
Friday, December 27, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Reading Materials for Qualifying Exam for Principals


Guiding Principles in the framing of the NCBS – SH
The following are the principle which guided the framing of the NCBS – SH
  Function – based. the competencies are based on school head functions as stated in R. A 9155, related laws and  DepEd policies.
  Responsive. competencies are applicable in any range of context: big or small school, city or rural school, culturally divergent groups.
  Impartial. These are applicable to any school head regardless of position item, gender, age, experience and other personal circumstances.
  Coherent. These are clear and logical.
  Valid. All performance indicators are research – experienced based.


School heads are competent, committed and accountable in providing access to quality and relevant education for all through transformational leadership and high degree of professionalism.

1.A.    Developing &
           Communicating Vision,
           Mission, Goals, and                
           Objective (VMGO)
·        Expresses ownership and personal responses to the identified issues
·        Involves internal and external stakeholders in formulating and achieving school vision, mission, goals and objectives
·        Give personal response consistent with the school’s vision, mission to identified issues
·        Aligns goals and objectives with the school vision and mission
·        Communicates the school vision to the general public
·        Revisits and ensures that school activities are aligned with the school VNGO

1.B       Data-based Strategic
·        Establishes BEIS/SIS and baseline data of all performance indicators
·        Involves all internal and external stakeholders in developing SIP/AIP
·        Utilizes data, e.g BEIS/SIS, SBM assessment, TSNA and strategic planning in the development of SIP/AIP
Aligns the SIP/AIP w/ national, regional and local education policies and thrust
·        Communicates effectively SIP/AIP to internal and external stakeholders
1.C      Problem Solving
·        Resolves problems at school level
·        Assists teachers and students to understand problems and identify possible solutions
·        Analyzes cause/s of problems critically and objectively
·        Addresses the causes of the problem rather than the symptoms
·        Explores several approaches in handling problems
·        Demonstrate a proactive approach to problem solving
1.D.      Building High Performance
·        Involves stakeholder in meetings and deliberation for decision making
·        Sets high expectation and challenging goals
·        Provides opportunities for growth and development of members as team players
·        Defines roles and function of each committee
·        Monitors and evaluates accomplishment of different committees/teams
·        Gives feedback on the team’s performance-based assessment tool
·        Establishes a system for rewards and benefits for teachers and staff  
1.E        Coordinating others
·        Collaborates with concerned staff on the planning and implementation of programs and projects
·        Ensures proper allocation and utilization of resources (time, fiscal, human, IMS, etc..)
·        Provides feedback and updates to stakeholders on the status of progress  and completion of programs and projects
·        Mobilizes teachers/staff in sustaining a project
1.F.        Leading & Managing
·        Maintains an open, positive and encouraging attitude toward change
·        Assists teachers in identifying strengths and growth areas through monitoring and observation
·        Introduces innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes
·        Monitors and evaluates the implementation of change programs included in SIP/AIP
·        Observes and applies multi-tasking in giving assignments
·        Advocates and executes plans for changes including culture change in the workplace
·        Empowers teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes
2.A          Assessment for learning
·        Manages the processes and procedures in monitoring student achievement
·        Ensures utilization of a range of assessment processes to assess student performance
·        Assesses the effectiveness of curricular/co-curricular programs and/ or instructional strategies
·        Utilizes assessment results to improve learning
·        Creates and manages a school process to ensure student progress is conveyed to student and parents/guardians regularly
2.B        Developing programs/or     adapting Existing programs
·        Develops/adapts a research based school program
·        Assists in implementing an existing coherent and responsive school-wide curriculum
·        Addresses deficiencies and sustains successes of current programs in collaboration with teachers and learners
·        Develops a culture of functional literacy