
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District
Banga Elementary School


I – Project  Summary Information

a.      Project Title: Saturday RRE classes for the improvement of the NAT 3 and 6 MPS

b.      Project Proponent:   Mr. Noel R. Dauran
                                      Master- Teacher-I (English Coordinator)

c.       Project Location: Banga Elementary School
                                Baya, Ragay, Camarines Sur

d.      Cooperating Agency:  Department of Education
                                        Baya, Ragay,Camarines  Sur

e.      Funding Agency: Parent  Teachers Association
f.        Project Duration : December 2009 – February 2010

II – Rationale:

      Being an English coordinator in this school, it is a challenge to make a difference- a positive impact specially in terms of performance. The conduct of Saturday RRE classes in the school was designed for the three levels of learners in Grade III – The slow,  average and fast learners while two level of learner in Grade VI-  average and fast learner. Now, therefore, the proponent is hopeful that through this Saturday RRE classes a positive result will be realized.
      Based from the 2012 NAT VI and III results the average MPS of Banga Elementary School is 70.97% which is below the planning standard of 75% by 4.13% and 69.37% which is below planning standard of 5.63% respectively. It is the time to implement project, Saturday RRE classes for the improvement of the NAT 3 and 6 MPS as part of the intervention strategy to improve performance level of the pupils.

Below is the two-year result of NAT III and VI in Banga Elem. School

Grade Level

III – Project Objectives

1.      Improve the Performance Level of the pupils in five learning areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Filipino and Sibika.
2.      Promote active participation and commitment of parents and teachers in the improvement of pupils performance.
3.      Develop pupils’ values with determination, patience and love to study and strive to higher MPS

IV – Project Strategies

            The NAT results were analysed by the proponent and found out that there is really need to conduct Remedial/review/enrichment classes to Grade III and Vi pupils to improve the NAT MPS. The school children were assessed and categorized into slow, average and fast learners.

            To carry out this project the following time table of activities must be fallowed:

Time Frame
A.      Pre - Implementation

1.      Conduct conference with the teachers to inform them about the project.
2.      Prepare and submit proposal for approval
3.      Conduct orientation conference about the project

B.      Improve the PL of the pupils in the NAT 2010
The teacher assigned for each class of reteach/review/enrichment were conduct the review on specific subject using their own strategy

C.      Post- Implementation
Preparation of the project proposal

V – Budget Requirements

            The eleven Saturday remedial/review/enrichment will utilized the purchased materials and other review materials prepared by the teachers. Snacks/meals will be solicited from stakeholders.

VI – Project Beneficiaries

            The eleven Saturday remedial/review/enrichment classes will improve the academic performance of the pupils in the five learning areas. The review will provide opportunity to develop values like determination, patience and love to study and strive to higher MPS.

            To the teachers, the RRE classes are activities to further improve their teaching skills and utilize the strategies to help pupils perform better especially in taking tests. Their performance as teacher is affected to a large extend by the NAT and other test results. The school head likewise benefits the review classes. Though, it is depends on the result. The high result will give high rating to the school head but the low result affects the performance rating of the school head.

VII – Monitoring and Evaluation

            The school head will monitor the project on the scheduled dates of the remedial/review/enrichment classes. Actual observation, teacher record and test results will looked into.

                                                                                 Prepared by:

                                                                                     NOEL R. DAURAN
                                                                                       (English Coordinator)

Recommending Approval:

                                                                 Principal- I     

Public School District Supervisor


Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District
Baya Elementary School


I – Introduction

            Today’s ugly heap of empty softdrink cans, bottles, wrappers, and other litters can be tomorrow’s source of joy for the needy. Instead of throwing this litter which adds to the unmanageable solid waste piled up daily in the dump sites, they can make significant contribution to fund raising venture for school. For this reason, the Homeroom PTCA officials and members is motivated to conduct an Income Generating Project.

            The objectives of this project are the following:
a.      Develop wholesome work habits, attitudes and values towards work efficiency.
b.      Increase awareness and interest in gainful occupation
c.       Apply knowledge and skills in simple business
d.      Cooperate with the barangay Solid Waste Management Program
e.      Generate Funds for the feeding program.

II – Proponent Description

            The PTCA officials and member of Baya Elementary School for this school year 2009-2010 is the proponent of this project which is entitled, A Junk Project – An Income Generating Project, through the help of Mr. Noel R. Dauran who is a member of the Solid Waste Management Program and coordinator of the project in the field of education of Barangay Baya,Ragay, Camarines Sur.

III – Project Description

            Baya Elementary school through the collaborative effort by the General PTCA officials and members for the school year 2009-2010 and Solid Waste Management Program coordinator will launch an income Generating Project. Spearheaded by the Barangay Solid Waste Management Program coordinator Mr. Noel R. Dauran, which aim to reduce litters and clean the environment in school by collecting junk materials around the school premises and the community for recycling purposes and to prepare the young achievers for future entrepreneurship. This indeed a good Income Generating Project for the pupils, schools, and community as the whole waste turns to wealth project.
            Pupils from grade 1 to Grade VI form a group for Income Generating Project for thru the help of their advisers. Officers are elected by the group as chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, secretary, auditor, and business manager.
            School children are requested to bring junk materials to school as a part of the Solid Waste Management Program of the barangay council. Scattered litters and junk materials around the community and school be minimized.
            Leaders are responsible for collecting junk materials and selling them to the junk shop thru the help of their parents. Officers prepare a contingency plan in proper disposal of such items. Record of sales every week to be prepared by the secretary.

            The chairman and the treasurer will give the proceeds to the school’s canteen manager every month. Such is used for feeding program for malnourished pupils.

IV- Monitoring and Evaluation

            The monitoring and evaluation will be administered by the school head and by the project proponent. The project will start at the opening of the school year 2009.

V – Suggested Scheme

a.      Financial and narrative report will be submitted by the proponent every end of the month.
b.      Evaluation Report will be submitted by the proponent every end of the school year.
c.       PTA officers and members will extend assistance in the project.

VI – Project Cost

Estimated Cost
To be solicited from;
-          Parents
-          Teachers
-         pupils
Php. 500.00

Prepared by:

                                                           NOEL R. DAURAN
                                                                                              SWMP Coordinator                                                           


                          Elem. School Principal-1                                   PTCA President