
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Code of Ethics for Public Elementary School Principals

Code of Ethics for Public Elementary School Principals

              Section 2 of the Declaration of Policies of Republic Act No. 67131 entitled Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Official and Employees states:

               It is the policy of the state to promote a high standard of ethics in public service.Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties will utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and loyalty act with patriotism and practice, lead modest lives and uphold public interest over personal interest.

               In consonance thereof, this code of Ethics for Principals  is declared as the embodiment of ideals which will guide them in the performance of their duties as public school principals.

The Principal and the Profession

section 1.  The principal should dignify the teaching profession, uphold the importance
                  of his service to society and manifest enthusiasm for and pride in in the

section 2. The principal should broaden his cultural outlook and enhance his professional
                 interest so that he can maintain the highest interest so that he can maintain the
                 highest possible standards of the profession.

section 3. The principal should maintain his own efficiency through study, research and
                 other means which will keep him abreast with the growing trends in education
                 and the world in which he lives.

section 4. The principal should encourage and nurture professional growth of all
                 coworkers by appropriate methods of recognition.

section 5. The principal should be vigilant of the dangers of undue political interference
                 in education.

section 6. The principal should make his stand clear, definite and firm on all education
                 issues to prove that his business which is education is served best by his being
                 non - partisan in all aspects.

The Principal and His Associates

section 1. Every principal and his associates should be imbued at all times with the
                spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence and faith in one another
                when the best interest of the children, the school or the professional is at stake. 

section 2. Every principal and his associates should be a shining example of moral values
                 and upright living, teach and live a good life and practice what he preaches.

section 3. Every principal or his associates should make due acknowledgment of
                 assistance received from each other.

section 4. Professional criticism of associates should be made only for the welfare 
                of the children or the school. Justified criticism, however, should not be 
                withheld but should be presented only with supporting evidence to those 
                who have authority to try to correct the case on its merits. Criticism of an
                associates should not be made in the presence of pupils, or students,fellow
                teachers or school patrons.

section 5. Every principal or his associates should hold inviolate all confidential
                 information concerning his associates and the school.
                 Divulging information not yet officially released should be avoided.

section 6. No principal or his associates should apply for a position that is not vacant or
                definitely known about to be vacant. Neither should be criticize the
                qualification of a competitor,even if given the opportunity to do so.

section 7. "Command Responsibility" should be the rule rather than the exception
                 in the management of the school. The principal or his associates
                 should respect the wishes of those assigned to take charge of specific
                 function in the school. However, suggestion may be given
                 and considered in the light of which they are intended. 

section 8. Every principal or his associates should strive to develop and attain
                 high sense of human values, moral, social, economic and cultural.
                 This could be attained only by soul searching and determination to do good,
                 not only for himself but for all who look up him for guidance and help.

section 9. Every principal or his associates should see each other as human beings,
                 endowed with individual feelings, capabilities  and attitudes.
                 The opinion of one should be respected and considered as good as the other.

section 10. Every principal or his associates should understand that official time
                  should be devoted fully faithfully and conscientiously to the accomplishment
                  or improvement of his work.

section 11. Every principal expecting professional loyalty from his associates should
                   set an example by his discharge of efficient service.
                   Loyalty is earned, not imposed. He should also uphold the dignity
                   of his position  by doing nothing  that smacks of servility.

The Principal, The Teachers, and Other School Personnel

section 1. The principal should at all times be imbued with the spirit of reciprocal
                 professional loyalty.

section 2. The principal whether on or off duty, should extend needed and justified
                 assistance to subordinates.

section 3. Every principal should see to it that a spirit of healthy companionship
                pervades the entire system.  Mutual assistance is necessary for the effective
                operation of any enterprise. He should also give credit for assistance received
                from his associates and not appropriate for himself the work of others. 

section 4. The principal should not allow any school personnel or teacher to apply for a
                 position that is not vacant nor criticize the qualifications of the competitor.