
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SBM (Dimension 4)


Priority Improvement Areas
Suggested Intervention
A.     Provision of Access

1.      Hired competent, dedicated and hardworking teachers
ü  Seek eligible applicant teachers who are willing yet available
Learning Materials & Equipment

1.      Provide adequate textbook in Mathematics I – VI , Filipino I – VI and Character Education I – VI, MSEP IV – VI

2.      Provide audio – visual aid and other learning materials

ü  Request textbook in DepEd, Division Office
ü  Allocate fund for instructional/textbook materials
ü  Shared books to seatmate

ü  Purchase Instructional materials for teaching aids
Physical Facilities and Ancillary Services

1.      Improve classroom atmosphere
2.      Provide adequate School building and facilities.
ü  Repair of classroom
ü  Construction of preschool building
ü  Construction of 5 spans of concrete fence
ü  Construction of school gate

Area: Quality and Relevance of Basic Education

Priority Improvement Areas
Learners Performance
Suggested Intervention
1.      Increase MPS in National Achievement Test (NAT) in Grade VI

ü  Conduct review classes

2.      Increase the MPS in all subject areas in all grade level

ü  Administer pre-test in all subject areas by grade level
ü  Conduct review/Remedial classes
ü  Conduct post test

3.      Reduce the percentage of frustration level in reading

ü  Strict Implementation of “No Read No Pass”
ü  Conduct of Pre and Post reading in Phil-IRI
ü  Seek the parent assistance in reading difficulties of pupils
ü  Remedial reading/peer teaching
4.      Reduce the percentage of non-numerates
ü  Conduct of numeracy test in Grade I –III
ü  Proper implementation of REMIMLA
ü  SBTP for Mathematics

Staff Development

1.      Increase the number of teachers in ICT literate
ü  Peer teaching
ü  Invite resource speaker for ICT training for teacher
2.      Enhance teaching practices in reading
ü  Attend seminars and enrol in Graduate Studies
ü  School LAC Session

Area: School Management and Administration

Priority Improvement Areas
Stakeholders Participation
Suggested Intervention
1.      Increase parents participation in all school activities, programs and projects
ü  Give award of recognition to most Outstanding parent
ü  Motivation and encouragement
ü  Transparency Reports
2.      Increase number of parents attending school meetings
ü  Motivation and encouragement

Resource Mobilization

1.      Reduce pupils absenteeism
ü  Proper motivation to pupils and parents
ü  Conduct PTA meeting regularly
Environment and others

1.      Decrease below Normal in Nutrition Status
ü  Supplementary feeding by Grade Level
ü  School and parent agreement for feeding and their own cost through scheduling

Area: Performance Indicators

Priority Improvement Areas
Stakeholders Participation
Suggested Intervention
1.      Maintain 0% dropout, failure and retention rate
ü  Proper motivation and encouragement to parents and pupils support.
ü  Home visitation

School Profile of BES

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District
Baya Elementary School

School and Community


            Baya Elementary School is located in one of the progressing barangays of Ragay, Camarines Sur which is 4.5 kilometers away from the district office and 81 kilometers from the division office. The school has a total land area of five thousand square meters (5,000 sq.m). The lot was acquired through donation of the generous and open hearted person, the late Mr. Cristobal D. Aquino.

            The school was established in 1972 as a primary school with mrs. Onor J. Arenque as the first assigned teacher and school head as well from 1972 – 1975. In 1975 to 1978, Mrs Dolores Gonzales replaced Mrs. Onor J. Arenque because she was transferred to other school. In 1978, Mrs Gonzales was transferred to other school and Mr. Jose Rivero was the assigned as TIC with one (1) teacher from 1978 to 1987. Mr. Jose Rivero was retired that,s why Ms. Divina Jarabejo took his place as TIC with one (1) teacher from 1987 – 1990. In 1991 Ms. Divina Jarabejo was transferred to Ragay Central School and Ms. Helen B. Juarez replaced her as TIC and at the same time the Grade V and VI class adviser with two (2) other teachers

            Through the years, the school acquired visible physical structures and facilities that housed the nine (9) organized classes in the year 2001. From 2005 up to the present the school was headed by Ms. Helen B. Juarez – De Lima as Elementary School Head Teacher IIIwith ten (10) teachers and two (2) locally funded teachers, the kindergarten teachers. Teachers and School Head work hand and hand for the improvement of this school for the pupils and the community as a whole.

