mr. president, this has been a wonderful evening because of a delightful address and the encouraging signs of interests displayed by our new members.

Let’s all give them a great, big round of applause.


1.      Keep your remarks brief.
2.      Do not antagonize anyone with the sentiments you express.
3.      Let your congratulations be your basic theme.

Source: Hands Out RBEC Seminar 2001

How to Make An Address of Welcome

            Here is another speech situation which occurs frequently.

            You may be called upon to deliver an address of welcome to a visitor or a group of visitors or to the whole audience.

            It makes it imperative for you, therefore, to master the following speech plan that will always come to your rescue and one you can readily employ.


1.      Refer to the occasion
2.      Express goodwill
3.      Mention the achievement of your guests
4.      Extend welcome


            Refer to the Occasion

                        Make your opening serve as a reference to the occasion for the meeting.

            Express Goodwill

                        Be sure to include a distinct expression of goodwill.

                        Make your guests feel at home. Make them feel glad they came.

                        Make them to come back again.

            Suggested points:

ü  Mention the name of your visitors as the case may be and the organization they represent.
ü  Express your pleasure for their presence
ü  Say that their attendance is indispensable for the success of your gathering.
ü  Express the hope that your visitors will enjoy the proceedings and the entertainment.
ü  Assure them that future visits of the group being welcomed will be most awaited by your organization.
ü  Mention that mutual benefits will accrue from the participation of the welcomed group in the program.
ü  Suggests that all members of the host organization are just too willing to answer questions and to serve in every way possible.
ü  If you are welcoming new members, say how fortunate you are to have them on your organization.
ü  Say that you value their help and admire their spirit of brotherhood
ü  Say that their talent and experience will immensely find expression in your organization.

Mention the achievements of your guests

            If necessary, secure all information about your visitors before they arrive. Include one or two achievements of your guests in this part of your talk.

Express welcome

            Formally welcome your guest or guests into your midst. A sentence or two will do.


OCCASION: Meeting of the Lions Club of Makati

SPEAKER: The president of the Club

Fellow Lions

            Occasion. This is one of the highlights of my year in office. Since becoming president of the Makati Lions, I have found out that such an office has many advantages. It provides numerous occasions on which a citizen can render service. It also furnished the setting for a delightful evening such as this.

            Goodwill. Dear five finalists from the Caltex Beauty contest: we, the Lions of Makati, are most fortunate at this chance to have a respite from our daily hectic grind to refresh ourselves by mingling with such a lovely bunch of vivacious feminine pulchritude.

            Your presences make us proud to behold the paragon of Filipino womanhood.

            Achievements. Frankly, the Makati Lions have looked forward to entertain guests this evening. You, Misses Caltex Finalists, can be sure that you spread cheer not only to the young swains who would have gladly kissed the very grounds you trod on during your nationwide campaign, but also to aging Lions like me.

            It is therefore with a young heart, and eyes a glow with admiration at your beauty that express our happiness to have you with us tonight as our guests.


            Try to express your thought in graceful language. Remember you are speaking to a group of guests on behalf of their hosts, and a good host will always be thoughtful considerate and kindly in his conversation with his guests.

Source: Hands Out RBEC Seminar 2001

How to Give the Opening Remarks

This is a very commons speech situation since nearly all formal gatherings where a program is prepared needs someone who will give the opening remarks.

Through apparently a simple assignment, its role is of considerable importance for in a large extent it sets the tone and atmosphere of the entire proceedings.
Here are the steps suggested for easy use.


1.      Refer to the occasion
2.      Express goodwill


Refer to the occasion
            Tell your audience the purpose of the gathering. What is its significance to the participants, to the audience and to the community? What interesting parts of the program await you listeners? What benefits will they derive from their attendance of participation in such an affair?

Express goodwill

            This second step to your opening remarks should be a pleasant one for you.

            Here you will praise the people who have come for the occasion.

By your words and locations make your audience feel glad they came. Make them realize the importance of their presence.

            You can also extend a word of welcome if you wish.


OCCASION: Voice of Democracy Contest Sponsored by the Malolos Jaycees.

SPEAKER: The voice of Democracy Committee Chairman

Honored guest, members of the board of judges, heads of schools and members of the faculties of the schools represented, beloved parents, dear students, ladies and gentlemen:

Occasion:Every year the Jaycees of Malolos conduct the Voice of Democracy Oratorical contest.

The VOD, as this contest is more popularly known, is a nationwide project of the Philippine Jaycees.

            Its main purpose is to encourage third year and fourth year high school students throughout the country to speak about the democratic way of life in an atmosphere of friendly competition.

            Thus, through VOD, the youth of the nation is afforded a chance to express this idea for which democracy stands and in the process their audience, both young and old, learns of their thoughts their hopes and frustrations, their dreams.

            As to who, among these contestant, will win the three gold medals and trophies for their respective schools – your guess is as good as mine or the person beside you.

            But this we know: the best orator this afternoon will represented Malolos in the regional finals next month in San Fernando, Pampanga. There he or she will vie with other local winners to represent Central Luzon at the Grand National Finals in December to be held at the prestigious Meralco Theater in Pasig, Rizal.

            Goodwill. How happy are we indeed to have with us ten contestants from the different high schools of our town. We appreciate, too, the big number of students, faculty members and even heads of their schools in our midst.

            Of course, we acknowledge the presence of the parents, relatives and friends of our contestant. Their presence will certainly lend moral support and make the competition a keenly contested once.

            We are particularly glad that all three members of the board of judges whom we have invited all expert in the field of effective speaking – have come all the way from Manila to lend us their time and talents.

            You will no doubt agree that all these indicate another interesting VOD Oratorical Contests in our Beloved town of Malolos.

            And so, to all our audience, the Malolos Jaycees say – welcome.
            To each of our youthful and talented orators we say – the best of luck.

Source: Hands Out RBEC Seminar 2001