SBM (Guiding Principle)




            Helping together for school Improvement


            Creating smooth and good relationship among stakeholders.


            Using knowledge and experiences gained in the school for daily life


By 2013, Baya Elementary School is a learning institution with competent teachers and school head, supportive stakeholders that produces value oriented individuals.


To provide pupils equitable access to quality education through collaborative work and shared governance among stakeholders to achieve life long and service for the common good.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

School Base Management Program(Template 1)


Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District
Baya Elementary School

Template 1

            The Scoring Template:

Dimension 1
   School Leadership




Dimension 2
   Internal Stakeholders




Dimension 3
   External Stakeholders




Dimension 4
   School Improvement  Plan




Dimension 5
   School Resources




Dimension 6
   School Performance   Accountability      







        Scoring Formula:                                                                       
                              Level of SBM Practice =                        Total Score                    X 100  
                                                                               Divided by total number of items                                       

List of officer with the Roles and Responsibilities of School Governing Council

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Ragay District
Baya Elementary School


Chairperson:                       Marcy Quinones
Vice-Chairperson:              Luisito Almoro
Secretary:                            Lilyven Anico
Treasurer:                            Magilyn D. Fuertes
Auditor:                                Alison Jan Joble
Chief Ex. Officer:                Helen J. De Lima

1.    Chairperson
1.1 Acts as the presiding officer of the council
1.2 Chairs all meetings of the council.
1.3 Initiates and responds to all communications which are for the attention of the council
1.4 Signs for identification purposes any document referred for the council
1.5 Ascertains that in all meetings, a quorum is present
1.6 Presents any report for which the chairman is responsible
1.7 In consultation with the principal, prepares agenda for meetings
1.8 Is available to the wider school community for consultation and information sharing
1.9 Works with the principal regarding direction of the School Governing Council

2.    Vice – Chairperson
2.1 Be prepared at all meetings and acts as proxy at any function as required in the absence of the chair
2.2 Be aware of the duties of the Chair in the event of that person’s absence
2.3 Be prepared to assist the chair and when requested by the chair
2.4 Provides positive, candid input to the chair, on occasion when such advice is seen as necessary or appropriate
2.5 Assists in publishing the work of the Council

3.    Secretary
3.1 Assists with the writing of reports and correspondence when necessary
3.2 Files paper works into governing council files
3.3 Assists in publicizing the works of the School Governing Council
3.4 Assist in the preparation and circulation of Council agenda
3.5 Assist the chair in gathering any additional items for the council  agenda
3.6 Records and documents accurately minutes of all Council meetings
3.7 Provides all council members legible copies of the minutes at least seven (7) days prior to the next meeting
3.8 Sends and does follow up of notice of meeting to all members
3.9 Takes the attendance and apologies of the Council during meeting

4.    Treasurer
4.1 Takes charge of the fund receipts and disbursement of the governing Council
4.2 Keeps the money and the valuables of the Council on a book that the Council designates
4.3 Keeps and have charge of books of accounts
4.4 Prepares an audited report of all SGC funds and disbursements and meeting

5.    Auditor
5.1 Assists the treasurer in the processing of all financial transactions and records
5.2 Audit funds, receipts and disbursement for submission to the council
5.3 Assists the treasurer in keeping a clear record book of accounts

6.    Principal (Executive Officer)
6.1 Plans meeting, time and format
6.2 Arranges for information to be communicated to all Council members before and after meetings
6.3 Prepares Council meeting agenda in coordination with the chairman and secretary
6.4 Provides the council accurate and clear information necessary for decision making
6.5 Arranges report to be available to all councillors
6.6 Keeps the Council up-to-date with new initiatives that are occurring